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Five Boroughs. One City. The Way Forward.



A Mayor for All of New York


New York City has always been the beacon of hope for the world. We are the great melting pot, represented by every ethnicity, religion and background. Each one of our neighborhoods is unique and our needs are diverse. But there is more that unites us than makes us dierent. We may be ve boroughs, but we are one city and we all share the goals of a strong city, moving forward. We all want safe neighborhoods where New Yorkers can live without fear of violent crime. Our city went from more than 2,000 murders a year to being the safest big city in America. That didnt happen by accidentit was through the use of proactive and eective crime-ghting strategies. We all want a stronger economy and more jobs.The middle class is shrinking and New Yorkers are suering in a diicult economy and an increasingly expensive city. We need a mayor with the experience to attract new industries and good-paying jobs, while taking steps to make the city more aordable so that New Yorkers can live and raise their families here. We all want better schools for our children. Better schools mean a brighter future. A quality education will break the cycle of poverty and give the next generation the opportunity to compete in the 21st century. We need to give parents more choices in their childs education and enhance reforms that are beginning to deliver positive results. The next mayor must have both the vision and the experience to meet our challenges. I am not a politician, but I have been a leader in both the private and public sector, with the great fortune of serving New Yorkers on behalf of Democratic and Republican administrations. My leadership is tested and my policies are proven. You have a real choice in this election and I believe our best days are ahead. You have my word that I will ght for you and your family every day. I will never put special interests above the publics interest and every New Yorker will have a listening ear in my administration. Working together, we can move our city forward. United and strong.

Joe Lhota


RECORD Joe is a former New York City Deputy Mayor and Budget Director. A proven scal conservative, Joe is the only candidate who has managed and maintained the citys complex budget. Joe was a critical member of the City Hall team in the mid-1990s that turned multi-billion dollar decits into billion dollar surpluses, all while cutting billions in taxes. Joe has both the private sector and public service experience needed to solve the most pressing problems in New York City. This is Joes plan to create jobs, teach our children and preserve the New York City quality of life. INTRODUCTION Joe wants New York City to be the best place in the world to raise a family, start a business, and nd a job. For years, New York City has relied heavily on Wall Street and related industries for job growth. While the nancial services industry produces vast wealth and tax revenues, it can also subject the city economy and government to painful contractions when markets fall. For this reason, New York City must welcome and attract new businesses, both large and small, from a variety of industries. The plethora of potential customers, sources of funding and cultural attractions makes New York City among the worlds most attractive destinations for high tech workers and companies. New York City is also among the safest cities in the United States, making it an even greater location for high tech talent and job creating companies. New York City has excelled at attracting new high tech jobs to the region. New York Citys Silicon Alley continues to diversify the New York City economy, attracting over 500 employers to the region. New York City can attract even more. In fact, New York City is one of the few cities where a high tech company can set up shop within walking distance of top rated restaurants, cultural institutions, venture capital rms, leading research facilities, and thousandsif not millionsof customers. New York City must continue to attract and nurture companies specializing in technology, manufacturing and applied sciences. City Hall must show businesses, both large and small, that New York City is a safe city providing quality education for families and a competitive marketplace for their business and investments. JOES JOB GOALS : > Diversify the New York City economy. > Attract high tech and biotech businesses to New York City. > Nurture micro-businesses, small businesses and start-ups. > Produce the most skilled workers in the world. > Raise people out of poverty by creating a larger, more productive middle class. > Lower the tax and regulatory burden for all businesses, families and individuals.

