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Katty Janneh Hats

Katty Janneh is launching a new range of Millinery aimed at the Designer Luxury market. We would really appreciate any feedback you can give us on our products & pricing. As a token of our thanks, there is an opportunity to enter your name for a prize draw to win a Hat! Please read details at the end of the survey. Our thanks in advance for your feedback, Gender Female Male

Please state your age group 18-29 30-45 45-60 60+

1. How do Hats feature in your wardrobe? Please select from the menu.

2. Which types of fashion do you typically buy online? Regularly Occasionally Never I browse online then shop at bricks & mortar

Clothing Handbags Hats Shoes Jewellery

3.If you saw a new designer featured in a magazine/newspaper, would this encourage you to trust them & shop with them? Yes No Depends on the publication

This Bespoke piece is priced at 695 What is your opinion on the price? Under priced Priced correctly Over priced Only established brands should command this price Other 5. Which of these Designer hats do you think is the most expensive?

As you can see, the answer is D, Saint Laurent at 555. What do you think of the price of the Katty Janneh Hat in comparison to the others? Under priced Priced correctly Over Priced

6.Katty Janneh is also introducing a range of soft caps & hats. What is your opinion on the following? Strongly Disagree Design Pricing Disagree Neutral Agree Strongly Agree

If the Katty Janneh Collection was available to buy today, would you buy from her as opposed to the competitors? Very likely Likely Neutral Unlikely

Lastly, From which of these e-tail boutiques would you be most comfortable buy an unknown designer? Selfridges Liberty's Love Hats Net-a-Porter My Wardrobe Designers own Website Thank you so much for taking part in this survey. Your feedback is valuable for my business and i look forward to launching soon! As a token of my thanks, I am inviting to put your name forward into a price draw to win one of the following hats! The draw will be held on the 31st October 2013. For more details please email

Please state your name for the prize draw!

Would you like to be added to the mailing list for more info on Katty Janneh Hats? Yes No Please enter your email address below

Katty Janneh. 13a Iliffe Yard Studios, Crampton Street, London SE17 3AE T; 00 44 (0) 7795 226398

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