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Multiple Intelligences Theory

By Howard Gardner

What was believed to be intelligent?

Gardners definition of Intelligence

Gardner defines intelligence as "biopsychological potential to process information that can be activated in a cultural setting to solve problems or create products that are of value in a culture.

The Intelligences

Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence
Logical-Mathematical Intelligence Spatial/Visual Intelligence Bodily-Kinesthetic Intelligence

Musical Intelligence
Interpersonal Intelligence

Intrapersonal Intelligence
Naturalist Intelligence

Verbal/Linguistic Intelligence

Logical-Mathematical Intelligence

Spatial/Visual Intelligence

Bodily-Kinaesthetic Intelligence

Musical Intelligence

Interpersonal Intelligence

Intrapersonal Intelligence

Naturalistic Intelligence

Theory of Language
Language is: not seen as a peripheral skill but as central to the whole life of the learner and user. integrated with music, bodily activity, interpersonal relationship, and so on. not limited to a linguistics perspective, but rather, it encompasses all aspects of communication.

Syllabus ?

1) Awaken the Intelligence 2)Amplify the Intelligence 3)Teach with/for the Intelligence 4)Transfer of the Intelligence

Teachers Role
Teachers are encouraged to administer an MI inventory on themselves.

They have a role that is not only to improve the second language.

Students Role
Learners are expected to take an MI inventory and to develop their own

Students need to see themselves engaged in a process of personality development beyond of being successful language learners.


Crosswords, newspapers, Internet, biographies, autobiographies, books.

Artwork, photographs, posters, charts, illustrations, cartoons, props for plays, videos, murals, sculptures. Games, experiments, pantomiming, presentations, dances, aerobics. Movies, team computer games, wrap arounds, conversations, conferences.

Body/Kinesthetic Interpersonal


Puzzles, timelines, analogies, patterns, formulas, abstract symbols, diagrams, mind maps, computer games.
Background music, raps, jingles, tone patterns, trios/quartet, choirs, cheers.



Journals, readings, self evaluation.

Elements found in nature.

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