JOES JOB-CREATING SOLUTIONS Problem: New York City is Too Reliant on the FIRE Economy New York City relies too heavily on nance, insurance and real estate (FIRE) for jobs and tax revenue. When stocks plummet, so do tax revenues, real estate values and job numbers. For this reason, New York City must attract additional industries whose wealth is not directly tied to the volatility of the capital markets. New York City has succeeded in diversifying its economy through the spectacular growth in tourism. Hospitality and tourism is New York Citys fastest growing industry. While other industries such as manufacturing and nance shed jobs during the Great Recession, employment in New York Citys hospitality and tourism industry has grown by 27 percent since 2006. Tourism is supporting over 350,000 jobs and delivering over $3 billion in tax revenue. In short, tourism is diversifying New York Citys vulnerable FIRE economy. To sustain this growth, New York City must remain aordable and safe for tourists. New York City has the second highest travel taxes in the country, forcing some travelers to shorten their stay in the Big Apple. That is why we must allow the increase in the hotel room occupancy tax to expire this year, and return the hotel tax to 5 percent. As mayor, Joe will: > Increase local jobs and hiring by creating a agship CUNY Hospitality Management School incorporating both the senior and community college level. > Seek the active cooperation of New York City hospitality industry leaders in the new CUNY Hospitality and Tourism school. > Maintain the lowest possible travel tax by allowing the hotel tax to return to 5 percent. > Continue sound law enforcement strategies that keep New York City safe for tourists. Problem: New York Citys Medical Innovations are Being Commercialized Elsewhere New York City has among the leading medical research facilities in the world. When New York Citys researchers make discoveries, the benets of these discoveries are often commercialized outside of New York City. One obstacle to the growth of the local life sciences industry is the lack of commercial lab space. Another is the high cost of New York City housing, which makes New York City less attractive to scientists and engineers. New York City took the rst step towards attracting life science businesses by oering incentives for the construction of the Alexandria Center at Bellevue Hospital. The city should continue to capitalize on this resource and make New York City a commercial center for the life sciences industry. As mayor, Joe will: > Encourage the growth of biotech and life sciences industries through targeted tax incentives. > Create tax incentives to keep growing businesses from leaving New York City. > Encourage incentives for aordable housing to attract more scientists, engineers, and skilled workers to New York City.

Problem: New York City Needs Skilled Workers A high tech innovation culture requires highly skilled workers. Without a highly trained workforce, employers will avoid hiring local residents in New York City, or worse, relocate their entire business to another city. Even now, New York City employers are having diiculty nding highly qualied candidates to meet their hiring needs. This need for educated, qualied workers will continue throughout the next decade. According to one estimate, New York City employers expect to need close to half a million workers with a community college or university degree. New York Citys education system is having diiculty producing skilled workers. These workers are needed to ll existing jobs, and sustain New York Citys middle class. Indeed, a skilled workforce is the bedrock of a diversied economy. CUNY, especially the community colleges, should be skills based, not systems of remedial education. Sadly, 80 percent of public school students who matriculate in CUNY community colleges require remedial work. Worse, CUNY community college graduation rates are below the national average. The recent announcement of Cornell Tech will be the great economic legacy of the past few years. Together with the NYU Center for Urban Science and Progress, and the Columbia Institute for Data Sciences & Engineering, these high tech campuses will generate over 45,000 jobs and hundreds of new companies. As mayor, Joe will: > Create a tech campus in every borough beginning on Staten Island to complement existing liberal arts and applied sciences programs. > Adapt the CUNY system to the needs of New York City employers so as to produce the besttrained workers for local businesses. Create a small business/technology business taskforce so we can identify the needs of those that are in the best position to create and ll well paying, sustainable jobs. > Establish free online community college programs. Problem: New York City Must Attract and Maintain High Tech Manufacturing High tech innovators will dominate a truly 21st century New York City manufacturing economy. Successful New York City manufacturers will be knowledge based, and more niche oriented. New technology like 3D printing, in addition to speed to market manufacturing innovations, promises great hope for New York Citys manufacturing economy. New York City manufacturers will need space to grow, in addition to incentives and cooperation from the city government. The Brooklyn Navy Yard success gives hope for a manufacturing renaissance in New York City. According to one study, the Navy Yard is pumping $4 billion worth of direct and indirect economic benets into the economy by providing an aordable home to niche manufacturers. To revive New York City manufacturing, the next generation of manufacturers will require tax incentives, space, and modernized regulations. As mayor, Joe will: > Continue the successful Made in NY campaign. > Promote the Brooklyn Navy Yard and replicate its success in every borough.

