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1. In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

Main title- This tells the target audience the title of the Volume / issue/ There is a logo /House Style. In the page, this is conventional on all magazines because date- You see this magazine to show people that this you always see a main title. certain style / logo belongs to the in a magazine this magazine. This is conventional because tells the magazine it allows people to classify that style / when it was logo to a magazine. published and what issue and Featured articles are the volume the lead stories in the magazine is. This magazine, these are is conventional listed in the contents because it shows because they are telling the frequency of the audience the lead the magazine to stories, this is the audience. conventional because a magazine has normal articles and main You will see images articles that will relate to your featured and regular articles in the magazine. This is conventional because you want to intrigue the reader, to read the article.

Synopsis- Is where there is a synopsis of what the article is going to be about. This is sometimes not on a content page but it is conventional.

Folios are page numbers that direct the audience to the article, if page numbers werent on there then the audience wont find the articles they want to read, that why its a convention.

Flannel panel is where the editors of the magazine are, for example are telling the audience who the was photographer and the editor of the magazine. This is conventional because it shows how the magazine is being put together.

Social Media This is convention of a content page because the target audience can follow the magazine virtually plus the social media site will have up to date information for the target audience rather than a magazine.

Editorial, this is just a short brief introduction to the reader by the editor. This is conventional, you always see an introduction to the magazine itself.

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