Gas Law Paragraph Rubric

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Distinguished-4 Proficient-3 Apprentice-2 Novice-1 Points

Basic Information: The name and formula The name or the

The following should be addressed in of the law is given. formula of the law is
each paragraph: missing
• Name of law
• Formula of Law
Detailed Information: All four points are All four points are 1 point is missing. Multiple points are
The following should be addressed in addressed. discussed. Information Information is mostly missing or information
each paragraph: Information is correct is mostly correct and correct and touches on is incorrect.
• Description of the variables and discusses the finer touches on the finer the finer points of each
and constants points of each law. points of each law. law.
• Discussion of the shape of
the graph
• Discussion of the relationship
between the variables
• Real World example
Writing No spelling, grammar, 1-2 spelling and 3- 4 spelling and More than 5 spelling
Correct spelling, capitalization or grammar errors. 1-2 grammar errors. 3-4 and grammar errors.
grammar, punctuation, punctuation errors. capitalization and capitalization and More than 5
usage Sentences are all well punctuation errors. 1-2 punctuation errors. capitalization and
formed. flawed sentences. 3-4 sentences show punctuation errors.
flawed structure. Many sentences show
flawed structure.

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