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City University

Department of Textile Engineering Mid-term Exam, Spring 2006 Course: CHE 122 Full Marks: 25 Time Allowed: 1.5 hrs [Answer question 1 and two of the rest. Marks are indicated in the margin] Marks 1. 4+2+1.5+1.5=9 a. How are and bonds formed? What are the differences between them? b. How will you explain the tetra-valency of carbon? c. Draw the orbital picture of CH3CH=CH2. d. CH3CH2OH is soluble in water but CH3OCH3 is not- explain why? 2. 2.5+4+1.5=8 a. What is isomerism? Give the possible functional group isomers of C2H6O. b. Which of the following compounds exhibits geometrical isomerism and which one optical isomerism? Show the isomers for 2-butene and 2-bromobutane. c. Draw the structure of a compound which contains 1o, 2o and 3o carbon. 3. a. Discuss the mechanism of chlorination of methane. b. What is pyrolysis and cracking? c. What are alkenes? Why they are insoluble in water? 5+1.5+1.5=8

4. 2+2.5+2+1.5=8 a. What is Markovnikovs rule? Give a reaction which follows this rule. b. Why is acetylene acidic? c. What is polymerization reaction? Give an example of such reaction. d. Complete the reaction between CH3CH=CH2 and HBr in presence of peroxide. 5. 2+3+3=8 a. Illustrate SN1 and SN2. b. Give the mechanism for the reaction of aqueous sodium hydroxide with methyl bromide. c. Give the reactions for the preparation of 1o, 2o and 3o alcohols.

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