College Magazine Evaluation 4

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What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?

Adobe InDesign
One of the main programs I have learnt about is Adobe InDesign CS6 before starting this project I didnt even know the program existed. From this I learnt the basics such as how to insert columns and gutters (the create a document menu has options for this), how to draw text boxes and image boxes (the toolbar on the right hand side has a T for the text box icon and small box with a cross through the middle for the image box icon) and how to copy something into the program (click on an image box and then file place select the image and it should open into the box). I used this program almost entirely create my contents page.

Adobe Photoshop
Another program I used frequently was Adobe Photoshop CS6 though I had some previous experience from GCSE Media, I learned more sophisticated techniques of editing and create media products. For example, I used the website DaFont for most of my fonts however, as I couldnt install the fonts onto the computer I had the take a screen shot of the font I wanted and copy it into Photoshop I then used the magic wand tool to delete the white background so I could use it against my coloured background. I used the same tool to edit out the background of my main cover image, and for the harder, more detailed parts I had to use the Lasso tool, also on the left hand side tool bar. Using the product again allowed me to reuse and build upon the skills I had begun to develop at GCSE level.

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