Assignment 02 - Set 03

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Software Architecture and Design Illuminated Assignment 2

The company ABC Consulting has a problem with managing the personal contact information of all employees. There is the requirement for organizing and managing some basic information, such as: id, name, address, cell phone, and email. Based on that, you and your team are requested to design a utility supporting developer to produce that system for the company.

Functional Requirement You and your team are requested to make decisions to create the Software architecture, detailed design and implementation for a utility which has follows features: 1. New system has two subsystems. One must be implemented as a web application and must provide some services such as, adding service, updating service, viewing service and deleting service. Other must be implemented as a mobile application. 2. The employee could input new contact information. 3. The employee could find the contacts of other employees 4. The authorized employee could update the changed contacts or delete the specified contacts. 5. Some employees could be used the mobile program installed on smart phone to find and access the contact of others on the shared data server. The mobile program should notify when there are some changes. (The mobile program could be written in a standalone application as a simulator) Non-Functional Requirement The User Interface of the software is designed based on your teams requirement collection process. The software must be high performance. It can support many users to access.

There is no limitation on implementation language or platform, you and your team can choose the most familiar one.

You and your team will have to deliver these items: 1. The Software Architecture and Design Report (8 marks) 2. Source Code + Executable + Software version (2 marks)

Design Tools
You can download and use one of these tools for your work Astah Enterprise Architect Eclipse or netbeans or Visual studio.

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