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Genre/Sub Genre

Definition of Genre A style or category of arts, film or in music or literature characterized by similarities in form, style or subject matter. Sub Genre Generally subgenre is within the particular genre e.g. within the horror genre, the subgenre could be a slasher-horror

Main elements of a thriller are Contains suspense Builds up tension throughout It stimulates the audiences moods by making them feel anticipated Thriller films tend to be adrenaline-rushing, gritty, rousing and fast-paced

Common subgenres are psychological thrillers, crime thrillers, erotic thrillers and mystery thrillers.
Alfred Hitchcock is an example of a director of thriller movie such as Rebecca

Main aspects of a Slasher horror film are Involving a mysterious psychopathic killer

Stalking and killing a sequence of victims

The choice of weapon is usually a knife, it can also be a gun or blunt object Scream is a perfect example of a Slasher film The typical conventions of a Slasher is, a masked murderer kills several victims, the killer does not always wear a mask, but usually the killer is not revealed until the end. There is often a twist at the end

Zombie-horror film is a sub-genre of Horror film. It portrays mindless human beings who are raised from the dead.

These films often include a Zombie invasion, and centre around Zombies feasting on humans.
The plot of a Zombie film then revolves around the struggle between the living, and the livingdead. Zombie films not only fall into the Horror genre, but can be Sci-Fi, Thriller, and Comedy as well. There is no typical conventional ending to a zombie film as some result in the survivors losing the battle and being eaten, whereas others the survivors beat the virus and live on, defeating the zombie threat.

Comedy-horror combines comedy with traditional horror movie themes and characters. The subject matter, Comedy-Horror films can cross over into the Black Comedy sub-genre.

Comedy-Horror films aim to scare the audience, but also provide comical outlets that let the audience laugh at their fear.
An example of a comedy horror film is Shaun of the dead This film does have scary/jumpy aspects too it yet overall has more of a comedy theme. The film also has some upsetting parts like where Shauns mother becomes infected. Comedy horror can include zombies but a lot do not, such as Beetlejuice.

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