Capital Letters and Apostrophes

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Capital letters and apostrophes

Capital letters and apostrophes The rules for the use of capital letters and apostrophes are quite easy to remember. Capital letters We use capital letters for the days of the week but not for seasons.

One Saturday in autumn.

We use capital letters for planets but not the earth, sun or moon.

Mercury is closer to the sun than the earth is.

We use capital letters for countries and for nationality words.

David is from Germany but Jana is Slovak. I bought the camera in Hong Kong but its Japanese.

And we use capital letters when we talk about languages as school subjects but other subjects dont have a capital letter.

Shes got exams in English, French, history and geography this year.

Apostrophes We use an apostrophe () to show either possession or that there is a letter missing (e.g. the apostrophe in shes shows that there is a letter missing in she is) We use apostrophes with people or animals to show possession.

My sisters house. The dogs blanket.

For things we use of (the front of the car, NOT the cars front.) The position of the apostrophe depends on whether the noun is singular or plural. look at these two examples.

My friends house. This is about one friend. My friends house. This is about two or more friends who share a house.

If a plural noun does not end in s (e.g. men, people, children) we use s to show possession.

The childrens bedroom. A pair of womens sunglasses.

We also use an apostrophe in some time expressions.

two weeks holiday ten years experience

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