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Relay For Life is the American

Cancer Society’s signature activity.

It offers everyone in a community
August 22-23
an opportunity to participate in the East Haven High School
fight against cancer. Teams of
people camp out at a local high
school, park, or fairground and take
turns walking or running around a
track or path.

Show your support of Relay for Life
by advertising your business or service
in this important section.
• Format: Tabloid/Kraft Wrap
• Rates: Full Page $700 w/color $900 (10” w. x 12” ht.)
Publishing in the:
Half Page $400 w/color $550 (horiz.: 10” w. x 6”ht
or vert.: 4.9375” w. x 12” ht.)
Quarter Page $250 w/color $350 (4.9375” w. x 6” ht.)

Thursday, August 13th

Ad Deadline: Friday, August 7th To Advertise Call:
203-789-5289 or 800-925-2509 Fax: 203-789-5770

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