LP Grammar There Is There Are

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OBJECTIVES/TARGETS Giving directions, identifying position of objects and location GRAMMAR Structures : Ther is/isn't There are/aren't Is there ,. . . .? Are there.. . ?

MATERIALS book, workbook, cassette, flashcards, cd player, computer, overhead projector, pictures, STAGE TIMING ACTIVITY 1 5.min Introduction Ex.4 PROCEDURE I pin up relevant flashcards one at a time and present the structure orally.Pupils repeat chorally. I write the structures on the board underlining the grammatical structur and ask students to pay attention I elaborate on the given gammar and invite students to give more examples as I ask questions. Students write down the forms and are asked to make a table of the given structure wich is to be display in their rooms and one for the classroom. Students now individually do a writing activity with the grammatical structure and the vocabulary covered in the previous lesson. Then I check the exercise by writing the sentences on the board. Students individually do another writing activity with the grammatical structure and the vocabulary covered in the previous lesson. Then I check the exercise by writing the sentences on the board. I play the cassette. Students listen and repeat chorally and individually. In pairs they practise the structure.. I walk around the classroom while pupils do the task providing any necessary help. Pupils report back to the class. I give relevant exercises from the workbook

10 min


10 min

Exercise 5

10 min

Exercise 6

4 min

Exercise 7

1 min


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