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Child: Amal Date: 16th September 2013 Written by: Teacher Natasha

Amal you clearly enjoy the school readiness sessions in the afternoon, running to line up and eagerly sitting at the table ready for the session. I enjoy listening to you as you share with me what letter you are learning, the sound it makes as well as watching you try out basic addition and subtraction. This afternoon was even more exciting, you had teacher Huda taking the Arabic school readiness session (English is usually Tue, Wed + Thur). As you practiced the Arabic alphabet I could hear you explain to your friend Aziza it was like the song we sometimes sing but these are the pictures for each letter. When you became lost, you were quick to say so and clarify what was happening so you could continue learning. Review of learning Amal your confidence to express yourself teamed with your sense of responsibility has seen you acquire and retain new Arabic as well as Islamic knowledge teno pai! I can see you use a range of strategies as you take responsibility for your learning from applying past knowledge to new situations to make sense of new ideas, trial and error/practicing and communicating with clarity and precision. Where to next Amal your teachers are all very impressed to observe and support you as you take responsibility for your own learning, with the confidence, curiosity and trust to try new things and problem solve. We are confident you have the essential learning dispositions to be a motivated learner with a strong foundation of basic math, science and language background to do well academically at primary school. Your confidence, social nature and friendly character will allow you to quickly adapt emotionally and forge new friendships when you transition to primary school. Our focus now is to support your transition to school at the end of the year. This will include talking with your family to find out which school you may be going to, ensure there is time for your school visits and continue your involvement in the school readiness sessions.

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