> Attract innovative manufacturing through creative public-private partnerships, and tax abatement incentives. > Update city regulations to assist the needs of New York Citys knowledge based manufacturers. > Create the Mayors Oice of Industrial and Manufacturing Businesses to nurture and advocate on behalf of New York Citys vulnerable manufacturing base. Problem: New Businesses Need Aordable Incubator Space New York Citys Silicon Alley continues to diversify the New York City economy, attracting over 500 job creating employers to the region. New York City can attract even more. Among the greatest challenges for New York City businesses are start-up costs. New York City real estate is expensive, especially for new employers and those looking to do business in the city. One study ranked New York City as having the highest business rents in the nation. A new business might not be able to aord oice space in Brooklyn, Queens, the Bronx or Staten Island, let alone midtown Manhattan. Co-working spaces provide small businesses and sole-proprietorships a exible, aordable headquarters. Co-working spaces also serve as small business incubators where businesses can develop synergies with other start-ups. New York City needs more co-working and incubator locations to accommodate new businesses seeking to make New York City their home. As mayor, Joe will: > Support incentives for co-working and incubator spaces in every borough, so that small businesses and sole-proprietorships can grow in New York City. JOES JOB-CREATING TAX AND REGULATORY REFORMS New York City is also home to extraordinary tax burdens and business costs that hinder job growth. Forbes magazine listed the New York City region at the bottom of a survey ranking cities by cost of doing business. Another survey listed New York City as the second worst in terms of high travel taxes. New Yorkers have among the highest tax burdens in the nation. We live in one of the few cities in the nation to impose an income tax, in addition to property taxes. New York City even taxes some rents, leaving many renters paying taxes on property they dont even own. Even worse, many New York City employees are subject to an unincorporated business tax in addition to income taxes. In short, New York City will have diiculty diversifying and expanding its economy so long as it continues to tax businesses at exorbitant rates. Problem: The Property Tax Burden is High The structure of New York Citys property tax system discourages job growth. New York City income taxes fall disproportionately on employers and renters. This makes New York City a less attractive destination for jobs and businesses. Moreover, landlords often pass property taxes on to commercial tenants, placing high tax burdens on small businesses. The property tax burden is so high that it often negates the advantages of doing business in New York City. Most important, New York Citys property tax system has a negative impact on middle class homeowners.

New York Citys property tax revenue has grown 127 percent over the past 11 years. This makes New York City a less attractive destination for jobs and businesses. This is in part because the property tax assessment system lacks transparency and fairness. This system leaves many property owners with the distinct feeling that assessments are being increased irrespective of a propertys worth on the market. There has to be more transparency and consistency at the Department of Finance. Property owners deserve a better understanding of how this works. As mayor, Joe will: > Perform a comprehensive review of the assessment system. > Ensure that property assessments are tied to the worth of the property, not to the budgetary needs of New York City politicians. Problem: Business Taxes are Too High Businesses need to be taxed dierently to reect the nature of New York Citys changing economy. New York Citys General Corporation Tax (GCT) impedes the growth of new businesses. Under current law, the city assesses the GCT after analyzing income, compensation and capital. Since start-ups often have no income, these businesses are taxed based on capital. A tax on capital is a tax on job creation. As mayor, Joe will: > Reform the General Corporation Tax so that it no longer taxes capital. Problem: New York City Taxes Businesses for Properties They Dont Even Own (Commercial Rent Tax) New York City imposes a Commercial Rent Tax (CRT) on tenants south of 96th Street for rents over $250,000. The CRT is a disincentive for businesses to move, stay and grow in New York City. As mayor, Joe will: > Work to phase out the commercial rent tax. In the short term, New York City should provide a tax credit to growing businesses that hit the CRT threshold. Problem: The Unincorporated Business Tax Punishes Businesses and Destroys Jobs The onerous Unincorporated Business Tax (UBT) impacts individuals in almost every industry in New York City. When combined with the income tax, the UBT can subject individuals to the highest state and local tax rate in the nation. This is job-killing double taxation. As mayor, Joe will: > Reform the Unincorporated Business Tax. REGULATORY REFORM A recent study ranked New York City as one of the least attractive places to start a business. It is especially diicult for small businesses and sole proprietorships to navigate New York Citys complicated regulatory landscape. As mayor, Joe will: > Consolidate agency licensing and permitting responsibilities to provide no-hassle, low cost government services to employers.

Create a Fair Fee and Fine Structure New York City businesses face extraordinarily high operating costs. If these city-related costs continue to rise, they will impair protability and destroy jobs. Excessive regulatory nes compound the high cost of doing business. Fines and fees have sustained the spending increases over the past 11 years.This adds to the citys already high cost of doing business, stiing job growth. While certain nes are necessary to deter bad behavior and promote a safe business environment, they must not be used to balance budgets. This sties the growth of small businesses. Additionally, the citys regulations are being inconsistently applied depending on the inspector. This causes confusion and burdens small businesses with additional nes. As mayor, Joe will: > Review every ne and fee imposed by the City of New York.Each one will have to be justied, not as a revenue source, but as a means to protect the consumer. > Educate businesses on the regulatory framework and train inspectors to consistently assess nes only when necessary. > Regulatory infractions need to have a short cure period before assessing any ne. > Create business-friendly borough oices to helpbusinesses comply with regulations.

Better schools mean a brighter future for every child.


Education is a great civil rights issue of our time. It is the means through which we can lift people out of poverty and strengthen and grow the middle class. Unfortunately, New York City schools have strong adversaries. Special interest groups seek to undermine mayoral control of schools and rob families of school choice. School choice is the best education policy option for our children, especially inner-city children. If parents can choose better schools for their children, our kids will be better able to advance to college and successful careers. To oppose choice in education, be it through public, private or charter schools, is to advance poverty and punish both the middle class, and those aspiring to join the middle class. While there have been some improvements to schools under mayoral control, we must do much, much more. Last year, 80 percent of our high school graduates required remedial education in reading, writing and math before matriculating in one of our community colleges. This is unacceptable. As mayor, Joe will provide more educational choices for all New Yorkers, irrespective of background and income level. He will focus on what works for students and parents. He will also forge a real partnership between City Hall and our families, so that everyone is focused on what matters: the academic success of our children. Joes Education Goals: > Make students the number one priority in education. > Give parents choice and exibility by doubling the number of New York City charter schools, especially in lower-income neighborhoods. > Empower and uplift teachers. MAKE STUDENTS THE NUMBER ONE PRIORITY IN EDUCATION Studentsnot special interests or educational bureaucraciesare the number one priority in education. Our kids must learn the skills that will help them thrive in the global marketplace. The more our kids learn, the stronger our city will be. Joe will appoint a chancellor who understands how kids learn, and who will implement the Common Core Curriculum in a manner that lifts children out of poverty and preserves and grows the middle class. We must increase graduation rates and lower dropout rates, and we must ensure that our students are prepared for college education or a successful career. Good schools will allow todays students to lead New York City into a bright future. Schools will not succeed absent accountability. Everyone involved in our schools must be held responsible for our childrens success. This includes principals, teachers, administrators, and especially the mayor. Joe wants our principals to lead their schools. He expects that principals will be the chief executive oicers of their schools. He wants principals to work with teachers to make sure instruction is tailored to every students needs. Joe will let principals manage their schools and make sure that schools and teachers are serving their communities eectively. Joe will also make sure the school system is focused on the school in your community, not on the needs of

bureaucrats in the central headquarters. When Joe is mayor, the chancellors job will be to support schools and students, not to cave in to the demands of special interests and bureaucrats. As mayor, Joe will: > Focus on the core question of whether students are learning by raising expectations and measuring performance. > Hold everyone in city government, including himself, accountable for the quality of our educational system. > Implement a curriculum that prepares students for college and careers. > Let principals lead their schoolsso that every student receives a world-class education. GIVE PARENTS CHOICE & FLEXIBILITY New Schools = More Choice. Parents and children deserve public schools that prepare all students for well-paying jobs or college degrees. We need to give parents many options for their kids, because every parent deserves the school that is right for his or her child. We need more district schools, and we need more charter schools. Children must not be stuck in failing schools without other options. Joe will create new public schools, both traditional schools and charter schools. Joe will call on Albany to increase the cap on the number of charter schools, and he will create new district schools to allow for more personalized education. Joe will not make excuses for failing schools, unlike his opponent. It is immoral to keep failing schools open; they must be closed and immediately reconstituted. The closure of a school does not mean a loss of seats or the closure of a building. It means that the failing school is replaced with a better school that makes studentsnot special intereststhe number one priority. Parents also deserve input in their schools. City Hall must listen to parents and give them a say in how our schools educate their children. No one cares more about the future of any child than his or her parent. Thats why Joe will appoint a chancellor who engages parents, listens to their opinions and considers their feedback. Increased choice must include early education. The earlier we start educating our children, the more likely it is that they will succeed in life. Thats why Joe believes every child should have access to Pre-K programs. Out-of-school programs are another way the city can provide choice to parents. Students need to be challenged academically. Working parents need after school programs for their children. Expanded after school programs t these needs, and Joe supports them. Bottom line: Joe wants to give parents more options so that they can choose what is best for their kids. As mayor, Joe will: > Create new schoolsboth traditional schools and charterto give parents more options for their kids. > Give all children access to Pre-Kwithout raising taxes that undermine job growth. > Hold regular town halls/listening sessions with parents. > Save failing schools by reconstituting them immediately in the same building.

