Perfect Weekend - ESL Lesson Plan

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1-5 mins: lead-in, icebreaking In order to get to know each other Id like you to write 3 sentences about what

you like doing in your free time - 2 should be true, 1 should be false. Lets find out the false one together. Try to write things that your partner doesnt know about you. My sentences: I like singing karaoke. I like crafting. I learn Turkish in my free time. 5-8 mins: further lead in to the topic Id like you to describe your typical weekend. What do you usually do? Who are you with? Where do you go? Do you go anywhere or do you stay at home? 8-18 mins: Vocab task 1st phase: check their level of familiarity with the vocab Lets go through these words, could you figure out what they mean? Any guesses? Which ones have you met yet? 2nd phase: actual task Take a look at the sentences unde the box, Which activities would you do? Id like you to read them and match them with the expressions above. 3rd phase: further clarification of meaning if needed Open class feedback 18-25 mins: 20 questions game with the given vocab (for some additional practice of the words and to improve their speaking skills) I would like you to think about one of these expressions. The other will have to guess what you think about by asking yes-no questions. 25-30 mins: follow-up Now we are going to talk about how you imagine a perfect/ideal weekend. If you had the chance to do any free time activity you want for 2 or 3 entire days, what would you do? Here are some pictures for your inspiration. Would you do any of the ones weve just learned?

To have a lie-in

a long stay in bed in the morning

Do some window-shopping Do some exercise Catch up with friends Surf the Net

Stay in Do some DIY Do the housework Go clubbing (Sit in a caf and) do some people-watching Rendrs: NEF: elementary teacher 189 NEF: beginner: krdezgets Teszt maybe? Boardgame: what do you know!!!

I would like you to think about one of these expressions. The other will have to guess what you think about by asking yes-no questions. This game is called 20 questions, because you will have to guess the others word by asking fewer than 20 questions. To have a lie-in Do some window-shopping Do some exercise Catch up with friends Surf the Net Stay in Do some DIY Do the housework Go clubbing (Sit in a caf and) do some people-watching to get back in touch with old friends again

separates the wheat from the chaff.

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