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Discovering the role of Mary Mother of Jesus

Fertile Question Supporting Questions How has Mary shaped the Christian community as a leader of faith and helper and how is she revealed to us throughout the bible? What names are given to Mary? How can Mary be described? What was Marys role in the early church community? How can Mary be depicted in images? Why is Mary known using so many different titles? The students will be: Learning about the importance of Mary in the catholic tradition. Using Mary to highlight the importance of prayer. Creating a symbolic icon to demonstrate their representation of Mary. How do the children show success? How am I going to measure their success? The students will demonstrate an understanding of the different titles, which Mary holds. The students will learn how to pray with an icon. The students will show their understanding of prominent Mary is within our community. The students will reflect of their representation of Mary. Quality Relationships Understanding Tolerance & Inclusion Dignity and Justice Stewardship Embracing Life Honesty. Integrity & Trustworthiness Responsibility Spirituality and Faith Care and Compassion Religion Life of the Curriculum Capabilities Cross Curricular Priorities Literacy Aboriginal and Torres Strait School
Religious Identity and Culture Social Action and Justice Evangelisation and Faith Formation Prayer and Worship Numeracy Information and communication technology (ICT) capability Critical and creative thinking Personal and social capability Ethical understanding Intercultural understanding. Islander histories and cultures Asia and Australias engagement with Asia Sustainability.

Learning Intentions

Success Criteria

Mercy Qualities

Curriculum Domains

Relevant Content Descriptions

CHURCH People of God

Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Mary is the mother of Jesus and of all Christians. Marys role in the Church community can be described using a variety of titles and images. New Testament texts reveal Marys role as mother of Jesus and her role in the early church community. Skills Explain how some titles and images of Mary found in the New Testament texts reveal her role as Mother of Jesus and her role in the Church community. Compare different understandings of Mary as depicted in a variety of titles and images.

CHRISTIAN LIFE Prayer and Spirituality

Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding Christians past and present seek Marys intercession through prayer because of her humanity and her role as mother of Jesus and mother of the Church. Marian prayer invites believers to a deeper relationship with Christ, draws them into the life of the Church and models a balance between prayer and action. In Marian prayers, including the Hail Mary and the Litany of Mary of Nazareth, there are two elements: praising God and entrusting cares and petitions to Mary. Skills

Analyse and explain the elements and features of some Marian prayers (e.g. text structures, vocabulary, images; language patterns). Make connections between Marian spirituality and how believers pray, live and act. Create a Marian prayer using appropriate structure and elements.

SACRED TEXTS New Testament

Year Level Description and Achievement Standard

Religious Knowledge and Deep Understanding A range of Biblical tools (including timelines, Biblical atlases, Biblical dictionaries, annotated Bibles, simple Biblical commentaries, online Bible search engines and Gospel parallels) is used to assist in deepening awareness of New Testament texts. Skills Investigate and evaluate the usefulness of a range of Biblical tools for deepening awareness of New Testament texts. YEAR LEVEL DESCRIPTION In Year 5, students begin to appreciate the significance of community for sharing and strengthening the faith of believers, past and present, including the Church in the Australian colonies (c.1850 CE c.1900 CE). Using a range of Biblical tools, they begin to see how the Gospel writers shaped their Gospels for particular communities. They learn about the action of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers as they engage with a variety of texts, including Scriptural references to the Holy Spirit and the Catholic Rite of Confirmation. They develop their understanding of Christian charity and informed moral choice through an exploration of the experiences of individuals and communities, past and present. They broaden their appreciation of the significance of personal and communal prayer and worship (including the Eucharist, the Psalms, Sabbath rituals and prayers); and the wisdom of the Saints (including St Mary of the Cross MacKillop) for communities of believers. They learn about the significance of Marian prayers (including the Hail Mary, the Rosary and the Litany of Mary of Nazareth) in which believers praise God and entrust cares and petitions to Mary as mother of Jesus and mother of the Church. ACHIEVEMENT STANDARD By the end of Year 5, students identify many ways in which faith is shared and strengthened in communities of believers, past and present. They analyse information from a variety of texts, including Scriptural references to the Holy Spirit and the words, symbols and actions of the Catholic Rite of Confirmation, to explain the action of the Holy Spirit in the lives of believers. They use features of Gospel texts to show how the Gospel writers shaped their Gospels for particular communities. They describe the significance of personal and communal prayer and worship (including the Eucharist, the Psalms, Sabbath rituals and prayers) and the wisdom of the saints, including St Mary of the Cross MacKillop, for communities of believers. They describe ways in which believers live according to Jesus new commandment of charity (love); and make and act upon informed moral choices. They locate and record information about the contribution of pioneering Catholics in Australia (c.1850 CE c.1900 CE) to the preservation of faith and the shaping of particular communities, including Indigenous communities. They examine Marys role as mother of Jesus and mother of the Church. They analyse the elements and features of some Marian prayers (including the Hail Mary, the Rosary and the Litany of the Mary of Nazareth) to describe the role of Marian prayer in the lives of believers past and present. They participate respectfully in a variety of personal and communal prayer experiences, including Marian prayers and meditative prayer.


