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Software Architecture and Design Illuminated Assignment 1

Requirement Your team will have to study the assigned topic and prepare the presentation. In your presentation, the followings must be mentioned: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. What is the topic? Topic illustration by diagrams. What are the benefits and limitations? What are applicable design domains? Topic application in particular use case Conclusion

The list of topics as shown below: 1. Batch Sequence, 2. Pipe & Filter ( pipeline ), 3. Process Control (Data Flow) 4. Repository 5. Blackboard (Data Centered) 6. A.Layered, B.Virtual Machine, 7. A Main/Subroutine, B.Master/Slave (Hierarchy) 8. Event-Based, (Asynchronous Communication) 9. Buffered Messaging (Asynchronous Communication) 10. A.MVC (Interaction Oriented), B.MVP 11. A.PAC (Presentation-Abstraction-Control) (Interaction Oriented), B.MVVM 12. Client/Server (Distributed), Multi-tier, 13. Broker 14. Service based 15. A.Component-based, B.Plug-in Note: each team is assigned 3-4 members

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