The Ultimate Pop Rock Fake Book F-L (Ebook)

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FAITH epee elecr meneame tse ots an si by ace co Seon Rel Deh, ha beat ts, Ble SS = eS = Er t SSS SS Well 1 ge hee 1 ll tach ear tod Ys Toe ew Se ae wy, Istramental F é Se Sat = = 1 know not ey - try bod oy has gota body on, Say please, please, please don't goa way, You Say Pm giv ing et k—- SS er ee ee ce el a Te eee : SSS 555655555555 on but 1 need sometime off from that tion, lover bey ele ng ios tr har - fore this iv er be - comes ano cean, be . f = —__,— . a= Bare S54 cmt ek ey Map Ok, when that = Si ee Se a Sete . com lm bat $ dee ee i ep a ieee clues Swen me i. we; WR a A ina ey fe ee TS GE Bt Oe oe a Toei Ne ; SSS] SS SS = a Mee te ei asl ane ee er at for sone > thg mor Sort fact hme Fath] ~—————_ / — _ -_ se =. F SS ors a, cecich 1 Te ay SSS SS ere 1 gotta have Faith, Faith, Faith, abt copa Ba — Faith, Faith, Faith, a wait forsome — thing more... SSS SSS Yeause 1 gor ta have Faith, Mm got ta have Faith, =e Se ¢ t= | ecause I got-ta have Faith, Faith, Faith, 1 got-ta have Faith, Faith, Faith, aht 198 EVERYTHING SHE WANTS ceo ty Marc ay Ma Words and Muse by SRS ee i cn GEORGE MICHAEL Medium Rook on -E_ NG ace oD _Ani_NC ma E ——— Se Se Ah ah ah xe Dims > ae = = S= Se some - boa am An ca —S- Ne es = 55 Ey ny-hing Se Wants evrything ae ses 1 gues Tmt have loved you, becca 1 an mtd foe t oo. 7S SSS SSS SS SS soll you ere de pee = fost ifr mm, Baby, Andnow ates dxmone old — a on aa An ec p 6 SS SS SS rth yu want and ey etlng you ne le out of rech, not good enone 1 am Amv Ge FA oS ont know what he bel you want from me. Oh uh uh buh uh oh huh — ah oh st a & Sa ioe ——= === ae aa ea (Ae a Oh oh oh oh oh oh uh bun Am Am BT Em 5 . ip SSS SSS S| SS Ses Sj wh huh dow doo doo ta a Somebody tell me, am tm pet + eS SS », why 1 work —— so hard for you, on. To Coda Baus rE Em Amt bo Eas — Some peo- ple work for a liv TT Esus = a = See eee PSS so Sr Saar GSS ee IF 2 z es + ee = — fee aaa Dal Coda E _AmiD Em #5 beck will break. If my best__ is- n't good enough, then how can It be good e-noughfor twe?____ ‘Oh oh oh_ — _ _ 137 Ne. papper Why do 1 do the things 1 CODA Bsus Am? o 2 ao? FLY LIKE AN EAGLE yi ty sath Words and Music by EE PUN Seiki armas by SMG Songs STEVE MILLER Moderately, in2 nt Play ines et = SS] = Tp ty tip, —Doat— oot dow doo. Bam7 en oe ee E _— pies Ga sae SESS = ay ue wes | om fy Le An Ee DA RA ial a SSeS ro Sarees ate or me om tee. ano pA _ SS eq ale coed i. = a don't have enough — to eat, HA DIA shoes on their feet. ——— liv = in? inthe street. Shoe the chil = dren vith no House the peo - ple > ~> = = =r st | ther’s a0 = tion, TF 7 DS. and Fade = ——— = doo bot. Doo dot - moo doot. 188 Conn © 1985 SonyATY Song LC, Rye Sonos, Stone am Pubieing ‘A igh on Behl Sony/ATV Songs LG and Aye Gangs Admired by ‘Soyat tele Pleg, 3 Muse Square Wed. Nashoba, TH S720 FANTASY Lyrics by MARIAH CAREY, TINA WEYMOUTH and CHRIS FRANTZ Music by MARIAH CAREY, DAVE HALL, TINA WEYMOUTH, CHRIS FRANTZ, ADRIAN BELEW and STEPHEN STANLEY ‘Pgs on bei of Meares Mase, ne amo Oy ‘Paheam neon mien in “Moderate dance tempo Soudu dv dso ou adm Shad du duct dat du 6 pS SS ee = Shy du du dk sade Shad de du a daa Shad du dd a a G Em & fn = z SS SSS Sim du do du dk dv dh Sim du da do dt de a 6 : SSS = 4 (aking sect and Woking fae Wind =n hee te cep te melden YTS a yee mle < tn @ — PS) ABH ea Pm 50m to yom ali, ME yom on - ly kw all the things hat fw trough my Ket my eariboue tee? when go ke Reo ee te a td a en Py 6 pts == = = a oz Ce =e es jar t Bat fs font eve, owt Fun-ta-ay, to - by; whan 1 dommy es you comecand bs ba 6 wi 6 FP Seer me Onan om and) Is Hoey I my dy dreams, bat 14 fst ae, eet Panta, b= tn = aan OA tan au Sheu do du dea a 6 SS SSS SS Suda do do ot du oe Suu du du dit ae a a 3 SS ff =F SS oll 3 — Se Bie 2 rs nde Reece: te tls ben Dice ed, 5 at es = SS Ze eet eel onan erie b myiier « Gems bl Bide: «een! gen Foceaes ee = = _ in heavy = en Em sy laughing boy - friend. — Em _— aS Tighe Roe wale vares Manag rat aa way = SoS tf pe Do teidew waa me geet by (eel ed on 7 2 Acie : $e fom) T's so deep im my day — dreams, but it’s just a sweet, sweet Fan ta - sy, FOOTLOOSE ‘Theme from the Paramount Motion Picture FOOTLOOSE ‘Copy ©1984 byFemeus Muse Capoten ans Ensign Msc Comportion Fast Rock and Roll ‘ ba Words by DEAN PITCHFORD and KENNY LOGGINS Music by KENNY LOGGINS, ) 42 —— - = os ofp f= pS Se ees 1 been work in lied Ym punch in" 2,3 ee edna ty DAA = == for what? O% tll me what 1 ot 4 _ s—== ——- tp that time's just hold ~ in? 2 Didim BT . + or else TM tear up this To-night T gotta cut DAA é ‘i 4 oe =] SS ee fa baer |e =| dig) ink. oe, te Ee ee i as 5 i eS SS SS Sa Ratentea rahe sa et sl oat oe ee, . om o > ih fs is - STEEL tf SSS i. som cpt, oil bal lee oe Aadivional Lyrics 2 You're playin’ so coo! 3. Loose, Footloose Obeying every rule Dig way down in your heart Ae willif you don't even try; ‘You can fy if you'd only cut. Chorus EEE oe — — — — -— —— 140 FAST CAR mcm ary sc no. a runpac ge ua Words and Musi by ings icons Se ectin De km ws nC ee wi Wee Moderately Dra Aste) Fin__ bee) msi? Alnoaa) . a ee eS You got a Fut T waste Aaa tiea-7-sbere maybe we she Ye gt re 1 Qeapee” te gde cclatbore Beunmeking o taeeen FHm___ vost) Dra? Ait) May-be together we canget some - where. An-ycplace is bet ter. — Starting from ze-ro, got nothing to lose, Man-aged to save — just litile bit of money. Won't haveto drive too far, just 'erass the bor-derand in - to the at-y. Dm? Atpoded Elada) Dmaj? (nord) Orr SS faq deen = Maybe we'll make some-thing. Me my. self ve got noth. ing to prove. You” and 1 can both get jobs and fi n'lly see what it means to be liy- ing. — fm Haws) ‘lem SE Dmg? Alo) Elad) maj? Aino3rd) ee SS ee eS. my old man's got a pro-blem. He live with the bottle, that’s the way itis. Hesays his body's too old. for work-ing. al Pamela mai? Aire in iad) U = Ss= Ajete