DOUBLE THE NUMBER OF CHARTER SCHOOLS Charter schools are already providing education choices for New York City parents and students. They are independent public schools that are innovative and accountable. Charter schools provide choice to all New Yorkers. There are 70,000 New York City charter school students. Brooklyn has the greatest number of charters. Over 90 percent of charter students are Black and Latino and 73 percent are eligible for free or reduced-price lunch. The only problem with New York City charter schools is that there are not enough of them. Demand for New York City charter school seats is high. In 2013, there were an estimated 69,000 charter school applicants, but only 18,600 available seats. That is a shortage of 50,400 seats. We can do better. We can give more parents what they want for their children. To succeed, New York City charter schools will need space in a city where real estate is very expensive. In an eort to deprive families of choice, the opponents of charter schools want to limit the space available to charter schools. They want to charge charter schools rent, take money away from teaching, and make it more diicult for charter schools to succeed in this already expensive city. Thats why Joe believes that the city should co-locate charters with other public schools. As mayor, Joe will: > Call for legislation doubling the number of charter schools, especially in low-income neighborhoods. > Provide space for charter schools through co-location in public schools. SUPPORT TEACHERS AND HELP THEM EDUCATE OUR KIDS Teachers are the solution to New York Citys educational challenges. We must uplift our educators, and provide them with the training and resources needed to teach students. We need to put our teachers in the best position to teach our kids. We must give teachers the tools and provide the knowledge needed to teach their students as eectively as possible. Evaluation systems are a means to guide teachers in their professional development. Most teachers do a very good job, and we need to help them become excellent teachers. Teachers who are highly eective should be rewarded. Thats why Joe believes the best teachers should be rewarded with additional pay. The city should be able to provide nancial incentives to teachers in areas, like science, that are hard to sta, or in schools where most of the children are struggling. Good teachers who are willing to take on tougher assignments deserve to get rewarded. Joe knows how to work with unions, and he wants a partnership with the teachers union to ensure they are in the best possible position to educate our kids. Unions must be willing to partner with City Hall to provide choices to parents and students. As mayor, Joe will work with the union to: > Support an evaluation system that empowers teachers, and assists in their professional development. > Increase professional development opportunities for teachers. > Create merit-based bonuses and rewards for highly eective teachers. > Provide nancial incentives to teachers who take on more diicult assignments.


Building a better quality of life in every borough for all New Yorkers.

CRIME AND PUBLIC SAFETY Joe will maintain and enhance the important gains in public safety and quality of life that have made it possible for New York City to thrive and grow. Joe will continue the reduction of crime that has made our city the safest large city in the United States. Joe was part of the citys remarkable transformation, from more than 2,000 murders per year to being the safest big city in America. He supports proactive policing strategies. Stop, Question and Frisk The NYPD must have the ability to stop crimes before they happen. Police should not stop citizens based on their background, nor should they racially prole. The Supreme Court of the United States held in the landmark case of Terry v. Ohio that police have the ability to stop people upon reasonable suspicion. This technique is used by police departments around the country. Terry stops are an important tool in the prevention of crime, especially gun violence. Police, however, should be free to go into high crime neighborhoods and prevent crimes, including quality of life crimes. Unfortunately, some politicians seek to handcu the police. They want to turn the NYPD into a department that responds to crime, not a department that prevents crime. This was the strategy that resulted in thousands of murders a year in the early 1990s. Joe will do everything in his power to prevent politicians from undermining the NYPD. The NYPD is one of the most diverse police departments in the country. It is also one of the most scrutinized police departments, and has multiple levels of oversight. This is not good enough for some. The New York City Council and a federal judge have independently added additional levels of scrutiny in an eort to curtail crime ghting strategies. These additional levels of bureaucracy are redundant and will hamper legitimate police investigative work. To guarantee accountability, NYPD oicers should be provided with the best possible training. Instead of eliminating Stop, Question and Frisk, we should be improving our training policies so that police oicers always act within the connes of the U.S. Constitution. As mayor, Joe will: > Support constitutionally permissible investigative techniques. > Seek to overturn the City Council law and federal court decision limiting the use of Stop, Question and Frisk. > Provide more training to the NYPD to ensure that stops are subject to the protections of the U.S. Constitution. Crime Prevention Joe believes that all crimes matter, whether the crime is a felony or a quality of life oense. Non-felony crimes can quickly thrust cities into decline. A broken window leads to more broken windows, graiti, trespass, vandalism, and the decline of an entire neighborhood and ultimately the city. Joe will prevent minor crimes from disturbing the quality of life for New Yorkers and keep New York City the safest large city in America.

