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Monday 14th October

MON 14th
From Revd Helen Wheeler, of Bishop Latimer United Church L.E.P: Now that we are permanently in our church premises please pray that our efforts will be even more closely focussed on our neighbourhood and schools through our many outreach projects, especially our Community Garden.

TUES 15th Teresa of Avila, teacher of the faith, 1582

Merciful God, who by your Spirit raised up your servant Teresa of Avila to reveal to your Church the way of perfection: grant that her teaching may awaken in us a longing for holiness, until we attain to the perfect union of love in Jesus Christ your Son our Lord. Amen.

WED 16th

Nicholas Ridley & Hugh Latimer, bishops, martyrs, 1555

From St Lukes, Kingstanding: Please pray for Fr. Barry Smart and the growing congregation at St. Lukes as they prepare to celebrate their Patronal Festival on 19th October. Help them as they seek to grow in the Spirit and continue to serve the community in Kingstanding.

THURS 17th Ignatius, bishop, martyr, c.107

From Revd Andrew Lennox-Conyngham, of St Lukes, Lee Bank: We ask for prayer for our spiritual and communal work the church is open virtually all day most days of the year. We ask especially for prayers for our Church and Community Worker and Centre Manager, Julia Wagstaff.

FRI 18th Luke the Evangelist

Almighty God, you called Luke the physician, whose praise is in the gospel, to be an evangelist and physician of the soul: by the grace of the Spirit and through the wholesome medicine of the gospel, give your Church the same love and power to heal; through Jesus Christ your Son our Lord, who is alive and reigns with you, in the unity of the Holy Spirit, one God, now and for ever. Amen.

SAT 19th

Henry Martyn, translator, missionary, 1812

Revd Nick Ball, chaplain to Birmingham Childrens Hospital, asks: Please pray for Margaret Robinson as she begins her ministry as an Honorary Chaplain and our new volunteers. Pray for the newly devised Paediatric Chaplaincy Module being taught for the first time. Pray for the hospital as it considers where its future location should be, The Emergency Department as it is extensively revamped and the ongoing fundraising for the Cancer Care Unit.

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