Section B: Read The Case and Answer The Question(s) Written Below The Case.

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Mid Term: 1 4, 2013 Duration: 1 hour

University of Dhaka Department of Management Studies Course Code: EM 501 Course Title: Introduction to Business Date: February Total Marks: 15

Section A: Answer ANY 5 (five) of the following questions. (2 X 5 = 10)

1. Give an example of Government intervention in business practices. 2. Is there any difference between business profit and economic profit? Explain your answer. 3. What is the main difference between free-market economy and socialism? 4. Why is the sole proprietorship the most popular form of business ownership? 5. What are the rights of consumers that should be protected by business organizations? 6. Define business ethics and whistle blower. 7. How does a country use import tariffs to restrict international business? 8. Can female and male managers apply each of the managerial skills discussed in the class with equal effectiveness? Section B: Read the case and answer the question(s) written below the case. (5) But weve had a partnership all these years. We built the business from nothing. It was a labor of love. Al would produce, sell and pack the shipping cartons. I handled the rest typed invoices, answered the phone, did odds and ends just everything. We grew the business over the years. Eventually we hired some employees, built a small combination office-warehouse, and made it our full-time business. Our kids worked in the summer to help us out. It was a real family business. After all those years and hard work the company did well. We had one hundred employees and a regional reputation. Now you are telling me that John Briggs and Company no longer exists? That: The death of my husband had ended the business. The business was legally a sole proprietorship and not a partnership. My husband did not designate in his will that the assets of the business were to be left to me. Im not identified anywhere bank statements or company documents. Even though John never made a decision without consulting me, I was never a partner because everything was in his name.

I just cant believe we did this to ourselves. Question: (a) What does this case tell you about partnership? (b) What specific point is made about a sole proprietorship as a form of business? (c) What alternatives are available to prevent this type of situation from recurring?

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