ee SSS) eee ne oy a et am Se eiet oven ioe el pao po odd) Fim bia) Dsl? Ao (oot SS ee = somebody's got toiake care ofhim. So 1 quits and at's what 1 ai Fim Blass) msi? Aina) Fem lad) Dai? Aino oer SSS SSS Sa You gota Fut Gr Ft ‘Efadd4) Dmaj? A(no3rd) Fm Bladds) oe Fine TE fat es neeghne wecou Cy a-wayi. We pitas = de-cisien, | ieee We-night er Breamdle is wap, 8 ma? Aoi) Fim lad Daal? Ata SS SS eee 1 remember when we were 141 SS SST AGT riv-ing, driv-ing in your ear, speed so fast _T fel _ 1 was drunk, cit-y lights lay out be-fore. us and your et _ > Fim SSS SS SS ee SI seas ep i wy aA a He SF SS pe ae hada feel-ing 1 could be some-one, ‘be some-one, ‘be some-one, * ToCoda afin_sawio oar _nimv_ sins ee ee (SSS = SS Fast Car Fradds) Dani? A(no3nd) SSS SS SS SS SS We go crus - lng, en-er-tain our - selves You still ain't gut and 1 1 got a job that pays all our bil You Say “out drink-ing late at the bar, see Ered) Daj? looted == f == = = + work in the marciet ara checkoul gil T know things wil get bet ter Imore of your "friends than you do of your Va “at'wayshoped "for better, thought Fim Fuad) Atposed) =e t You'll find work and 1 got_pro- mot - ed well move out_— of the shel ~ ter, ‘may - be to-geth-or you andme'd! find it, I got mo plans ain't going no - where 0 P z ar Fass) Fem Bead) Coda q SSF ES ——= = buy a big house and live inthe sub-urbs, take your Fast Car and keep on driv — ing, — copa O Dmai? Anode) Fim Bia) Daj? Aivos You got a Fast_ Car, 1s it fast ¢-nough so you could ya You got-tamake a de-ci-si Play 3 times Byada Dmaj? ——_Atnodra) Fam Bada) Daj? 26 SS SS aa —_— ——___—— 142 FLASHDANCE...WHAT A FEELING from the Paramount Picture FLASHDANCE Copan 198 by Chappe & Co, Be Muse, ne Lyrics by KEITH FORSEY ha Yarous soe Caporaton ‘and IRENE CARA ATFs Aono by Chapel & Co, Music by GIORGIO MORODER, em Gm Bb SSS SS bo oe eo Tira! == — aves mu = Se, close my eyes, feel the ry — thm, mu | sey close my ees, Tam thy > thm. == ae = What A Feet ing. hold of my takes hold of my roe Pir re and make it hap pen. Now I'm dane = To Coda @ rz be Gh Ab Gb Ab FP - we be liev i Pictures come alive, you ea dance am 2 2 ern os : ee ee [SS SSS SS SS zl FOR YOUR PRECIOUS LOVE arn Sack wid NHHUR roc, RICHARD BROOKS and JERRY BUTLER Seas means more (me Than an love could ev - er Your precious love= bm am? = = For when 1 1 spo tne sy and vo ta, sn cm) Am ant ee = SS SS £ for tha's—whatove wil da And darting Um — so spr oh when stra led that on boo € mj? Am wt SoS ee a oaae Proc cewelind cr iu me Amine © gga tI ue et att ro 4D am am? pea orien te them ey don't For as long as you're in love with me, our love will grow amid; _ G? maj? Am Am? a =a Se : br wider, deep- er thanan-y sea, And of ll the things — that 1 want, inthis whole wide word is F ou c Dm c cui? Am Amt epee Ee —— J gS =| Justfor you to. say that you'lbe my gir. Want - ing you, Tm tone-ty and blue, au é wp A Bm A Bm G in? DH GA DDD SSS a = = ee prt oA 8D, wet ae = 2 = a po eG