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The first thing we are going to do is to add the repository for Linux Deepin packages.

sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list

Add the lines at the end of the file:

deb raring main non-free universe deb-src raring main non-free universe

Press Ctrl + o follow by Ctrl + x to save and exit the sources list. Next, we are going to fetch and import the public key for Linux Deepin packages.
wget gpg --import deepin-keyring.gpg sudo gpg --export --armor 209088E7 | sudo apt-key add -

Update the system.

sudo apt-get update

Lastly, install the Linux Deepin desktop environment:

sudo apt-get install dde-meta-core

This will install a big bunch of files to your system and could take a long time, depending on your Internet connection. Additionally, you can add the Deepin Music Player, Software Center and Settings panel to the mix:
sudo apt-get install python-deepin-gsettings deepin-music-player deepinsoftware-center

Once the installation finished, restart your computer (or log out of your existing session). You should find the new Deepin Desktop Environment available for selection in the login screen.

Para instalar Ubuntu Builder 2.0.1, podemos descargar el paquete .deb desde este enlace, o agregar el PPA de la siguiente manera:
sudo add-apt-repository ppa:f-muriana/ubuntu-builder sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install ubuntu-builder

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