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Girls on the Run

MKT: 3320-001 Natalyn Niswanger

About Molly
Molly Barker, four time Hawaii Ironman triathlete, founded Girls on the Run in 1996. Molly Began running at the age of 15 when she found herself herself stuck in the girl box, where women must conform to a set of standards that are often unattainable and dangerous. In 1996, she piloted the first curriculum with 13 girls, 26 came next season, and 75 the next.

Mission Statement
We inspire girls to be joyful, healthy and confident using a fun, experience based curriculum which creative integrates running.

Core Values
Recognize our power and responsibility to be intentional in our decision making. Embrace our differences and find strength in our connectedness/ Express joy, optimism and gratitude through our words, thoughts and actions. Nurture our physical, emotional and spiritual heath. Lead with an open heart and assume positive intent. Stand up for ourselves and others.

The Program
Girls on the Run is a 501s positive youth development program which combines an interactive curriculum and running to inspire self-respect and healthy lifestyles in pre-teen girls. The core curriculum address young girls physical, emotional, mental and social well being. Program Design: Three 20 week lesson curriculums teach life skills through group processing, running games and workouts. Girls choose and conduct a community service project. At the end of each session the girls fun a 5K.

Girls on the Run Program: 3 rd 5th Grade Girls Girls on Track Programs: 6 th 8th Grade Girls and Their Families Program Facilitators: coaches, volunteers, women of all ages.

Girls on the Run partners with the following companies: These companies are vital to advancing the program and providing financial support.

Brand Builder Matrix

MarCom Matrix
Sales Promotions It was advertised that if you make a $25 donation it will be multiplied. Direct Direct Marketing went out to past donors and members of the organization.

Advertising Social Media Local News GOTR Website

Public Relations Local news stations posted articles on their websites.

New Media GOTR promoted that the 19th was also Spirit Day so that members would wear shirts the logo.

Other People were encouraged to post pictures on twitter of spirit gear being worn.

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