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Clinical signs of serious neonatal illness

Chapter 3


Chest in-drawing

(Ref. p.87)

Nasal flaring

(Ref. p.87)

Abdominal distension - cellulitis

(Ref. p.54)

Purpuric (septic) spots, abdominal distension

(Ref. p.168)

Abdominal distension: bowel obstruction

(Ref. p.283)

Jaundice, abdominal distension

(Ref. p.64)

Look for localizing signs

Pus draining from ear Skin pustules Umbilical redness extending to the peri-umbilical skin or draining pus Painful joints, joint swelling, reduced movement

Cellulitis / osteomyelitis

(Ref. p.288)

Septic arthritis

(Ref. p.186, 289)

Skin pustules: staph infection

Breast abscess

(Ref. p.287)

Fever and umbilical redness and swelling

(Ref. p.54)


(Ref. p.66)

Suspect meningitis if:

General illness Irritability Vomiting everything Lethargy Tense or bulging fontanelle Stiff neck (late) High pitched cry Apnoeic episodes Convulsions

Bulging fontanelle

(Ref. P.54)

Trismus and increased muscle tone neonatal tetanus

(Ref. P.25)

Birth Asphyxia

Ref. p. 47-49, 51

Birth Asphyxia

(Ref. p. 47-49)

Congenital syphilis

(Ref. p. 67)

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