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ZXWN CS Daily Operation

Course Objectives:
Signaling Trace Log Management Security Management Resource Management

1 Signaling Trace.............................................................................................................................................1 1.1 Signaling Trace Introduction...................................................................................................................1 1.2 Signaling Trace Interface........................................................................................................................1 1.3 Setting Signaling Tracing........................................................................................................................4 2 Log Management.........................................................................................................................................9 2.1 Log Management Introduction...............................................................................................................9 2.2 Log Management Interface...................................................................................................................10 2.3 Querying Logs.......................................................................................................................................13 2.4 Exporting Logs......................................................................................................................................16 2.5 Printing Logs.........................................................................................................................................17 3 Security Management................................................................................................................................19 3.1 Security Management Introduction......................................................................................................19 3.2 Security Management Interface............................................................................................................20 3.3 Customizing a User Account Rule........................................................................................................24 3.4 Viewing an Operation Tree...................................................................................................................26 3.5 Customizing a Security Event Rule......................................................................................................28 3.6 Creating a Role......................................................................................................................................29 3.7 Modifying a Role..................................................................................................................................33 3.8 Viewing a Role......................................................................................................................................36 3.9 Deleting a Role......................................................................................................................................38 3.10 Duplicating a Role..............................................................................................................................39 3.11 Finding a Role.....................................................................................................................................40 3.12 Viewing Role Assignment Information..............................................................................................41

3.13 Creating a Role Set.............................................................................................................................42 3.14 Modifying a Role Set..........................................................................................................................44 3.15 Viewing a Role Set..............................................................................................................................45 3.16 Deleting a Role Set.............................................................................................................................46 3.17 Duplicating a Role Set........................................................................................................................47 3.18 Finding a Role Set...............................................................................................................................48 3.19 Viewing Role Set Assignment.............................................................................................................49 3.20 Creating a User....................................................................................................................................51 3.21 Modifying a User................................................................................................................................54 3.22 Viewing a User....................................................................................................................................56 3.23 Deleting a User....................................................................................................................................57 3.24 Duplicating a User..............................................................................................................................58 3.25 Finding a User.....................................................................................................................................59 3.26 Viewing Access Rights of a User........................................................................................................60 3.27 Managing Login Users........................................................................................................................61 3.28 Releasing Locked Users......................................................................................................................63 3.29 Setting the Login IP Range of Administrator.....................................................................................64 3.30 Modifying All Users' Passwords.........................................................................................................66 3.31 Setting Administrator Password Protection........................................................................................66 3.32 Creating a Department........................................................................................................................67 3.33 Modifying a Department.....................................................................................................................69 3.34 Viewing a Department.........................................................................................................................71 3.35 Deleting a Department........................................................................................................................72 3.36 Finding a Department..........................................................................................................................72 4 Resource Management..............................................................................................................................75 4.1 Resource Management Introduction.....................................................................................................75 4.2 Resource Management Interface...........................................................................................................75

4.3 Implementing Area Operation...............................................................................................................78 4.4 Adding a Resource................................................................................................................................78 4.5 Deleting a Resource..............................................................................................................................81 4.6 Modify a Resource................................................................................................................................82 4.7 Viewing Resource Tree.........................................................................................................................83


1 Signaling Trace
1.1 Signaling Trace Introduction
1.1.1 Description
Signaling trace is used for tracing specific signaling links, analyzing signaling sending correctness, providing operators with signaling content tracing display, offering maintenance personnel with convenient method of locating faults, facilitating signaling flow query in commissioning and debugging, and finding errors in signaling cooperation for further handling.

1.1.2 Categories
The categories of the MSCS signaling to be traces are as follows. 1. 2. Subscriber signal trace Interface signaling trace (BSSAP, RANAP, MAP, CAP, TUP/ISUP/BICC, CAS, ISDNL3, and H248) 3. 4. 5. No.7 signaling trace (OMAP, SCCP, and MTP3) SIGTRAN protocol trace (IUA, M3UA, and SCTP) Discard message (MTP3 SNM, MTP3 link, M3UA link, and SCCP).

