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Adding integers activity

Tuesday, October 08, 2013 8:26 AM

Work out only problems that add negatives (negative and positive or two negatives). Click the Harder link at the bottom to have Fun Brain give you harder problems. Create a page in One Note in the Adding Integers Section called "Adding Integers Activity". Complete 8 problems. Take a screen shot using your SnipIt tool of each problem and copy and paste each problem into One Note. Type a paragraph explaining how to add integers (negatives and positives) on a number line. Draw 1 + -1 on a number line and write the problem and solution. Draw 2 + -2 on a number line and write the problem and solution. Draw -5 + 5 on a number line and write the problem and solution. What happens anytime you add the same two numbers with opposite signs?

2-2 Adding Integers Page 1

2-2 Adding Integers Page 2

Integers are numbers that can be negative positive and fit on a number line. To add integers the first is simple addition with two positives being added together. When adding two negatives it is adding the numbers after the negative sign and then the a negative sign is placed in front of it. When adding negatives and positives it is the negative turned positive but a subtraction instead of adding.

2-2 Adding Integers Page 3

2-2 Adding Integers Page 4

2-2 Adding Integers Page 5

The chips are basically like subtracting the negatives from the positives and if the negative is greater than the positive the answer is negative.

2-2 Adding Integers Page 6

2-2 Adding Integers Page 7

When adding integers of different signs you simply take away the negative sign and change the addition to a subtraction sign. For example -4 + 2 --> 4 - 2 = 2 When adding integers of the same sign you just add like positive adding but you just put a negative in front

2-2 Adding Integers Page 8

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