The War of 1812

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The War of 1812

Invasion of Canada Bad army, old generals, and bad strategies British forces were weak=most important battle ground. Americas three-pronged invasion(invading forces went to Detroit, Niagara, and Lake Champlain) failed Great Lakes British General Isaac Brock led the upper Great Lakes. Control of the Great Lakes was very important. American Naval officer, Oliver Hazard Perry built a fleet on Lake Erie and captured the British fleet. British invasion of New York America had an even weaker army in New York. Thomas Macdonough claimed a surprising victory for American by confronting the enemy. British army was forced to retreat and America saved upper New York. Washington D.C. British force released six thousand, militia at Bladensburg. Burned the Capitol and the White House. Chesapeake Bay on August 1814. Fort McHenry British fleet tried to take Fort Henry but the Americans held their ground. Francis Scott Key wrote The Star Spangled Banner song while captured in a British ship. Americans stood firm in Baltimore. Battle of New Orleans Overconfident British launched a frontal attack. (8,000 soldiers) British defeated. Andrew Jackson led the Americans with 7,000 sailors, regulars, pirates, and Frenchmen. Treaty of Ghent Signed on December 24, 1814 Stated that there was a tie between both sides. Both sides stopped fighting and were at peace. New England Federalists Seen as traitors. Wanted to eliminate the 3/5 clause and weaken the south Shunned and lead to their downfall. Hartford Convention Death of the Federalist Party. Secret regional convention. Unhappy Federalists wanted to add to western states.

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