Support Successful Policing Strategies The NYPD is to be commended for its successful crime reduction eorts. Because of its proactive police strategies, the NYPD has made New York City the safest large city in America. Joe believes in oversight and accountability at every level of municipal government, including the NYPD. CompStat is a management technique that employs statistics and accountability to ght crime in New York City and is a major component of the NYPDs crime ghting strategy. The police must continue to use CompStat to ght crime and guarantee accountability. Joe also believes that we must remain vigilant against the threat of terrorism, and supports the NYPDs nationally recognized counterterrorism eorts. The NYPD has thousands fewer police oicers than it did before 9/11. We need to ensure that we have the necessary resources to keep crime low. As mayor, Joe will: > Continue the CompStat program as a management tool to ght crime. > Fight gun crime through the use of proven investigative techniques. > Fund, maintain, and support the NYPDs successful counterterrorism eorts. PROTECTING SENIORS We must support New York Citys senior citizens. A diverse economy, aordable housing and a strong healthcare system help all New Yorkers,includingseniors. In New York City the number of seniors will increase by over 50 percent by 2030.We must prepare to address their healthcare needs today, and plan for healthcare infrastructure that will address those needs. As mayor, Joe will: > Develop and preserve aordable housing. > Support reform of the tax assessment system so as to lower the New York City property tax burden. > Improve outreach to help the elderly maneuver the myriad of programs that are often diicult to understand. > View senior citizens as assets. Retirement should not limit the ability of seniors to share their knowledge and experience. Working with students as mentors and tutors would be great for seniors and helpful for students. > End workplace discrimination. Joe supports laws that remedy workplace discrimination and protect senior workers. > Help caregivers. We need to make caregiving as eortless as possible for the elderly and their families. We need to recognize the contributions of caregivers and work to minimize their burdens, whether through respite care or tax incentives. AFFORDABLE HOUSING New York City needs more aordable housing. The preservation and creation of aordable housing is a critical component of our citys future. It also serves to create jobs and boost economic development. By 2030, the city is expected to grow by 1 million people, putting strains on the current housing stock. The next mayor must be creative in the pursuit of aordable housing in New York City.

According to one study, the average rent burden for New Yorkers has increased while household incomes have declined. Even worse, roughly one-third of New Yorkers are paying more than half of their incomes in rent. In Queens, it is estimated that the average low-income renting household pays over half its income in rent and utilities. Hurricane Sandy has added to New York Citys need for aordable housing. Sandy destroyed thousands of homes, increasing the need for new construction and the creation of quality, aordable housing. Joe has embraced the Housing First! plan. This plan invests $8 billion of public capital into the housing sector to develop and preserve 150,000 housing units over the next eight years. New York City also needs to care for its most vulnerable citizens. The needy should not be refused assistance. While shelters are an eicient means to help the homeless, the goal should be to move people toward independence as quickly as possible. We also need to nd solutions to help other vulnerable citizens like our seniors and veterans. As mayor, Joe will: > Support the Housing First! plan for aordable housing. > Incentivize the construction of 60,000 aordable housing units through city capital investments. > Preserve the aordability of 90,000 apartments threatened by deterioration and expiring rent restrictions. > Encourage the private sector to build the next generation of middle income and aordable housing by working with the development community, our elected oicials and other housing stakeholders to create new programs, including a modern day program like the Mitchell-Lama program. > Strengthen the New York City Housing Authority by creating a comprehensive plan to develop its underutilized land for housing and communities with retail businesses, including quality supermarkets and fresh food stores. This will provide NYCHA with much needed revenue to repair and upgrade its existing housing stock. It will also improve the quality of life for NYCHA residents by creating a real community atmosphere. > Undertake a complete inventory of vacant and underutilized land in New York City to create more opportunities to develop aordable housing. For example, if a post oice shuts down, we should use that land for aordable housing. > Undertake a complete inventory of available air rights from city-owned properties like schools, libraries and rehouses to create revenue for the city, while incentivizing developers to utilize the air rights to create low and middle income housinghousing that can be aordable for our teachers, reghters, police oicers and other civil servants. > Utilize land-use planning studies of various neighborhoods to plan and target areas to upzone. The goal is to permit large scale development where we can mandate low and middle income units as part of the rezoning. > Help the homeless responsibly in an eort to move them quickly to the maximum level of independence. The goal is to move the homeless from transitional housing and help them integrate into diverse, permanent housing developments. > Conduct a thorough review of the Department of Buildings to permit an approval process that helps expedite the construction of aordable units.

