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Howard Gardner

Multiple Intelligences


His theory was, that there are eight different types of intelligence, which he called multiple intelligence. Multiple intelligence = a different mental languages that people use for thinking. He suggested that intelligence was more than simply being able to solve problems it means being able to create or produce things of value in a particular situation or setting.

8 Multiple Intelligence

8 Multiple Intelligences

Linguistic intelligence: ability to use and learn language. Logical-mathematical intelligence: capacity to analysis logically. Musically intelligence: skill in the performance, compensation and appreciation of music. Bodily- kinaesthetic intelligence: using ones whole body (or body parts) to solve problems or to fashion products.

8 Multiple Intelligence

Visual-spatial intelligence: potential to recognise patterns of wide space as well as confined areas. Interpersonal intelligence: understanding of intentions, motivations and desires of other people. Intrapersonal intelligence: understanding of ones self and to use that information in every day life. Naturalistic intelligence: ability to see patterns and relationships in nature.

Criticism of multiple intelligence theory

Not all psychology agree with Gardners broader definition of intelligence. Argued by (Neisser et al, 1996) that the g factor explains the correlations found among scores on various tests of intellectual ability and achievement.

Gardner would argue that such correlation show only how narrowly traditional tests define intelligence.
Some argue that Gardners definition of intelligence is too broad. They argue that the eight different "intelligences" simply represent talents, personality traits and abilities. Gardners theory also suffers from a lack of supporting empirical research

Multiple intelligence and schools


theory is particular appealing in the field of education because his theory acknowledges that students think and learn in different ways. Gardners goal for education is that educators should opt for depth help students to learn and understand their world.

New intelligence

Gardner suggests that there will always be attempts to propose new intelligence. He believes that although our knowledge of brain science and genetics has grown more can be done to investigate the biological bases of multiple intelligence. Existential intelligence is regarded as the intelligence of big questions and is the tendency to the ask the question of existence. However there is not enough evidence to suggest that existential intelligence originates in particular parts of the brain.

The Intelligence Test

Do you write letters to express your opinion? Do you feel comfortable in natural environments? Do you make changes to improve your life? Do you daydream? Do you have good memory with images/photos? Do you have lots of friends? Do you freely sing tunes during the day? Do you frequently ask questions? Do you play a musical instrument? Do you read for pleasure? Do you move your body a lot, (even when sitting)? Do you exercise to relax? Do you enjoy collecting natural things such as rocks, shells? Do you study alone?

Naturalistic Musical Linguistic Logical mathematics

Bodily-kinaesthetic Spatial Interpersonal


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