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MC 3510

Political Communication Research Ad Storyboard


David Vitter


Courageous Candidate

Concept: This ad will showcase Vitter as a fighter against an organized, Democratic agenda with Obamacare. There will be a courageous theme with music following this theme, along with images of bullying by Democrats. It will promote Vitters image as an outspoken, candid reformer against unfair, political agendas by Washington.

Shot 1: (Still image, pan) Washington, D.C. Text/Graphics/Music/Voiceover: Politicians walk up these steps with political schemes and agendas every day. Music is building up to omnious, but not dark yet.

Shot 2: Still Image, pan. Text/Graphics/Music/Voiceover: David Vitter is not one of them. Vitter seems confident on a clear, beautiful day. Bright, bright colors. Music is building up to omnious, but not dark.

Shot 3: Still image, pan. Text/Graphics/Music/Voiceover: Vitter has taken an aggressive stance against Senate Democrats, including Majority Leader Harry Reid. Bright colors, photo may need editing. Music is building up to omnious, but not dark yet.

Shot 4: Pan image. Text/Graphics/Music/Voiceover: Reid has demonstrated poor leadership following an obviously Democratic agenda, and Vitter has not stayed quiet about his disappointments. Dark overtones. Omnious Music.

MC 3510
Political Communication Research Ad Storyboard


David Vitter


Courageous Candidate

Concept: This ad will showcase Vitter as a fighter against an organized, Democratic agenda with Obamacare. There will be a courageous theme with music following this theme, along with images of bullying by Democrats. It will promote Vitters image as an outspoken, candid reformer against unfair, political agendas by Washington.

Shot 5: Still image, headline. Text/Graphics/Music/Voiceover: Vitter will not stand for schemes or agendas from anyone in the Democratic party. Courageous music. Text: Vitter Files Expanded Ehtics Complaint Against Reid, Boxer

Shot 6: Video, static. Vitter demanding apology. Text/Graphics/Music/Voiceover: Play clip at 1:51. Courageous music in background. Dramatic pause to music when he asks for apology.

Shot 7: Still Image, Pan. Text/Graphics/Music/Voiceover: Vitter, an open opponent to Obamacare, declares an end to the Democratic political agenda in the Affordable Care Act.

Shot 8: Still Image. Static. Text/Graphics/Music/Voiceover: Voiceover: Vitter told Democrats that if they are going to force Obamacare on the rest of America, they need to live by its provisions, too. - Vitter stands by his values as an American citizen. Courageous music in the background.

MC 3510
Political Communication Research Ad Storyboard


David Vitter


Courageous Candidate

Concept: This ad will showcase Vitter as a fighter against an organized, Democratic agenda with Obamacare. There will be a courageous theme with music following this theme, along with images of bullying by Democrats. It will promote Vitters image as an outspoken, candid reformer against unfair, political agendas by Washington.

Shot 9: 45 Groups, still image. Make dramatic. Text/Graphics/Music/Voiceover: Voiceover: 45 Groups signed Vitters amendment, including Americans for Tax Reform and Independent Womens Voice. Headline from

Shot 10: Still Image: Courage. Text/Graphics/Music/Voiceover: David Vitter. No agenda. No scheme. Just values and simple, candid courage against Democrats. Black background, white text. Democrats possibly in blue, bold. Im David Vitter and I approve this message.

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