1.2 Signaling Trace Interface

1.2.1 Interface
Select Views > Signaling Trace to pop up the Signaling Trace window, as shown in Fig 1.2 -1.

Fig 1.2-1 Signaling Trace Interface

Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 Menu bar Toolbar


Signaling Trace tree Status bar Message area Operation window

1.2.2 Menu Bar

The menu bar in the Signaling Trace window consists of seven menus, including System, Views, Data Window, Sigtrace Operation, Favorite, Windows, and Help. Table 1.2 -1 shows the functions of each menu.
Table 1.2-1 Functions Provided by Menu Bar of Signaling Trace Menu Item System Views Main Functions Lock Screen, Current User Info, Print Setup, Query System Time, System Setting, Logout, and Exit Daily maintenance, signaling trace, fail observer, performance management, MML terminal, log management, professional maintenance, security management, system management, and resource management Cascade, tile, restore all, minimize all, close all

Data Window

Chapter 4 Resource Management

Menu Item Sigtrace Operation

Main Functions Open data file, query system task, stop all task, set client parameter, set server parameter, and set decoding parameter Fault Management, Log Management, and System Management Show/hide toolbar, status bar, and message area, close current view or all views Help (showing online help), and About (showing software version and technical support information)

Favorite Windows Help

1.2.3 Toolbar
Table 1.2 -2 shows the icons in the toolbar.
Table 1.2-2 Icons in Toolbar Icon Description Home page Back Forward Query System Time System Setting Lock Screen Current User Info Print Setup Icon Description Daily Maintenance Signaling Trace Fail Observer Fault Management Performance Management MML Terminal Help

1.2.4 Signaling Trace Tree

The signaling trace tree displays NEs in the system. Click the NE node to show types of the signaling available for tracing.

1.2.5 Message Area

The Message Area window consists of two sub-windows, Hint Message and Error Message, which display operation results. Table 1.2 -3 shows its main functions.
Table 1.2-3 Functions of Sub-windows 3

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Sub-window Hint Message Error Message

Main Functions Showing messages for successful operation, including its name and time Prompting messages for unsuccessful operation, including its name, time, and probable failure cause

1.2.6 Status Bar

The status bar shows the connection status of current client

1.3 Setting Signaling Tracing

1.3.1 Purpose
To set the NE on which the signaling tracing will be performed, the tracing type and corresponding parameters, and then to start the signaling tracing

1.3.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. For detailed procedure, refer to.

1.3.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Signaling Trace. Result: The Signaling Trace window appears. 2. 3. In the Signaling Trace tree, double-click the NE to be traced. Double-click the signaling category to expand the node, and then double-click the signaling type to be traced, as shown in Fig 1.3 -2.

Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 1.3-2 Selecting Signaling Type to Be Traced


The Signaling Trace Task Set dialog box pops up, as shown in Fig 1.3 -3. Set tracing parameters, or click the icon in the toolbar to set tracing parameters.

NOTE: Tracing parameters vary with different signaling tracing types. For detailed signaling trace types and corresponding parameters, refer to Table 1.3 -4.

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Fig 1.3-3 Setting Tracing Parameters


Click OK to complete setting signaling tracing parameters. The system starts to trace the signaling. The tracing result will automatically displays in the operation window, as shown in Fig 1.3 -4.

Fig 1.3-4 Starting to Trace Signaling

1.3.4 Reference
Table 1.3 -4 shows MSCS signaling tracing types and their parameters

Chapter 4 Resource Management

Table 1.3-4 MSCS Signaling Tracing Types and Their Parameters Signaling Tracing Type Discard Message Subscriber signal trace BSSAP Signaling Trace Parameter Including MTP3 SNM, MTP3 link, M3UA link, and SCCP Primary settings: set the tracing number and objects. Advanced settings: set mission types, timing, and preservation. Primary settings: set BSC office, module number, and message type (including L3 message and BSSAP message). Advanced settings: set timing and preservation. RANAP signaling trace Primary settings: set RNC office, module number, and message type (including L3 message and RANAP message). Advanced settings: set timing and preservation. MAP signaling trace CAP signaling trace TUP/ISUP/BICC interface signaling trace CAS signaling trace ISDNL3 signaling trace H248 signaling trace Primary settings: set trace type, module number, user-input information, and user information list. Advanced settings: set timing and preservation. OMAP No.7 signaling trace SCCP signaling trace MTP3 signaling trace IUA signaling trace M3UA signaling trace SCTP signaling trace Primary settings: set the type and the direction Advanced settings: set timing and preservation. Primary settings: select modules and subsystems. Advanced settings: set timing and preservation. Primary settings: set direction, tracing options, and links Advanced settings: set timing and preservation. Primary settings: set direction, tracing options, and association IDs. Advanced settings: set timing and preservation. Primary settings: set tracing type, by module number or by association. Advanced settings: set timing and preservation. interface Primary settings: set trace number, module number, and message type. Advanced settings: set timing and preservation. Primary settings: set GT number, module number, and message type. Advanced settings: set timing and preservation. Primary settings: set office number and module number. Advanced settings: set timing and preservation. -

2 Log Management
2.1 Log Management Introduction
2.1.1 Description
The log management provides the function of querying the system running log. It enables to get the information about the operation and login status of users, and the information about the complete condition of the timing tasks of the server. The log falls into the operation log, security log, and system log. Users can query, export, and print these three types of log.

