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A Detailed Lesson Plan in Reading for Nursery I.

Objectives At the end of the lesson, the pupils are expected to: 1. read the alphabet more fluently; 2. enhance their ability to distinguish sound of the letter; 3. enjoy actively in all class activities. II. Subject Matter Topic: Reading Alphabet Reference: Materials: Charts, Picture III. Procedure: Teachers Activity A. Preparation 1. Prayer 2. Checking of Attendance 3. Energize (Action Song) B. Presentation 1. Pre-reading Activities - Now class, what do you see on the board? - Ok, this are the Alphabets - The alphabet has a 26 letter and it has a different sound - So class, let us hear the proper sound of each letter. - I have here a video and I want you to listen carefully to the proper sound of the letter of the Alphabet. - Are you ready class? - Class, what should you do if you are watching? - Now let us read with the proper sound of the 26 letter of the Alphabet. Very good, children Do you want more?

Pupils Activity

The Alphabet

The Alphabet maam

Yes maam Watch and listen carefully maam.


2. Analysis and Discussion - Ok lets read it again, but this time I will group you into five. - So class, I want everybody to participate in our activity. I will call you by group then each group will read the alphabet and at the same time after reading the alphabet, each group have

given letters to read each proper sounds. As I call your group class kindly stand and read the alphabet and after reading, say the assigned letter in the proper sound. Group 1 Group 2 Group 3 Group 4 Group 5 This time lets have a game which is to sing the alphabet that was assigned to you. Lets begin from the first group to the last group A, B, C, D (sing) Very good ABCDE EGHIJ KLMNO PQRSTU VWXYZ ABCDE EGHIJ KLMNO PQRSTU VWXYZ

3. Practice Exercise (During Reading Activities) Class, did you enjoy the activity? Yes maam Now let us proceed to the next activity I have here some letter of the Alphabet and some pictures. What you are going to do is to match the pictures that correspond to the first letter of its name. Lets read each letter and upon reading, match the picture that corresponds the first letter of its name. What letter is this class? Aa, maam Now Identify the pictures that corresponds to it. Ant Very good! How about our next letter on the Board?

Bb, maam

Next, what letter is this? What pictures that corresponds to it? Very good children

Cc, maam


How about this, children? What picture corresponds to it?

Dd, maam


So now class, lets read those letters and pictures that you had matched. Very good again.

Yes, maam

4. Post Reading Activities - Children, did you enjoy? - Now lets have a game. - This is the instruction, we will have a game formed in circle then I have a ball here. I will assign who will be first to hold this then while we are singing, the ball should be moved where it start. For example, I say stop while Im not looking at you, the one will hold the ball will be the one to share, if I say letter E, you must say something that starts with letter E. - Example: Egg. You are given 3 seconds to answer.

IV. Assignment Your assignment class is to practice the sound of its letter in your home.

Prepared by: Carolyn T. Gorenzo

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