Geography Revision

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Geography revision

1. Soil survey Permeability Porosity-use soil containers with can accommodate 2kg of soil-drill holes at the base of containers-collect different soil sample by observing using random samplingcollect same amount of water-pour water in containers and check time needed to penetrate to base-conclude which type of soil depending with results Texture-look at a soil sample and observe and feel with your hands 2. Fluvial process in deserts Contribution of water-pediment(angulating slope due to flash floods)

3. Natural hazards 4. Question :discus the distribution of natural hazards across the world 5. With reference to any one hazardous event describe and explain its occurrence ,effects and how it can be predicted or prevented Floods Tornados Volcanoes: plate margins I. How to predict-history and amount of argon in the atmosphere Typhons Tropical cyclone Earthquakes depression

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