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The titling used is simplistic and allows a focus to be prioritised on the narrative.

Interestingly, titles do not appear until towards the end of the trailer which allow an exposition and character alignment to be made between the viewer and the characters within the narrative. The production credit to Paramount Pictures informs viewers that the film is similar to other films produced by paramount such as The Great Gatsby ensuring the film will be popular amongst viewers.

The character of Gilbert is introduced as the main protagonist, an old style voiceover is used to introduce his character and his role in Arnies life to align the audience with him and to suggest his character has a overriding sense of morality.

The character of Arnie is introduced as the second most prominent character, the comedy associated with his character will hopefully be a great influence in our own production of the social realism genre.

The character of Becky is introduced nearer to the end of the trailer as Gilberts love interest, she almost takes Arnies place in his life after he is taken away and therefore portrays a sense of innocence.

The voiceover of Gilbert Grape is used throughout the trailer to suggest a sense of continuity within the narrative. A mini narrative is almost formed through his storytelling which engages the audience and allows them to align themselves with Gilberts character therefore sensing his own pain.

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