re Baer ae le 6 oa > A ee 7 Se ee oF ee ee ee ee Td 2a km er ee a é as act eS i = (Why are you down?) 6 ia, STS SS — to take your place? _ (1 hearhe’s af- ter your heart). Ha aa” lave you been hear-in’ the stor a oA fi Pa _ _ Se SSS aS RGQikn GEE) aylarcaans 1 go wim EO Bm/Gt Eo Em7 DFE A = Ss =. = —— aS ge a a = =a =e ain't’ no one gon-na tear us a - part. He can promise the moon_ and the stars a - bove, $% CHORUS mi en A i a ores SS = fo son Fhe prom ed me thew Ya eamem te Pm Fs Yur & wo 5 4s, i (SSS se meats neo Titian coe [ei cease i alle sTrmmaias eps and Em7 DIFY G GIA||Em7 — DiFE G GIA |Em7 DIPS G GfA||EmT DiFe G GIA BmvA that's the a Rt S54 F Se ino me eam iy a 6 oa 2. Honey, listen to me, i all T need, ‘That money ean buy. Sota boy were to come along ‘And try to make meTeave you, (Girt, 4 go out of my mind,) "There'd be no reason fo worry, 1’ tellin’ you why. ld know that I don’t need nothin’ Additional Lyris Exira iyrice at DSS. Gi, you know Love yo And Iewelive Ube lovin® you stil, (need to hear that you really love me.) Baby, don't you know that I love you. ‘And I'd never put nobody above you. ‘He could promise the moon and the stars above, Even if he promised me the world. To Chorus FREE BIRD e Cepyrig 1973, 1975 by OUCHESS musio CORPORATION ane ‘VANDGHEPT PACIFIC ENTERTANMENT CO, dtla LONGITUDE MUSIC.CO DUCHESS MUSIC CORPORATION san MCA company ven if he promised ane pears 6 Gn psp eon whem Words and Music by ALLEN COLLINS ‘and RONNIE VAN ZANT ‘and this bird you ean-not Moderately E bn = 2 11 eave Tere “to - mor - row, ‘would you sill re mem-ber me? Bye bye baby W's beemaswect love though this feeling teat change. ti F D Ee ttre 4 —== teed iE t For 1 must betraying on now ‘cause there’ toomany plac - es I'vegot to. see, But please don’t take s0” ad ly ‘cause the Lard knows Tm to blame. | Bn F c D = — = cael tee wkh yom, wi, things just could at be the same, En b= — ‘Cause I fea ard ‘change. Lord knows 1 can't St oP oe Poa change Lord elpane, Lean" change ae eee al 1 iL FRIENDS & LOVERS (Both to Each Other) Pte sae ae rd an st by Pat GORDON seeerarisen ay Smee snot at ca At Fa 6 a ay SaaS Se et What would you say if 1 told you Tve al. ways want. ed to hold __ MT de Seek eS ee ee SS Se ee Be CE F é SS a ee eee ee vs nl nt we don't have to he To Coda @ Sass we could he both to © Am BIGH Aaa Ent am es you and you've been through me, some. times 87 Em Am BG AWG DIF 2S ee hard. est see, We al - ways know ow E SS es eas cas yt ind GIMME SOME LOVIN’ ony 1057 oad Mati dF. Ma i Words and Music by SPENCER DAVIS, ‘Sopra Renewed. ‘ani ‘AiR or and Music Lt th U.S: rd Canc Arise by Songs O! PolyGram neato, In MUEEVIRY(OBE eng ETEVE WINWOOD: ‘At Pgh fr P'S Mode Ls. no U.S. ard Grads Aamsoed by Nama Temenane Pts Gop Moderately bright fs Well, my tem-p'a-ture’s feet_ on the flor. fel thing IS sound ing” hot. fel 2 a2 ae E NE E AE = = fj — — oF = = —— === — i = < $ vant jing some more Let me in, 1 don't know what you've