First Composition - Independent Model - FLASH IDIOMAS - Prof Allyne

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First Composition Independent Model FLASH IDIOMAS Profa Allyne

Compare yourself today and yourself five years ago. In what ways are you the same or different? Use specific examples to support your response.

A five-years life plan Once I read an article in whichwho the author stated thathe life can be planned usually in cycles of five years. Since then, I started to build my lifes plan from this perspective. Analyzing the last years, I noticed that good and bad experiences happened in all areas of my life: professional, family and personal aspectsneeds. Living today in another place, working in another job and having a new baby. I feel as If I were well different today. Five years ago, I was living in Ethiopia, working in an international NGO with a mission of training potentially village leaders to be concerned about social development and health, trying to understand how to live in a different culture, climate and language. There, simple routines always became always an adventure; for example, buying food and, clothes wasere an patiences exercise of patience. Even though having a bunch of new activities and challenges to pass through, that experience was like a nice dream. Today, living in Rio de Janeiro, I do not have to face some problems that people whoof whom live abroad do, but I can see others, such as violence, selfishness and greediness. My job has changed, my family increased and all of my experiences helped me to live better in my country. Some problems from the past now are now easy things for to do, for instance, going to the grocery or pharmacy. I believe that I am different today. Consequently, what I have felt and lived were decisive to change me in what I am today. Today I can see cultural differences without prejudice; face some problems that, if I compared towith other realities, they are not problems. I would say that I am not the same because after five years, the maturity changed me.

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