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Flipping the Language Classroom

Kimberly Jansma, UCLA

Cengage 2nd Annual World Language Symposium October 5, 2013 Santa Barbara

Today We Will Talk About

The flipped model

Transitioning to a flipped /hybrid model

Resources and activities for hybrid instruction

What is a flipped classroom?

The flipped classroom inverts the presentation (lecture) and homework components of the traditional classroom

Where Has the Model Caught On?

Biology Chemistry, Physics Calculus

Discussion Forums - assignments are designed to be open ended and open to interpretation

The flipped classroom is often associated with hybrid or blended instruction which combine online and in class work.

Reverses Traditional Classroom Model

Students learn new material in the E class. (This is not homework)
They work with this material interactively in the following live session.

Where is the model being successfully used?

Clintondale High School (Mi) The entire school was flipped: Improvement in attendance and statewide test scores
In hybrid courses, learning outcomes are the same (William G. Bowen, Mellon Foundation spokesman)

When the students come to class, they dont show up to learn new content, they show up to apply the things they learn at home through the videos.

Aaron Park, biology and AP Chemistry teacher, Woodland Park, Colorado

The Flipped Classroom model has not yet caught on in the humanities and in foreign language instruction. Why not?

Communicative language teaching has already moved beyond the traditional lecture approach

We have moved a long way towards a flipped classroom but are we there yet? Do we have anything to learn?

What more can students do OUTSIDE the classroom that will . . .

Immerse students in the language/culture of the target language Prepare students for face to face classroom interaction?

In our version of the flipped classroom, we move digitally rich content rather than a lecture - outside the classroom

Youtube & Internet sites organized with sites core texts

Preparation at Home
Presentation materials photos
Grammar tutorials Hyperlinked Readings Stable thematic websites Online chat Video YouTube sites Discussion Boards

You can start with beginners if you build appropriate tasks.

Photos (Gamification)

Language is primarily a social, face to face phenomenon

What does the Face to Face Class Look like?

Teachers help interpret, frame -- Students share information activities and provide guidance. information Students become experts on sites

- Some English must be tolerated

New Rules for a Hybrid Model

New Rules
Homework must be revisited (renamed?) Assignments must hold students accountable for

independent searching
Textbooks should guide students - instructors to high interest sites. Students must be expected to learn from each other. (Discussion boards)

Explorez en ligne!

Personal Description Likes and Dislikes Finding an apartment

Self portrait - Jess

Je recherche une colocation idyllique dans le centre, d'un loyer environnant les 300/380, pour une dure minimum d'un an. J'aime le thtre, les concerts, les festivals, je fais des crpes divines, et des cocktails, je fais du snowboard et du surf(enfin j'essaie .-) ), je voyage beaucoup. Bref je suis une personne qui aime beaucoup vivre... A bientt j'espre, Jess

Assignment -- Discussion Board

Find a room mate with
1) Read the ads of at least three people who have a room to rent out to an apartment mate. 2) Read the ads of at least three people who are looking for a room.

Submitted Assignment
1) Choose one person. Write down everything you understand in the

persons ad. (In English) 2) Make a list of 3 items you find interesting including at least 2 cultural differences. 3) Write down at least three French expressions you want to retain from this ad. : Job lists and Preparation

E Class Materials: Internet Activity Les metiers (jobs)

Your report should include answers to the following questions: 1) What are your general observations of the site: content; layout; design, audience? 2) Name 4 mtiers that were mentioned on the site What is the English equivalent? Do any of the jobs seem particularly French?

3) Select one Tmoignages to watch and read about. Give 3 4 facts about the job.
Useful expressions: Write down 3 expressions on the site that you found useful and 5 new vocabulary words you could understand. (Keep these in your vocabulary journal as well) This Explorez en ligne activity will be included in the Culture Section of Examen 3.

Discussion Boards Prep Class Discussion

Establish minimum number of posts Ask for self introductions Decide on your purpose end product Promote student leadership of forum

Discover your Students Perspectives

The website Les is clearly designed for a younger population seeking a job. The bright orange and lime green background and accent colors are very youthful and eye-catching, designed to keep young adults interested. It is not serious or formal like it most likely would be for older adults.

The layout was very easy to navigate with important information at the top of every page in bolded font. There was also a surprising lack of ads, which was different than most American websites.

Steps for Working with Thematic Web Sites

Select high interest stable sites Visit the site yourself before assigning

Provide clear instructions

Promote open-ended discussion Include material on Exams

Share it!

On-Line Synchronous Chat

FR 1 Chat Session - Invitations

A. Brainstorming in English B. Inviting in French) A J: Bonjour? I do not know how this works. KR: has just entered the chat A J: haha! Y E: me either KR: Bonjour! YE: Bonjour! AJ: Hola! Wait no. . . AJ: Ok so were supposed to talk about how we ask people to do things in English first, right?

On-line Chat (moves to French)

KR: so now translate to French? AJ: voudrais-tu aller avoir un film avec mo ice weekend? YE: Oui. Jaimerais bien. KR: Quelle film? AJ Euh, Melancholia? AJ: Avec Kirsten Dunst? YE cest une excellente ide AJ: (where did you get the accent??) KR: Ah je ne sais aps cette film mais, daccord! YE: oh I added the French keyboard option to my computer AJ: Cest tres independent et unique (and good work!)

Upper Division Unit: Rseaux Sociaux

Are we becoming Cyborgs? (NY Times)

Students Develop and Post Material for Class Discussion


1) From the list above, is there a site that you find idiotic? 2) Is there anything you find annoying that people do on social networks? 3) What do you think is the most practical way people use social networks?

Students will introduce you to culture and encourage each other . . .

Malik with Orchestra

Discussion Forum
J'ai trouv un exemple d'un rappeur amricain devant l'orchestre!
I found an example of an American rapper in front of an orchestra! The differences between this clip and the great clip (French) that Josef showed the class are huge. From beginning to end I couldnt stop laughing at the cultural differences.

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