got Bin yor place is on “Tres Been nara and “don't Knos what to do. cae en os bed ck! val Gee gmt Rew ie E E SSS a ee oe Wako lea, orci endl tap pees te ge Gmcms ‘Teck boncey Br ng bel you = ya == =a a = wae Gimme Some Lov ia’, GIVE ME JUST A LITTLE MORE TIME cep goa espa ends anise by EOYTHE WAYNE SeaceesaScberme ‘an hORLD BONAR Stes et Sur ea r = eeoheerort Of Serr m= Gie— Medes A Lite More. Time aour tne minty) grow te cos Ai ts F c 6 See pp pe tg Mednt Aide More Tine andor lve ety ron — nie ‘Soa’ and Bees oa a on the re ee — a £ = = wate am - Lats ink ot cach oth er and fore i's former tee he mse a ois gee oo, gy BK ~ Pp gp pe = ‘Young and im - pa - tient we may be. ‘There’sno need __ a re tek Ment ie ore in “Se te Sie We be -itinvencch “Ghar wana vat the eligi he 5 c en es = ert apt SS ore 4 we tm gur ars wont forga tk Yoar,_ fom ow wellae - y teget Gi pa Be Tae SE ete Seer eh aguas eset wan “Sala ee"BEntaee Ge Meee Ee ae ato as akc Ree Wt ars ee . en Repeat an ae (aes eteet Sete poof ste fied Wout” Jud Ghe— MeJul A Lite More _ Time Siewin werd oon ae — EE & a ee 5 148 GEORGY GIRL Sporn 0sby eer se Words by JIM DALE Sea Ra rapa. Music by TOM SPRINGFIELD Moderately Eb are oe Why do all the boys just pass yoy? ia, there! — a Dreaming of the some - one you could be, Bb Gm Ab bb Bbisus = Bb7 BBD. cm Could be you just don't ot is the clothes you wear? ieee a) twee Gye awe mn nope Gm a a ge = I = — SS 5 = SS eigen See ce ae eae ke sande ae ~ mud | Wea. eg. fe yee — oe c E 8 Bie ip wo = —— ary t= fel aed en jump - ing. down from the ‘shelf 7 Ga Geor i a ears gf tome de Big ok an ihe ego a cn cn? Fbmiy Ab i SE : Se F — - wie change there. be The world would ser i Repeat and Fade Bh A Gm Bio Gm ab an Se ———_— = = == we cere | chu in. A ae cea GO AWAY, LITTLE GIRL 1862 Penne 190) ALDON MUSIC, me ‘a Rohe Cond aru Amel SCREEN GEMS EM MUSICING Moderately slow Words and Music by GERRY GOFFIN: ‘and CAROLE KING c bg = eh ok = SS Go A. way, Little Gin ant br - = a ere Kili, (ne Semen. a 149 HST Ly else and 1 must be : —4 ote ee a a f — ther sit ae 13 aS a Dias bp or fe 6 Be a ke es oe a. GOIN’ OUT OF MY HEAD eo 194 Song Ot Paya onan Words and Music by TEDDY RANDAZZO_ ‘Copy Renewed ‘and BOBBY WEINSTEIN Moderatly slow Rock cong, ss fe pe Wel, think Pm Go yes 1 Think I'm Go- in’ Out Of My think Tm Go ‘eause 1 can't eX- plain the tears that 1 emai? CS Fimaj? Fmt wat) ye io want, 1 need you 50 had iy, can'eshink ofan - y- thing but Tee Jon each mm - ing sb you Jost walk past mis you done - ven Knew that “Tex Cina? = And 1 iGo Out OF My Head vee F Cmts mt Cosi? nai < SSE ——= == poe fo : = ef you out of my head over you Out of my head ay and ight F Cai? F Cai? F cman , . D r= "= + ft 99» * ft Se SSS = a f Hot SSS SS night and day and night wrong — or right. To must think of a ————__. Fm6 se Ebdim —— oa - Fédim = ————— - = & =e pore = f == ci a es ar her's no reason why my be~ ing shy should keep usa - cn Coa? Repeat and Fade é passa