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Properties of materials Allow light to pass through (Sifat-sifat bahan Membenarkan cahaya menembusinya)

Materials can be classified according to the amount of light that can pass through them. Bahan-bahan boleh dikelaskan mengikut jumlah cahaya yang menembusinya.

Types of materials (Jenis bahan)

Transparent (Lut sinar)

Translucent (Lut cahaya)

Opaque (Legap)

- Materials that allow light to pass through them. - Bahan yang

membenarkan cahaya menebusinya.

- Materials that allow some light to pass through. - Bahan yang

- Materials that do not allow any light to pass through. - Bahan yang tidak
membenarkan cahaya menembusinya.

-Object placed behind these materials can be seen clearly. - Objek yang terletak di - ex. materials: glass & plastics

membenarkan sedikit cahaya menembusinya.

- transmit blurred images - menghasilkan imej yang


belakang bahan ini dapat dilihat dengan jelas

- cannot see the objects that are placed behind them. - tidak dapat melihat
objek yang terletak di belakang bahan ini.

- Cth. bahan: kaca & plastik

-ex. objects: tracing paper, filter paper, frosted glass, tissue paper - cth objek: kertas surih,
kertas turas, kaca berkabut dan kertas tisu

- ex. objects: spectacles, glass windows and aquariums - cth. objek: cermin mata,
cermin tingkap, akuarium

- ex.materials: wood, metal, rubber - cth bahan: kayu,

logam, getah

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