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The Journey Distance: more than 5,000 nautical miles from Europe to the east coast of North America

Length: 614 weeks Dangers: storms, scurvy, dysentery, malnutrition, seasickness, overcrowding

Clothes Taken shirts, several pairs of shoes, leather for mending, waistcoats, caps, skirts, jackets, trousers

Dangers in America Biggest killers: typhoid, dysentery, famine

Food and Livestock Taken barrels of salted beef, oatmeal, dried grains, cheese, oil, vinegar, and salt; seeds for peas, barley, herbs, and other crops; cows, horses, goats, pigs, sheep, and chickens

Other dangers: pneumonia, malaria, and other diseases; exposure to harsh weather; fire; wild animals; attacks by Native Americans

Benefits in America religious and political freedom; opportunity to own land; abundant timber for shelters, forts, heat, ships, and trade; rich food resources

Equipment Taken axes, hoes, nails, hooks for doors, hammers, chisels, hatchets, spades, pickaxes, iron pots, copper kettles, skillets, platters, dishes, wooden spoons, rugs

Weapons Taken swords, muskets, daggers, gunpowder, light armor, cannon

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