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Unix commands

Unix commands
Note that there are thousands of commands available on a typical unix box. In bash, just hit the "Tab" key twice and say yes, to display the the commands currently available on your machine. A standard unix operating system lists currently thousands of commands. Type x to list all commands starting with x. The following list contains some of the more frequently used programs.

Access Control
exit - terminate a shell (see "man sh" or "man csh") logout - sign off; end session (C shell and bash shell only;) passwd - change login password rlogin - log in remotely to another UNIX system ssh - secure shell slogin - secure version of rlogin yppasswd - change login password in yellow pages

alias - define synonym commands chquota - change disk quota on ACITS UNIX systems chsh - change default login shell clear - clear terminal screen echo - echo arguments pbm - portable bitmap manipulation programs popd - pop the directory stack (C shell only) pushd - push directory on stack (C shell only) script - make typescript of terminal session setenv - set an environment variable (C shell only) stty - set terminal options

mail - send and receive mail mesg - permit or deny terminal messages and talk requests pine - send and receive mail talk - talk to another logged-in user write - write to another logged-in user

netstat - show network status rsh - run shell or command on another UNIX system ssh - secure-shell version of rsh

Programming Tools
as - assembler, specific to each machine architecture awk - pattern scanning and processing language bc - online calculator cc - C compiler csh - C shell command interpreter dbx - source-level debugging program f77 - Fortran compiler gdb - GNU Project debugger gprof - display profile of called routines kill - kill a process ld - the UNIX loader lex - generate lexical analysis programs lint - check C source code make - maintain large programs maple - symbolic mathematics program math - symbolic mathematics program nice - run a command at low priority (see "man nice" or "man csh") nohup - run a command immune to hangups pc - Pascal compiler (xlp on ADS) perl - Popular script interpreter prof - display profile data python - Python programming language sh - Bourne shell command interpreter yacc - generate input parsing programs xcalc - graphical calulator under x

Process Control
bg - put suspended process into background fg - bring process into foreground jobs - list processes ^y - suspend process at next input request ^z - suspend current process

Status Information
clock - determine processor time date - show date and time df - summarize free disk space du - summarize disk space used env - display environment finger - look up user information history - list previously issued commands last - indicate last login of users lpq - examine spool queue manpath - show search path for man pages printenv - print out environment ps - show process status pwd - print full pathname of working directory set - set shell variables (C shell, bash, or ksh) spend - lists year-to-date ACITS UNIX charges stty - set terminal options time - timing programs top - list top cpu processes uptime - show system load, how long system has been up w - show who is on system, what command each job is executing who - show who is logged onto the system whois - Internet user name directory service whoami - who owns the shell

apropos - locate commands by keyword lookup find - locate file (i.e. find . -name *.tex -print) info - start the info explorer program man - find manual information about commands whatis - describe what a command is whereis - locate source, binary, or man page for a program

Image Processing
gimp - photoshop type image processing program xfig - drawing program xv - image viewer xvscan - scan picture xpaint - paint program kpaint - kde paint program

emacs - screen-oriented text editor pico - screen-oriented text editor (renamed called nano) sed - stream-oriented text editor vi - full-screen text editor vim - full-screen text editor ("vi-improved")

File and Directory Management

cd - change working directory chmod - change the protection of a file or directory chown - change owner (or group) of a file or directory chgrp - change group of a file or directory cmp - compare two files comm - select/reject lines common to two sorted files cp - copy files crypt - encrypt/decrypt files (CCWF only) diff - compare the contents of two ASCII files file - determine file type grep - search a file for a pattern gzip - compress or expand files ln - make a link to a file ls - list the contents of a directory lsof - list of open files mkdir - create a directory mv - move or rename files and directories pwd - show the full pathname of your working directory quota - display disk usage and limits rm - delete (remove) files rmdir - delete (remove) directories stat - status of file (i.e. last access) sync - flush filesystem buffers sort - sort or merge files tar - create or extract archives tee - copy input to standard output and other files tr - translate characters umask - change default file protections

mplayer - mpg player realplay - realaudio player timidity - midi to wav converter and player xmms - mp3 player

Text Processing
abiword - open source word processor addbib - create or extend bibliographic database col - filter reverse line feeds diction - identify wordy sentences diffmk - mark differences between files dvips - convert TeX DVI files into PostScript explain - explain phrases found by diction program grap - pic preprocessor for drawing graphs hyphen - find hyphenated words ispell - check spelling interactively latex - format text in LaTeX (based on TeX) pdfelatex - latex with pdf output latex2html - Latex to html lookbib - find bibliography references macref - make cross-reference listing of nroff/troff macro files ndx - create a subject-page index for a document neqn - format mathematics with nroff nroff - format text for simple display pic - make simple pictures for troff input psdit - filter troff output for Apple LaserWriter ptx - make permuted index (not on CCWF)


uncompress - restore compressed file uniq - report (or delete) repeated lines in a file wc - count lines, words, and characters in a file

Unix commands
refer - insert references from bibliographic databases roffbib - run off bibliographic database sortbib - sort bibliographic database spell - find spelling errors ispell - interactive spell checker style - analyze surface characteristics of a document tbl - format tables for nroff/troff tex - format text tpic - convert pic source files into TeX commands wget - grab webpage

File Display and Printing

cat - show the contents of a file; catenate files fold - fold long lines to fit output device head - show first few lines of a file lpq - examine the printer spooling queue lpr - print a file lprm - remove jobs from the printer spooling queue more - display a file, one screen at a time less - like more with more features page - like "more", but prints screens top to bottom pr - paginate a file for printing tail - show the last part of a file zcat - display a compressed file xv - show print, manipulate images gv - show ps and pdf files xpdf = shopw pdf files (use gv)

X windows
grabmode - info on screen: i.e. "1152x864" 51.213kHz/56.59Hz import - grab window (i.e. import ppm:- >out.ppm) xdpyinfo - number of colors xkill - kill xwindow xlock - lock screen xterm - xterminal xwininfo - information on open window

File Transfer
ftp - transfer files between network hosts rsync - fast and flexible sync between computers scp - secure version of rcp

html2ps - html to ps latex2html - latex to html translator lynx - text based webbrowser netscape - webbrowser sitecopy - sitecopy is for easily maintaining remote web sites. weblint - html sytax and style checker


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