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Overall Standings :

Position Name: Total points

1 James Trotter 140

2 Mark Griffiths 130
3 Gerrard Pilz 100
4 Leon Gazet 90
5 Lean Boezaart 85
6 Justin Ritchie 80
6 D Rock 80
7 Carlos De Jesus 70
7 Rory Hof 70
10 Erns Loubser 0
11 Raun Billet 0
12 Flip Du Plessis 0
13 Ian Mclarty 0
14 Dave De Klerk 0
15 Lutho 0
16 War Vet 0
17 Ross Wentzel 0
18 Patrick Birkett -10 (negative points awarded after promising event attendance and then
ing event attendance and then not arriving without prior informing an elder)
Bonus Point Points Penalised
Participant Position Points Description Points description

For asking for a

jersey at after event
function because
the breeze was
making him "cold",
shame Jamesie
James Trotter 1 100 None awarded 0 Poo

Mark Griffiths 2 80 None awarded 0 None

For not taking his

Gerrard Pilz 3 60 None awarded 0 time officially

Leon Gazet 4 40 None awarded 0 None

Best Sports attire

on the day - Nike
Dry Fit temperature
control, notice how Taking a call from
he was not Monty Ponty Poodle
sweating and Pie at dinner while
looked remarkably our stripper was
Justin Ritchie 5 30 comfortable. 10 mid table dance

Talking to a
bronzed bokkie on
the way down the
mountain and
skipping straight to
D Rock 6 20 2nd base with her 10 None

Trying Hard - he
said the burn was
deeper than its
Lean 7 25 been in a long time 10 None

Carlos De Jesus (real name) 8 20 None awarded 0 None

For dressing up in
the official Deloitte
Rory Hofmeyer 9 10 Exercise Gear 10 None
Extra Bonus
Points for
Points beating
penalised Total Points Erns Total Points

-10 90 50 140

0 80 50 130

-10 50 50 100

0 40 50 90

-10 30 50 80

0 30 50 80

0 35 50 85

0 20 50 70

0 20 50 70

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