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To Germany and Paris

MUM !!!!!! I hate this train it is sooooo dirty and sooooo crowded We are almost at the airport and then we can sleep and watch movies.


Hours later

So now we have to wait 2 hours for them to re-fuel the plane to take the 2 hour train to Siegen

9 hours later..... and now with have

When i got to Germany my mum and i went to see our friends and family. I also saw my grandmother that i have not seen in 5 years every day. The rst week was warm and sunny and i went swimming. On the second week i went to a Germany school ve minute walk from were we were staying. The school was great fun. The third week was awesome i went to Paris with my mum and her two close friends in Siegen. In Paris i saw lots of things like the Eiffel tower and got a drawing of my self.

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