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1.1 Enthalpy changes 1.2 Exothermic and endothermic 1.3 Standard conditions and standard states 1.

4 Importance of state symbols 1.5 Importance of state symbols 2.1 Standard enthalpy change of formation 2.2 Standard enthalpy change of combustion 2.3 Standard enthalpy change of neutralization 2.4 Standard enthalpy change of atomization 3.1 Experimental Determination of enthalpy change 3.2 Calculations in calorimetry 3.3 Experimental determination of enthalpy change of combustion 4.1 Application: Calculations using standard enthalpy change of combustion 4.2 Application: Calculations using standard enthalpy change of formation 5.1 Bond dissociation energy 5.2 Bond energy 5.3 Factors affecting bond energy 6.1 Ionisation energy 6.2 Electron affinity 6.3 Lattice energy 6.3.1 Factors affecting lattice energy 6.3.2 Experimental vs. Theoretical Lattice Energy Values 6.4 Application of Hesss Law: Born-Haber Cycle 6.5 Dissolving an ionic solid 6.5.1 Standard 7.1 How to predict spontaneity 7.2 Entropy 7.3 Factors affecting entropy of a system 7.4 Standard Gibbs free energy 7.4.1 Temperature dependence of Gibbs free energy 7.4.2 Effect of temperature on feasibility 7.5 Kinetics consideration

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