> Focus on technology to nd new ways of streamlining the permitting process to cut down on unnecessary delays. ENVIRONMENT New Yorkers deserve a clean and sustainable environment. Plus, New York City must deal with the realities of climate change. This includes striving to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, in addition to protecting the coastline from the impact of climate change. To reduce greenhouse gas emissions, we must review building codes to ensure that we are achieving increased levels of energy eiciency. We must also explore renewable energy sources to make the city a greener, healthier place. In addition, New York City needs added resiliency following Superstorm Sandy. The 14-foot storm surge and subsequent res dealt a horrible blow to neighborhoods and infrastructure. We must act to protect our city. New York Citys roadmap for dealing with the realities of climate change is commendable. This ambitious capital plan to create a system of ood barriers will protect New York Citys critical infrastructure and vulnerable neighborhoods. As mayor, Joe will: > Implement plans to make New York City buildings more energy eicient. > Examine eective alternative energy options for New York City. > Continue New York Citys plan to increase its storm resiliency by protecting New York Citys critical infrastructure and vulnerable neighborhoods. > Encourage energy eiciency in New York Citys taxi eet. > Encourage park and ride stations at the end of suitable subway lines. > Expand recycling throughout the city, including introducing recycling into subway stations. > Require utilities whose service areas cover evacuated ood zones to terminate power prior to expected storm surges. This would help to prevent another mass re like the one that swept through Breezy Point. Upper East Side Garbage Dump The East 91st Street Marine Transfer Station is an ill-conceived project that threatens the quality of life of New Yorkers. It is environmentally unsafe, scally irresponsible and a public health menace. It is costly and will pollute a residential neighborhood that is home to schools, public housing and a beloved community center. It should remain closed. As mayor, Joe will: > Keep the East 91st Street Marine Transfer Station closed. > Burden no other borough with Manhattan garbage. Manhattan garbage should be sent directly to a New Jersey waste-to-energy facility. TRANSPORTATION An eective transportation system is a key part of New York Citys economy and quality of life. Businesses, tourists, students, and commuters depend on our trains, buses and roads. New York Citys transportation system faces continual challenges. A city with long commutes and dangerous roads will fail to attract jobs and tourists, and this will severely impact the citys ability to stay in sound scal health. In fact, a recent study found that New York City commuters

spend 48 minutes commuting to work, which is well above the national average. New York City must have the safest possible systems of transportation. Policies must be enacted with the understanding that roads are to be shared fairly by cars, trucks, emergency vehicles, pedestrians and cyclists. As mayor, Joe will: > Take control of the MTAs bridges and tunnels to reduce costs to commuters. > Fight for funding for the MTAs 5-year capital program. > Create a feasibility study to expand the New York City subway system. > Re-establish the Mayors Oice of Transportation to communicate the citys transportation needs and priorities to other agencies. > Ensure the building of four new Metro-North stops in the Bronx with access to Penn Station. > Encourage park and ride stations at the end of suitable subway lines. > Ensure that New York City roads are in a good state of repair. > Synchronize traic lights to mitigate traic and enhance mobility. > Examine the use of smart traic lights. > Consider the expansion of right on red in certain parts of the city. > Expand Select Bus Service. > Support expanded Staten Island Ferry service. > Make the Rockaway Ferry permanent. > Support a West Shore Rail Line on Staten Island. > Ensure the completion of the 2nd Ave. Subway. ETHICS REFORM New Yorkers deserve a clean government. New York state and city governments are plagued with scandal. An ethical and transparent government will be the top priority in a Lhota Administration. Joe does not believe that the political process is for sale. In fact, he believes that those public oicials convicted of corruption should be stripped of their pensions, and compelled to pay restitution. Thats why Joe is calling for political party reform, government reform and campaign nance reform. As mayor, Joe will: > Reform the member items process. > Require mandatory independent audits of all member items. > Award member items based on equity and objectivity. > Call for a limitation on the amount candidates for oice can contribute to state or county political party committees. > Support term limits for state and county chairpersons. > Work to prevent state and county chairpersons from simultaneously holding elective oice.

