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Spanish Government

Dolor Sit Amet

Parliamentary Monarchy
Spains type of government is a parliamentary or constitutional monarchy in which the powers of the ruler are restricted to those granted under the constitution. The hereditary monarch, who acts as the head of the state, can ratify laws, head of armed forces, dissolve the legislature, and propose candidates for prime minister (presidente) position. The prime minister is the head of government and is proposed by the king and approved by the legislature. Spain has a bicameral legislature: the Cortes (National Assembly) and the Congress of Deputies. All legislators serve four-year terms. Spain is divided into 17 regions (autonomous communities) and 2 autonomous cities (Ceuta and Melilla). Each of the autonomous communities has its own parliament and regional government. Anonymous. (2013)(b)

Branches of Government
Executive Branch (hereditary)
Chief of State: King Juan Carlos I Head of Government/President of Government: Mariano Rajoy

Legislative Branch (The Cortes)

Bicameral General Courts consists of the Senate and Congress of Deputies

Judicial Branch
Supreme Court
Anonymous. (2013, February 5)(a)

Hereditary Monarch
-head of the state -ratify laws

The Cortes
-most powerful institution -ratify or reject decree laws -elaborate on laws -approve and amend the budget

Approved by legislature 31 October 1978 Passed by referendum 6 December 1978 Signed by the king 27 December 1978
Anonymous. (2013, February 5)(a)

-dissolve the legislature -propose prime minister candidates

-head of armed forces

-maintain ethical standards

Citizens begin to vote at 18 years old.
Anonymous. (2013, February 5)(a)

-resolve constitutional questions -rule on constitutionality of laws regulations acts

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