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EdAd 6997 Internship for Principals 6cr

This course is held in conjunction with EdAd 5997.

Course Description: This course places the candidate for licensure in the schools, working with a practicing, licensed principal for a minimum of 320 total hours. The candidate and the University Supervisor will identify possible placements for this experience, considering the location and time available to the candidate and to the mentor or mentors. In order to satisfy the requirements for Minnesota licensure, candidates must serve at least 80 hours of the internship working with a mentor and students that are not at the level of the candidates teachers licensure. The internship can be completed in one semester, or it can be completed over the course of two semesters. During the internship, in the placement of concentration, the candidate will complete a project demonstrating knowledge and skill in becoming a leader sensitive to the needs of all constituencies. This project will require that the candidate identify an underserved or disenfranchised constituency in the placement. With the assistance of the mentor and the university supervisor, the candidate will research the history of the identified population, identify possible factors influencing the situation and then complete further research to identify possible remediation for the situation. The project will take the form of a paper or a presentation and will be delivered to the mentor and kept on public file at the university. In addition, the candidate will assume a responsibility for at least on task requiring analysis and delegation, monitoring and follow through. This task will be determined through consultation with the mentor and the program. Projects and activities involving staff evaluation and supervision, scheduling, master agreements, budget reductions, diverse learners, support services, communications, technology planning, management of data, No Child Left Behind, instructional leadership, and curriculum audits will be determined based on the candidates individual competency assessment in consultation with the program coordinator, on-site mentor, and university supervisor as per program policies. Statement of expectations will be signed by the candidate and program coordinator before internship begins. Contact Information: Diane Rauschenfels EduE 177 office hours: 11 - noon on Wednesdays, 218-310-9550. Core Leadership Competencies:
A9: Demonstrating the ability to facilitate and motivate others; A10: Demonstrating the ability to implement change or educational reform; B3: Planning and scheduling personal and organizational work, establishing procedures to regulate activities and projects, and delegating and empowering others at appropriate levels; B4: Demonstrating the ability to analyze need and allocate personnel and material resources; B5: Developing and managing budgets and maintain accurate fiscal records; B6: Demonstrating an understanding of facilities development, planning and management; B7: Understanding and using technology as a management tool; C2: Creating and monitoring a positive learning environment for all students; C3: Creating and monitoring a positive working environment for all staff; D1: Developing, adjusting, and implementing policy to meet local, state, and federal requirements and constitutional provisions, standards, and regulatory applications; D2: Recognizing and applying standards of care involving civil and criminal liability for negligence, harassment, and intentional torts; D3: Demonstrating an understanding of state, federal, and case law governing general education, special education, and community education; E2: Demonstrating the ability to involve stakeholders in the development of educational policy;

F1: Formulating and carrying out plans for internal and external communications F2: Demonstrating facilitation skills; F3: Recognizing and applying an understanding of individual and group behavior in normal and stressful situations;

F6: Making presentations that are clear and easy to understand; F7: Responding, reviewing and summarizing information for groups; F8: Communicating appropriately speaking, listening, and writing for different audiences such as students, teachers, parents, community, and other stakeholders; F9: Understanding and utilizing appropriate communication technology; G4: Relating political initiatives to stakeholders, including parental involvement programs; G5: Identifying and interacting with internal and external publics; G7: Promoting a positive image of schools and the school district; G9: Demonstrating the ability to identify and articulate critical community issues that may impact local education; I3: Demonstrating the ability to utilize data for instructional decision making; I6: Demonstrating the ability to appropriately use technology to support instruction; L6: Demonstrating understanding of and utilize appropriate technology in problem analysis. Principals Competencies B3: Demonstrating the ability to implement a positive and effective student management system; B4: Demonstrating the ability to develop and implement effective student discipline plans; B5: Demonstrating the ability to develop a master instructional schedule; B6: Demonstrating the ability to meet the enrichment, remediation, and special education needs of all students; C2: Demonstrating understanding of different organizational systems and structures at pre-K, elementary, middle or junior high, and high school levels; C3: Demonstrating the ability to work with children of all ages; C4: Demonstrating the ability to work with parents, teachers and other staff in all levels of schooling; C5: Demonstrating understanding of the characteristics of effective transitions from one level of schooling to the next; C6: Demonstrating understanding of the developmental needs of children of all ages. Assessments: Internship project, ePortfolio completion, delegation assignment, assignments and activities as per expectations agreement, weekly log, successful progress and recommendation of on-site mentor and university supervisor. Instructional Plan: As per individual agreement. University supervisor will meet a minimum of three times during the internship with the candidate and on-site mentor to determine adequate progress toward expectations. Suggested materials: Sommers, W. & Payne, R. (2001). Living on a tightrope: A survival handbook for principals. Highlands, TX: AHA! Processes. Leedy, P. & Ormrod, J. (2005). Practical research. Columbus OH: Pearson, Prentice Hall.

Norton, M. (2005). Executive leadership for effective administration. Boston, MA: Pearson Education, Inc. Students with disabilities: It is the policy and practice of the University of Minnesota Duluth to create inclusive learning environments for all students, including students with disabilities. If there are aspects of this course that result in barriers to your inclusion or your ability to meet course requirements such as time limited exams, inaccessible web content, or the use of non-captioned videos please notify the instructor as soon as possible. You are also encouraged to contact the Office of Disability Resources to discuss and arrange reasonable accommodations. Please call 218-7266130 or visit the DR website at for more information. The following policies are for your information: Student Conduct Code: Teaching and Learning: Instructor and Student Responsibilities: Academic Integrity: Final Exams: Excused Absences: Appropriate Student Use of Class Notes and Course Materials:

Internship project, weekly log, ePortfolio and documentation of successful completion of designated expectations set by site supervisor, mentor, and UMD supervisor are required prior to final exit presentation in front of designated committee are required.

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