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Quinn Kleckner

My Special Number: A Mathematical Multimedia Project

Description of Activity
For this project, students will describe a number of their choice in terms of its’ mathematical
characteristics and real-world relevance using vocabulary and number sense concepts studied in
Prime Time (Lappan, Fey, Fitzgerald, Friel, & Phillips, 2006), the first unit of the sixth grade
math curriculum. Using a variety of technology and multimedia web tools, students will
represent the information in an interesting, informative, and inviting way so that it can be shared
with other students and used as a learning tool to master the mathematical concepts it contains.

Suggested grade level

Intermediate, grade 6

Pennsylvania Subject Area Standards

• PA 2.1.5.E- Students will be able to explain the concepts of prime and
composite numbers.
• PA 2.1.5.G- Students will be able to develop and apply number theory
concepts (e.g., primes, factors, multiples, composites) to represent
numbers in various ways.
• PA 2.5.5.C- Students will be able to show ideas in a variety of ways,
including words, numbers, symbols, pictures, charts, graphs, tables,
diagrams and models.
• PA 1.6.8.C- Students will be able to speak using skills appropriate to formal
speech situations.
o Use complete sentences.
o Pronounce words correctly.

NETS Standards
1. Creativity and Innovation
Students demonstrate creative thinking, construct knowledge, and develop innovative
products and processes using technology. Students:
a. apply existing knowledge to generate new ideas, products, and processes
2. Communication and Collaboration
Students use digital media and environments to communicate and work collaboratively,
including at a distance, to support individual learning and contribute to the learning of
others. Students:
a. interact, collaborate, and publish with peers, experts, or others employing a
variety of digital environments and media.
b. communicate information and ideas effectively to multiple audiences using a
variety of media and formats.

Learning objectives
• Students will be able to understand and define factors, multiples, divisors, and products
and describe the relationships among them.
• Students will be able to understand and define prime and composite numbers, even and
odd numbers, and square numbers and recognize and use these properties to describe
• Students will be able to visualize and represent a factor pair as the dimensions of a
rectangle and identify square numbers with an understanding of why they can be
described using exponents.
• Students will be able to develop, apply, and describe strategies for finding factors and
multiples and the least common multiple and greatest common factors.
• Students will be able to use technology to communicate information and publish their
work so that it displays their mathematical understanding of the concepts in which it
• Students will be able to demonstrate their mathematical understanding through speaking
about their work displayed with technology.

Materials required
Per student:
Prime Time (Lappan, Fey, Fitzgerald, Friel, & Phillips, 2006) text
Student Task Sheet (project directions sheet) [StudentTaskSheet.doc]
Task #3 Special Number Question Sheet [Task3QuestionSheet.doc]
Task #4 Special Number Question Sheet [Task4QuestionSheet.doc]
Task #4 Digital Story Planning Sheet [Task4DigitalStoryPlanning.doc]
Flashcards Rubric [FlashcardsRubric.doc]
Glogster Rubric [GlogsterRubric.doc]
Wordle Rubric [WordleRubric.doc]
Digital Story Rubric [DigitalStoryRubric.doc]
computer or laptop
internet access
email account (school student accounts or personal student accounts)
flash drive *optional

Per class:
digital camera

Approximate number of class periods and length

This unit project is broken down into fifteen (15) 80 minute math periods. This can be shortened
if the planning day activities are primarily completed for homework and if no additional time is
considered for daily classroom duties and regular lesson instruction during the designated days.

Classroom management strategies:

This unit project is designed for the general math classroom with approximately 25 students and
one teacher. If available, a technology teacher/assistance or teacher’s assistant would be helpful
for any or all days. Before beginning this project, all students have been previously instructed on
how the use the three major Web 2.0 tools contained in the project (,, and and all students already have and maintain their
personal classroom wikipage contained on the district server.

Warm up
This project comes near the end of the Prime Time (Lappan, et al., 2006) unit, so students already
have an understanding of number sense and a familiarity with numbers in our world. To excite
students about the project, I would conduct a think-pair-share and ask students to brainstorm
about numbers and think of their favorite number between 10 and 100 or a number that is
significant to them. Then, I would have students come up with three math facts involving their
number and then share the facts with a partner so that they can guess each other’s numbers. Next,
I would explain to the class that they are about to begin a three-week informative project to
showcase the special number that they choose and that they will be using a variety of technology
tools to teach and explain their number. To get the class thinking about technology and numbers,
I would next show the following video-
and then summarize some of the qualities of the video that made it informative and interesting. I
would then conclude by stating that their projects will also be informative and interesting and
will be available to share with others when completed.

Activities/ Procedures
1. Begin by explaining the project and distributing the Student Task Sheet (project
directions sheet). [StudentTaskSheet.doc]
2. Distribute the following four rubrics: Flashcards Rubric [FlashcardsRubric.doc], Glogster
Rubric [GlogsterRubric.doc], Wordle Rubric [WordleRubric.doc], Digital Story Rubric
3. Follow the fifteen days of scheduled activities as explained on the Student Task Sheet.
The tasks that require computer and internet access should be completed in class but the
planning portions of the tasks can be modified to be completed at home.

Assessment strategies
Students will be assessed on Tasks #1-4 using the following rubrics. Point values (as described
on each rubric) from each assignment will be totaled for a final project score out of a possible 84

Flashcards Rubric [FlashcardsRubric.doc]

Glogster Rubric [GlogsterRubric.doc]
Wordle Rubric [WordleRubric.doc]
Digital Story Rubric [DigitalStoryRubric.doc]

Related Web Sites for ‘Factoring and Prime Numbers’
video clip

Back-up plan: (if the technology fails!)

• For Task #1, students can create traditional flashcards. If there is a problem with the
given website, students can try or
• For Task #2, students can create a traditional poster or collage using printed images
and/or magazine clippings.
• For Task #3, students can create a crossword puzzle or word search using the words that
describe their special number.
• For Task #4, students can create a traditional book of their choice using the same
structure displayed on the planning outline. Students can visit for book making ideas
and designs. Or, students can create a comic strip that follows the planning outline

Branching out
Enrichment ideas:
• Include the creation of a Voki ( to provide an explanation or introduction
to the Glogster or Wordle assignment.
• Require an additional number of video and/or sound files for the Glogster assignment to
further enhance the project.
• Have students blog about their work and the work of others or have students answer
journal questions reflecting on each part of the project at the conclusion of each task.

Support options:
• Choose special numbers for certain students so that the factors and multiples will be
easier numbers to work with
• Choose numbers to compare to student-selected special numbers so that the comparison
numbers are easier to work with
• Allow students to use the text-to-speech feature for the Digital Story to alleviate speech
• Pair students with the same number to check over the Special Number Question sheets
and to split up the work for Task #4- Digital Story.
• Provide extended time for students who need more time using the technology or for those
who need additional time to complete the Special Number Question sheets due to slower
processing abilities.
• Allow students to complete the Wordle activity as an optional task for extra credit.

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