Assessment One: The Icon, which students will be creating to use in prayer at the end of the sessions will be used as a summative assessment and they will also be doing a reflection of their icon. They will take a photo of their icon and pasting it into WORD. They will then be typing out the following questions and writing their answers. How is Mary the mother of Jesus revealed to us in the bible? How is Mary as a community contributor revealed to us in the bible? How has your icon represented Mary? Why did you chose to represent Mary in this way? Eg. As a carer and nurturer? As a helper? ETC.

Unit Resources

Web 2 Tools: Animoto, Bible Gateway. You Tube: Websites: 01874001336103212646.pdf

Tuning In Session 1 You Tube Clip on Mary. - Students are to brainstorm any school within BCE, which have been named using a title for Mary and exploring the role of Mary in the Church community that is represented by the title in the schools name. (Example Our Lady of Fatima- healing) Use a concept web to write down the schools and then find the meanings of the titles using the internet/dictionary to help them. Session 2 Students are going to use the titles for Mary found in the session above and others which they know to create and locate images that reflect the words contained in a particular title of Mary. They will collate the images in a multimedia presentation with the titles included alongside the image. ANIMOTO HAVE TO SIGN UP TO THIS SITE. Finding Out Session 3 Using Bible Gateway get groups o students to look up one or two of the following new testament stories. The group needs to locate the different ways Mary is revealed in the gospel. Gospel of Luke: 1:26 38. 1: 39 56. 2: 1 7. Gospel of Matthew: 1: 18 25. 2: 13 21. 12: 46 50. Others: 1: 13 14. 19: 25 27. 3: 31 35. Students need to discuss Marys role as mother of Jesus and her role in the early church community. Session 4 Students will be writing an icon that reveals something of Marys role in the Church community and praying with this icon. Session 5 They will take a photo of their icon and paste it into WORD. They will then be typing out the following questions and writing their answers. How is Mary the mother of Jesus revealed to us in the bible? How is Mary as a community contributor revealed to us in the bible? How has your icon represented Mary? PRAYING WITH ICONS portal/00005057/0000/005/28 3/content/01874001336103212 646.pdf Sorting Out FIND FROM MODULES spirituality in the Christian tradition pp. 18 21. Check that Bible Gateway is accessible for all students before beginning this lesson.

Why did you chose to represent Mary in this way? Eg. As a carer and nurturer? As a helper? ETC. Making Connections Students will be reflecting along the way about what Mary means to them, how they see Mary when they pray and how they can use their Icon of Mary to pray and speak to Mary. Processing

The Icon, which students will be creating to use in prayer at the end of the sessions will be used as a summative assessment and they will also be doing a reflection of their icon. They will take a photo of their icon and paste it into WORD. They will then be typing out the following questions and writing their answers. How is Mary the mother of Jesus revealed to us in the bible? How is Mary as a community contributor revealed to us in the bible? How has your icon represented Mary? Why did you chose to represent Mary in this way? Eg. As a carer and nurturer? As a helper? ETC.
Taking Action Now that we have learnt about this information, what can we do to take action. - Continue to use their icon for prayer - Teach others how Mary is revealed in the gospels.

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