SSSi part, And think I'm Go - in’ Out Of My Head. — Ye, 1 i 150 GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN Copyright 1979 SenyiaTy Tunes tc Words and Musie by Ais Aare by Se ATV Musi using, ROBERT HAZARD "othe Square West Neha, TH 37203, Bright Rock beat c en hs sae 5ST TS ¢t = ay r == = 1 come ome ta the morning ght. My mth = ar ym "Mnen yon gmn- mn The font gt mal ited the nig My cer gel) “What — Son Son © an Sm "boy a ee SSS ea Oh, Moth-er dear were wt The for tu ame omen Ana Gh ‘Daddy Geeta You knew you've sl mum ee one tot Toot bea We one atk te” sae om i en > c en > 6 f = mye ple pe Fe airs, they want to have fu un. ‘On, Girls Just Want To Have ‘That'sall they real ly want: Em D © 6 ‘ — eee = ¢r SS ee ea When the work ~ ing day dome, oh, pil theywamt fo have fu Deal Cala mo 6 Eat Tocuia ee ee SSE 3S SS SS SS eS] Girls Ju Want To Haye — Fon, cova oe © En ci = SS =e St Repeat and Pate mc apere Just wanna. Girts, GIVE ME ONE REASON (© 1996 EM APRL MUSIC INC. and PURPLE RABAT MUSIC [Avge Contd ana Admantee by EM APRIL MUSIC NC. = _ = 1581 Words and Music by SSS = = Give Me One Rea-son to stay here g Give Me One Rea-somto. stay here : aaa fand PM turn right back a and 11 turn right Back = pound, sai 1 2 6 SS SS SS SS dant wan eave you - one Ix; — you pot tomake me change my —— mind. S c D = = = CHS ra WITT TTT Be-by, 1 got your umber Oh, and 1. know that you got mine. et aaa) ee eee TMj. akiuke Sst oe 1 done jimh - fl benrcan fave Yer. "a ghe youwnatyon ned 1 Sais Warby jst Ge Me Ove Rea sn Weivteme: el ec rates < D c SSS = v eS a vee ce you know that 1 called you. 1. ced ico mamey ms wit “me” ce thoquecse es — They miphtiake ‘away my Bf Yen a arin you, — oo, and. gre yon wil. you ond wun Juste Me Ome Mea Son! Ghee ‘me Junk mnereeon= wig sheild saat D ‘To Coda 4 2 a} = call me, baby. You can call me an-y- time. But you got to ‘want someone 10 hold me, oh, and Fock me through the too old to gochas-ing you a ~ round, wast-ing my pre - cious ener told you that "T loved™ you, — (SS Sse (1,3) Give MeOne Rea-son to stay here — (Gnd time=Instramenta solo} ama (EQ eS (You could see me turning.) D Give Me One Reu-sonto stay here and turn back @ — round. RSS Sra (Vou could see me turning.) Said 1 ‘Repeat 2 times then DS. al Coda CTS Sa PS SS don’t want to leave you tome Wy: copa, you — got to make me change my mind, Solo ends ee | (Ise only) Won't This @ "> ed Et pS set = a _- t = 152 GLORIA roa yay We Gap Po a ony Wor ana Muy Publahed inthe USA. and Canada by Unchappl Musee and Bemice Muse ne ao ‘irigts danny Unshoppt ine Be F Bb F c ce: = You know she comes round Jost a= bout “mid night, — Foe Bs = co ome from her head to makes me feel" c Bb Foe bo oF oc ok [psy Far eae a ooh SS SS fo 9 i Z t Dae ea ° fi . a. ee a g Bb F c : Bb F ; Bb E e dese == —————— > a Slr i= === it eh ==] 153 GLORIA Saree arama RT ay airalaaai lsat — = — = =| ta 7 Ia oa ; - a FF ar iS —_— 5 : = == aE SS See verse Piacecna ©: as RL orn, iets oe cal ————— == = i Se 28 as ae: SS Se we = A aie as —— io era = ——— ——— 5. ea Sareea a s, — == = a a en ; . 