2.1.2 Type
There are three types of logs. 1. Operation log It records the information about user operations, including the log ID, operation rank, user name, module, operation set, host address, command function, detailed information, operation result, failed reason, connection mode, operation resource, operation start time, operation end time, and related log. 2. Security log It records the information about user login status, including the log ID, user name, host address, log name, operation time, connection mode, and detailed information. 3. System log It records the complete condition of the timing tasks of the server, including the log ID, rank, source, log name, detailed information, host address, operation start time, operation end time, and related log.

2.2 Log Management Interface

2.2.1 Interface
Select Views > Log Management to pop up the Log Management window, as shown in Fig 2.2 -5.

Fig 2.2-5 Log Management Interface

Table 2.2-5 Labels in Log Management Interface Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Menu bar Toolbar Log tree Message area Status bar Toolbar in operation window Operation window

2.2.2 Menu bar

The menu bar in the Log Management window consists of six menus, including System, Views, Operation, Favorite, Windows, and Help. Table 2.2 -6 shows the

Chapter 4 Resource Management

functions of each menu.

Table 2.2-6 Functions Provided by Menu Bar of Log Management Menu Item System Views Main Functions Lock Screen, Current User Info, Print Setup, Query System Time, System Setting, Logout, and Exit Daily Maintenance, Signaling Trace, Fail Observer, Performance Management, MML Terminal, Log Management, Professional Maintenance, Security Management, System Management, and Resource Management Operation Favorite Windows Help Run, Edit, Export Query, Save as, Refresh Current Tab Page, Export Result, and Print Result Fault Management, Log Management, and System Management Show/hide toolbar, status bar, and message area, close current view or all views Help (showing online help), and About (showing software version and technical support information)

2.2.3 Toolbar
Table 2.2 -7 shows the icons in the toolbar.
Table 2.2-7 Icons in Toolbar Icon Description Home page Back Forward Query System Time System Setting Lock Screen Current User Info Print Setup Icon Description Daily Maintenance Signaling Trace Fail Observer Fault Management Performance Management MML Terminal Help

2.2.4 Log Tree

The Log Tree shows the log types available for viewing, including Operation Log,

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Security Log, and System Log.

2.2.5 Message Area

The Message Area window consists of two sub-windows, Hint Message and Error Message, which display operation results. Table 2.2 -8 shows its main functions.
Table 2.2-8 Functions of Sub-windows Sub-window Hint Message Error Message Main Functions Showing messages for successful operation, including its name and time Prompting messages for unsuccessful operation, including its name, time, and probable failure cause

2.2.6 Status Bar

The status bar shows the connection status of current client.

2.2.7 Toolbar in Operation Window

Table 2.2 -9 shows the icons shown in the toolbar in the operation window.
Table 2.2-9 Icons Shown in Toolbar Icon Description Refresh Current Tab Page Previous Page Last Page Query and Export Result According to Current Condition Customize Display Columns Save Query Condition As Icon Description First Page Next Page Go to Page Query and Print Result According to Current Condition Edit Query Condition Find

2.2.8 Operation Window

The operation window shown here varies with different operations performed in the Log Management window, including:


Chapter 4 Resource Management

1. 2. 3.

Querying logs Exporting logs Print logs

2.3 Querying Logs

2.3.1 Purpose
To query the log records of the OMM system Note: This section takes the operation logs for example to describe the procedure for querying logs. You can use similar method to query security and system logs.

2.3.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. For detailed procedure, refer to.

2.3.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Log Management.

Result: The Log Management window appears. 2. Right-click the All Operation Log below the Operation Log node, select Edit from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 2.3 -6.

Fig 2.3-6 Editing Query Conditions


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Set query conditions in the Query Operation Log dialog box, consisting two tabs, Basic and Advanced, as shown in Fig 2.3 -7.

