Dna Replication: Origins of Replication: Prokaryotes: Single, Eukaryotes: Multiple

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Processes 1.

Initiating replication Origins of replication: Prokaryotes: single, Eukaryotes: multiple Replication bubble - Replication proceeds in both directions Replication fork - Where new strands of DNA elongate Helicase - Untwists and separates DNA strands Binding proteins - Stabilize strands 2. Priming Reason: DNA polymerase cant synthesize nucleotides from scratch Primer - Short stretch of RNA Primase - Makes primer DNA polymerase - Replaces RNA primers with DNA Antiparallel strands 3. Elongation DNA polymerase - Can only add nucleotides to the free 3 end DNA elongation: 5-3 direction Leading strand - Continuous synthesis; require only one primer Lagging strand synthesis - Discontinuous synthesis Okazaki fragments - 100-200 nucleotides long; each requires a primer Ligase - Joins Okazaki fragments


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