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Difference between CV and Rsum

Curriculum Vitae
In CV Name, contact information, education, work experience and relevant workrelated skills. Includes a summary of academic background as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honours, affiliations and other details.

In resume Name, contact information, education, work experience and relevant work-related skills. But Focus is on work experience, listed in reverse chronological order.

what is the difference?

Audience: academics in your field of study.

Audience: employers seeking to hire you for specific Position. Length: 1-2 pages Focus: represents experiencesjob-related, skills, accomplishments, volunteer efforts, hobbies (optional) youve demonstrated Essential: skills and experience related to the job you seek Extraneous: complete list of publications, presentations, papers, conferences attended, and titles of classes youve taught List of References: dont include Goal: present a brief snapshot of your skills and experience that communicates your ability to perform the job you seek Purpose: official use

Length: highly flexible. CVs are often long 5, 10, 20 or more pages Focus: represents your academic achievements and your scholarly potential

Essential: list of publications, Presentations, teaching experience, education, honours, and grants. Extraneous: activities unrelated to academic pursuits

List of References: include Goal: present a full history of your academic credentialsteaching, research, awards and service

Purpose: personal use

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