3 ; Ga = ep ip aS z tue : s 7 a —— Ss si 2 pep pp hp tee ry 4 ——. Che =p SEF AG was it some-thingthat they — 154 GOOD LOVIN’ ‘copy © 1085 by Aly Mae Corp area Mune Co, re Words and Music by RUDY CLARK Copy Rarewed and ARTHUR RESNICK Very fast So 1 asked my fam - ‘ly doc = tor "bout what 1 had_ now. Said don’t-cha, don’t you want — your dad dy tw be call sigher ee Sees Saar | 1 said, “Now doc = tor, (doe tor) Mis ier (doe tor) 1 said, “Now ba by, tba by) oi we ame ba by) F —— woah can you tell me (doe tor) what's all — ing me? (aoe tor) TA got thee | ver tha by) you got the cure, tba by FIC 2 aS ras, ros = eat aya gee = vey) me Se ass a 5 ach é o ev ry. bod bey mom yn} #2 —— to have love. Good Low = in’ DS. (rd ending) SS] 3 DS, al Coda (st verse) —e psa ae 6 See == End Instrumental Oh, 1 was feel Lov. iw. Say a gain now 881i sree Ccpyr GOODBYE CRUEL WORLD ‘eri ine Wold by Gashad Mus, ne. Moderately Bright gear ITs wv tote F a Words and Music by GLORIA SHAYNE a 2 = bye Crue World, I'm off to join the cir - cus, Gon-na © co F Pédim? am Paint my face with a good-for-noth- Ing smile be-cause mean fick. le wom-an a - bro - ken-heart-ed clown, be a = == =| turned my whole world up. side rps pos Sp irese Fare. well to love, Phim Tm off to join the cir Got-ta find rer =e Hoepepee tS aaa ee = = ee] nett ray ro es 3 Se Sarna iin ein eae SE — Nae, an parte aay fmnl) na eae 4 amy Clam coe . ign c ote ea hose po ocuaaae alte Hoenn aa, Wao we memy | Th Dm? t Ge See mean fick - le wom an made a ery GOOD LUCK CHARM rig. 1062 by late Musee. Expt Renewed tear lays s(n Waameon i) ‘Sd sree Oey hanes by & Scho arated) Words and Music by AARON SCHROEDER, Bb my = = — —= SaaS SSS dont want an old horse - shoe. rabbit's foot ona stringy. Ta toss it across the hays SS = 1 Good Luck Charm tke you, Ro} and WALLY GOLD. Bb NG wh WSL Tea Sse Cane == Ses (Charm. — Un-huh- nuh, you sweet tight. a cas = SS Sa have, to haves to hold, to NC. a \———— — S Un-tun — no, Uh-huh - hub, Delp Take 2nd ei a ober SS =f I. > if J Got__ My Mindset Set Words and Musto by Wes gonna take plen-ty of mon - ey Got My Mind Set Set F Bs Se a whole lot - ta spend-ing mon - ey. to do it right, — chit F ab 5 f+ for =F STS whole lot- ta pre-cious time, 17 Tw Coda 1 F B F 5b Tocodn 20.0 Se = p to do, do do, dot Dm Ay Dm ree — = t= T Got My Mind Set oY F _ Dm ar SSS & = ——f—4— = + $ + 1 Gol My Mind Set On You. Got My Mind. Set On F ca F e = 3 % 2 i pS Got My Mind Set On You, — And this time 1 know is real, ee == = SSH ae ing that T feet know if 1 put_my mind oe = 1 Got My Ming = 1 Got z= tee My Mind - oa say é dle SS a Ga My Mind Stn Yow And tis time tow H's fe. os * ' r= ——" 4 SSS feed ings that tech Tow fT pat my mind a eS DSS. al Coda 2 SSS CES sear wo it copa2 1 know that 1 realsly eam do But is gon-na take mon

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