Fig 2.3-7 Query Operation Log

Table 2.3-10 Parameter Description Name User information Operation start time Descriptions Selecting to match the user information exactly by user name or by host address Selecting the check box to set the log-generating time for querying the operation records; not selecting the check box means to query operation records from the first log to the last log. Selecting to query operation logs by user name or by operation objects When selecting the check box followed by Operation, the Select button is activated. Click Select to choose the operator. When selecting the check box followed by Operation Resource, the Select button is activated. Click Select to choose the operation objects. 14

Operation Information

Chapter 4 Resource Management

Name Operation result Connection mode Rank

Descriptions Including: All, Successful Operation, Failed Operation, and Unfinished Operation Including: All, GUI, TELNET, NDF, CORBA, WEB, and SNMP Including: All, 1-VERY IMPORTANT, 2-IMPORTANT, 3-NOTICE, and 4-NORMAL


After the setting is completed, click OK. The query result is displayed in the log list, as shown in Fig 2.3 -8.

Fig 2.3-8 Query Result


If there are several pages showing the queried logs, click page, or click click to view the previous page, click

to view the next to view the first page,

to view the last page, and click

to go to the specified page.

2.3.4 Optional Operation

1. To query todays operation log information, click Today Operation Log below the Operation Log node. The other operations are the same as that of querying all operation logs. 2. If there is no need to modify query conditions, there are two methods to query logs. 1) Double-click the node to be queried.

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Right-click this node and then select Run from the short-cut menu to query logs.

2.4 Exporting Logs

2.4.1 Purpose
To export the queried log result and to save the result in the file format of *.txt, *.html, *.pdf, *.csv, and *.xls

2.4.2 Prerequisite
1. The user has logged in the OMM server normally. For detailed procedure, refer to. 2. Confirm that the logs to be exported are queried. For the operation method, refer to Querying Logs.

2.4.3 Steps
1. On the window displaying the query result shown in Fig 2.3 -8, click the button on the toolbar, or select Operation > Export Result to pop up the Save dialog box, as shown in Fig 2.4 -9.

Fig 2.4-9 Exporting and Saving Logs


Set the save position, file format, and file name, click Save. The Message dialog box pops up, prompting that the logs are exported successfully.

Chapter 4 Resource Management


Click OK to complete exporting logs.

2.5 Printing Logs

2.5.1 Purpose
To print queried logs

2.5.2 Prerequisite
1. The user has logged in the OMM server normally. For detailed procedure, refer to. 2. Confirm that the logs to be exported are queried. For the operation method, refer to Querying Logs.

2.5.3 Steps
1. On the window displaying the queried logs shown in Fig 2.3 -8, click the button on the toolbar, or select Operation > Print Result to pop up the Print Setup dialog box, as shown in Fig 2.5 -10.

Fig 2.5-10 Print Setup

Table 2.5-11 Parameter Descriptions for Each Tab


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Tab General

Parameter Setting the printer name, print range (including printing all the pages, and selecting several required pages), and the number of copies Setting page size, orientation, and margins Setting the printing style

Page Setup Advance


Click the Preview All button to view the printing effect. Click Print to start printing logs.


3 Security Management
3.1 Security Management Introduction
3.1.1 Functions
Security management aims to ensure the legitimate use of the system by users. Security management implements the management to the role/role set, user, and department, and provides the security control to the operators so that they can conduct security management operations through reasonable relationship between the user and the role as well as the corresponding operation authority. Through the login authentication, this function can prevent illegal users from entering the system and implement the security control over the operations of the operator.

3.1.2 Concepts Involved

1. Role The role assigns users managerial authority by defining the operation and resource authority. The operation authority defines the functional modules of the NMS that can be operated by a certain user. The resource authority defines the subnet or the specific NEs under the subnet that can be managed by a certain user. The operation authority and the resource authority separately define two aspects of a role. Both of them are independent from each other when a role is defined. The authority set corresponding to a role is the intersection set of them during the usage. 2. Role set The role set is the set of several roles. The authority of a role set is the authority set of all its roles. Using the role set facilitates system administer or subnet administer to allocate the authority. The user authority of an administrator usually is the set of the managerial authorities of multiple common users. Granting a role set to an administrator directly is as same as granting all roles in this role set to the

administrator. In this way, the role set facilitates the management and allocation of the user authority. 3. User User is the set of the operators who log in and operate the NMS. While creating a user, system administrator defines the operation authority of this user by defining a role or a role set, and sets the administration by defining the department to which the user belongs. 4. Department A department is the simulation of a service department to facilitate the organization and management of users. The new added user must belong to a certain department. 5. Creator A creator is a user, who can create new role, role set, user, and department. For these new added role, role set, user, and department, the user who creates them is the creator. Because a creator is a user, too, the creator (except admin) identity is also created by another creator. Ultimately, all users are created by admin. Therefore, a creator tree is formed, ranging from the admin to the current creator. Only a user logging in the system with a creator or a creator whose node is the parent node of the current creator on the creator tree can edit, delete, and copy a role, role set, user, and department. Otherwise, this user can only implement such operations as creating, searching, refreshing, viewing assignment information.

