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The Dutch Government

Volume 1, Issue 1 October, 2013

Special points of interest: The Netherlands is made up of 12 provinces The name Holland came from Noord Holland and Zuid Holland, two of The Netherlands most popular provinces. The Dutch Court System is very similar to the United States Court System There are three main categories of law: Civil Law, Administrative Law, and Criminal Law. The court system allows appeals when it comes to trials and if appealed, the trail can be taken to the Supreme Court. The Minister of Security and Justice helps handles these things: Ivo Opstelten. The Dutch support their government and things seem to be running smoothly.

The Members of the Government

The Dutch Government is made up of a King and the ministers. It also includes a cabinet that has the ministers and the state secretaries in it. The cabinet is made up of 20 members and each member has a different role. There are thirteen Ministers and seven State Sec
The King and Queen

retaries. The member with the most power is the Prime Minister. As of right now, the Prime Minister is Mark Rutte, who is also the Minister of General Affairs.

Deputy of Prime Minister, so in case something happens to Prime Minister Rutte, Lodewijk Asscher would take over.

The Netherlands is still a Monarchy, a country lead by a King and Queen. However, it is still a constitutional based government. As of right now, The King of The Netherlands is Willem-Alexander and

The Queen of The Netherlands is Maxima. King WillemAlexander was just recently put on the thrown after the succession of his mother, Queen Beatrix.

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