New Vertebrate

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A new discovery has been made by famous zoologist ________________ Your Name Here of The ISF Academy in Hong

Kong. We are delighted to have him/her share this new discovery. In this mini project, please create a new vertebrate: mammal, reptile, amphibian, fish or bird. You can be as creative as youd like. You can create a coloured illustration, a clay model, a paper sculpture...of your new vertebrate. Then label your vertebrates features using strong descriptive vocabulary that would place it in its classification: sharp, pointed beak for breaking open seeds, new-leaf green and dark green feathers to camouflage itself in deciduous forests; change to red, orange and yellow in fall; white in winter. Extension: (You may choose whether or not you complete this portion.) Write a paragraph to explain whether you think your new vertebrate would be helpful or harmful to its habitat. An example:

sharp, pointed beak for breaking open acorns and other seeds in deciduous forests waterproof wing feathers for flight multi-coloured feathers that change to match the seasons: new-leaf green and a tinge of pink in spring; dark green in summer; autumn leaves in fall, and white in winter

hollow bones allow for flight

feathers for warmth in winter months; beneath flight feathers, there are downy feathers to keep out the cold

multi-toed, one in the back, to perch on tree branches; wrapped around branch for balance

lays hard-shelled eggs to reproduce

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