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Production Schedule CCCP Production ( Cintia, Connor, Chloe, Pegii)

Week In class 27/09/13 -Planning schedule work -Treatment expanding ideas 30/9/13 -Writing the script using the treatment already decided -Draw out storyboard using script -Choosing places to film using locations from treatment -Organise props 7/10/13 -Finishing off our work from the 30th and finalising our ideas and logistics. -The logistics would be doing the budget and Cintia will call the hospital to organise a date to film within the premises and Chloe will continue to work on the call sheets as Pegii finishes off the script -Blogs 14/10/13 -Begin filming and sort out our schedule for the camera booking so we will be able to film on our dates that was wish to film -We will do the hospital scene between 11:30 4:30 pm -Friday well film in the arts centre between 1:00 3:00pm -Blogs 21/10/13 -Film in Cintias house, the first scene of the movie with the sister scene rehearsing her lines within the mirror. 28/10/13 Half term 4/11/13 -Begin editing 11/11/13 -Continue editing 18/11/13 -Finalise editing


-Budget -Blogs

-Blogs -Find actors






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