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Online Physics Brawl

December 6, 2012

Problem FoL.3 . . . blue rock

3 points

Center of mass of a mountaineer climbing on a rock is h = 24 m above ground. The last belay (place where the climbers rope runs through a metallic circle attached to the rock) is at a height h0 = 20 m. The climber slips and falls. How closest to the ground does he get during his fall? Youngs modulus of the rope is E = 100 MPa, its radius r = 0.5 cm and mass of the climber m = 70 kg. Neglect mass of the rope and all friction. Assume that the rope is attached to the climber in his center of mass. All distances are given with respect to a securing device which is attached to the ground and does not move during the fall. The local gravitational acceleration is g = 9.81 ms2 . We expect result with 2 signicant digits.

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