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Dakota Coop

I have annotated a double page spread so that I have identified and learnt some of the features that needs to be on a double page spread. This has prepared me so that I know what to include when I create my magazine.

Image of the band as thats what the article is about, the image creates an indirect mood as they are distracted.

Dropped cap to indicate the start of the article.

Headline is bold, big and at the top of the page so its the first thing that the reader sees and direct mode of address because of u and ? involving the reader. Makes the reader feel involved because they have a song R U mine? So it creates a feel of that its aimed at them as an individual.

By line is used so that the reader knows who the photographer and writer is.

Stand first leading the reader into the article, information about what it all is about.

Caption to explain the image- where they are etc.

Columns are neat throughout the text so that its clear to read. The small font and consistency of typography makes it look professional.

Page number so that the reader can find it from the contents page.

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