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Ice, water, water vapour

Describe how hydrogen bonding occurs between water molecules.

Relate this, and other properties of water, to the roles of water in living organisms.

Hydrogen Bond
Weak attractive force between an electropositive hydrogen atom and an electronegative atom in another molecule (or in a separate part of the same molecule e.g. in protein structure)

Water molecule showing + and - ends and hydrogen bond formation

Formation of hydrogen bond

Properties of water
1. Liquid at room temperature 2. Universal solvent 3. Forms a skin at its surface (surface tension) 4. Ice is less dense than liquid water 5. Water is wet (adhesive property)

Properties of water
6. Very high specific heat capacity 7. Needs high energy input to evaporate 8. Needs large energy loss to freeze 9. Is colourless and transparent 10.Is denser than air

Properties of water
11.Takes part in many chemical reactions 12.Is difficult to compress 13.Combines with many organic molecules to hydrate them 14.Flows freely (low viscosity) 15.Has high tensile strength water columns do not easily break

Pond skater

Water as a solvent

Oil and Water

Ice and water

True, False, Cause or Effect ?

Liquid water is always transparent

Water plants can live under water to a depth of about 10 metres

Water is a raw material in photosynthesis

True, False, Cause or Effect ?

Evaporation of water is a cooling mechanism for plants Water takes a large amount of heat energy to evaporate Water evaporates more quickly in humid conditions

True, False, Cause or Effect ?

Water molecules have a high attraction for each other Water can move all through a plant by the transpiration stream There is a cohesive force between xylem vessel walls and the water column

True, False, Cause or Effect ?

Water is denser than air

Water can be used as a method of seed dispersal

Roots of seedlings grow towards water

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