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Room 3 Term 3 Citizenship is

HomeworkWeek 1 everyone’s


Dear Parents,
• Welcome to Term 3. This is again going to
Learn 2 basic facts and x
be a busy term starting with parent
tables you got wrong every
teacher interviews in week 2. Please book
night so your score
your interview time on-line. There is a link
off the school website improves.
This week there will also be important 2. Read every night for at
notices about our Museum Visit and an least 10 minutes.
information evening about camp.
• Please read the homework sheet carefully 3. SPELLING
with your child and ensure that your 1. Spelling. Learn your
children understand the requirements. This spelling for our spelling test
should stop them having to complete it at on Friday.
lunch and morning tea times! 2. Each night choose 2 or 3
• This term ALL homework should be done in of your spelling words and
the one homework book to be returned to write an interesting sentence
school each Friday. I would like them to
for each word in YOUR
focus on presentation and neatness and
will provide some models at school to
Date each days work. By
ensure the children are aware of
Friday you should have a
• Please return last term’s Board of minimum of 6 good sentences
Trustee’s survey forms to school asap. with Capital letters, full
• Last term the children brought home a list stops and careful spelling.
of stationery they were missing. Please fill
these gaps as soon as possible. Many also
need homework books. Sue Quality homework

This term I am looking for Quality

4. Inquiry
homework. Quality homework is work
Write 5 effective questions about
children’s rights in the world.
• is written neatly in your homework
Remember that to be an effective book
question each question must use at least • each section is ruled off (with a
one of the 7 servants and each question ruler) and has a neat heading
must have the necessary vocabulary • Is written in HB pencil and might
(words) so it can be used to find have coloured pencil for illustrations
information an the internet and in an and/or headings.

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