SUPPORTING THE LGBT COMMUNITY Joe supports equal rights for all New Yorkers and believes in marriage equality. Joe has always supported and listened to the LGBT community throughout his personal and professional life, and will continue to do so as Mayor of New York City. Joe will work to protect all members of the LGBT community. Discrimination in employment, housing, or anywhere else is evil. So is violence. This is why New York City mustenforce all laws that protect the LGBT community from discrimination.Joe will also keep our neighborhoods safe and prevent hate crimes against anyone in the LGBT community. Joe understands the importance of identifying the unique needs of the LGBT community. As mayor, Joe will: > Support marriage equality. > Combat hate crimes and violence against the LGBT community. > Enforce laws that protect the LGBT community from discrimination. IMPROVE THE HEALTH OF NEW YORK CITY CHILDREN New York City is currently facing intersecting food crises. Many families in our poorest neighborhoods face both obesity and food insecurity. The obesity rate has increased dramatically over the past decade. The city estimates that over half of all adults and half of all elementary school children are overweight or obese, putting them at risk of premature death and preventable illness. Even worse, at least 1 million New Yorkers experience food insecurity, having inconsistent access to adequate or aordable food. As our nation moves to implement health reform, no single action can better help to reduce costs and improve outcomes than to slow the ood of people into our nations hospitals, emergency rooms and doctors oices suering from nutrition-related diseases. As the health and scal burden of nutrition-related disease continues to grow, a number of policies and interventions are needed to have a signicant and long lasting impact on childrens access to and understanding of healthy foods. Hundreds of thousands of children receive lunch while at school, though too few are taking advantage of school lunch and breakfast programs on account of the stigma associated with participation. Better school food will improve learning, ease hunger and reduce obesity. Few social investments oer such expansive and ongoing benets. As mayor, Joe will: > Advance nutrition education in our schools. We must teach healthy nutrition behaviors to young children. > Improve the nutrition and health of children and future generations by providing better school food.

A Stronger, More Resilient New York, City of New York, 2013. After Bloomberg: An Agenda for New York, City Journal, 2013. Bloomberg unveils $20B NEW YORK CITY superstorm defensesystem, New York Post, June 11, 2013. Brooklyn Navy Yard, Pratt Center, 2013. Building a Vibrant Manufacturing Center, Pratt Center, 2013. Building Stronger 2014-2021: What the Next Mayor Can Do to Address New York Citys Housing Crisis, Housing First, 2013. City Council Green-Lights Cornells Roosevelt Island Campus, CBS, May 8, 2013. Commercial Rent Tax, NEW YORK CITY Department of Finance, 2013. How to Build a Spoon, New York Times, April 26, 2013. Nearly 80% of city public high-school grads at CUNY community colleges require remediation for English ormath, New York Post, March 7, 2013. New York City Tourism: A Model for Success, NEW YORK CITY & Company, 2013. New Yorkers have longest commute times in the U.S.: report, NY Daily News, August 13, 2013. NEW YORK CITY Jobs Blueprint, Partnership for New York City, 2013. Obesity, New York City Department of Health and Mental Hygiene, 2013. Obesity up 25 percent in NEW YORK CITY, New York Post, accessed September 30, 2013. Quarterly Housing Update, Furman Center, accessed September 26, 2013. Small Businesses to NEW YORK CITY: Get O Our Backs!, City Journal, Autumn 2009. State of New York Citys Housing and Neighborhoods, Furman Center, 2012. State of New York Citys Subsidized Housing, Furman Center, 2011. Tax Revenue Forecasting Documentation: Financial Plan Fiscal Years 2012-2016, NEW YORK CITY Oice of Management and Budget, 2013. The Best Places for Business and Careers, Forbes, August 7, 2013. The Joys of Urban Tech, Wall Street Journal, August 31, 2012. Which States Tax Your Travel the Most?, Pew Charitable Trusts, 2013.

Five Boroughs. One City. The Way Forward.



A Mayor for All of New York


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