3.2 Security Management Interface

3.2.1 Interface
Select Views > Security Management to pop up the Security Management window, as shown in Fig 3.2 -11.

Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 3.2-11 Security Management Interface

Table 3.2-12 Labels in Security Management Interface Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 Description Menu bar Toolbar Security tree Status bar Message area Operation window

3.2.2 Menu bar

The menu bar in the Security Management window consists of six menus, including System, Views, Operation, Tools, Favorite, Windows, and Help. Table 3.2 -13 shows the functions of each menu.
Table 3.2-13 Functions Provided by Menu Bar of Security Management Menu Item System Views Main Functions Lock Screen, Current User Info, Print Setup, Query System Time, System Setting, Logout, and Exit Daily maintenance, signaling trace, fail observer, performance management, MML terminal, log management, professional maintenance, security management, system management, and resource management 21

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Menu Item Operation

Main Functions Create role/role set/user/department, modify role/role set/user/department, view role/role set/user/department, delete role/role set/user/department, and duplicate role/role set/user View operation tree, view user lockup records, login user management, customize user account rule, customize security event rule, modify all users password, export role operation (s) information, and import role operation (s) information Fault Management, Log Management, and System Management Show/hide toolbar, status bar, and message area, close current view or all views Help (showing online help), and About (showing software version and technical support information)


Favorite Windows Help

3.2.3 Toolbar
Table 3.2 -14 shows the icons in the toolbar.
Table 3.2-14 Icons in Toolbar Icon Description Home page Back Forward Query System Time System Setting Lock Screen Current User Info Print Setup Icon Description Daily Maintenance Signaling Trace Fail Observer Fault Management Performance Management MML Terminal Help

3.2.4 Security tree

The security tree shows the relevant operations of security management, including Role Management, Role Set Management, User Management, and Department Management.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

3.2.5 Message area

The Message Area window consists of two sub-windows, Hint Message and Error Message, which display operation results. Table 3.2 -15 shows its main functions.
Table 3.2-15 Functions of Sub-windows Sub-window Hint Message Error Message Main Functions Showing messages for successful operation, including its name and time Prompting messages for unsuccessful operation, including its name, time, and probable failure cause

3.2.6 Status Bar

The status bar shows the connection status of current client

3.2.7 Toolbar in Operation Window

Table 3.2 -16 shows the icons shown in the toolbar in the operation window.
Table 3.2-16 Icons Shown in Toolbar Icon Description Refresh role/role set/user/department Modify role/role set/user/department Delete role/role set/user/department Create role/role set/user/department Icon Description View role/role set/user/department Find Export role operation(s) information

3.2.8 Operation Window

The operation window shown here varies with different operations performed in the Security Management window, including: Customizing user account rule Viewing operation tree Customizing security event rule Role management

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Role set management Department management.

3.3 Customizing a User Account Rule

3.3.1 Purpose
Customizing a user account rule is to set the password length, password policy, account restriction, and expiration examination.

3.3.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. The user can open the Security Management window.

3.3.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Select Tools > Customize User Account Rule to pop up the Customize User Account Rule window, as shown in Fig 3.3 -12. Table 3.3 -17 describes the settings of partial parameters.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 3.3-12 Security Policy Management

Table 3.3-17 Descriptions of Partial User Account Parameters Name Enable Weak Password Check Descriptions Activating the rule of weal password check, which defines that the password cannot be empty or only contain letters or Figs, that the password cannot be the same as the username or telephone number of the user, that the password cannot be the twice repeats of the username or the telephone number, that the password cannot be the username or telephone number in reverse. The minimal length of a password, ranging from 0 to 20 The maximal length of a password, ranging from 2 to 20 Default Value None

Min length Max length

0 20


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Name Lock Rule

Descriptions Including Never lock, Lock permanently, and Lock temporary Set the lock rule when selecting to lock the account. It includes password error times, and locking duration.

Default Value Password entering error=3 Duration of being locked=24 hour 0 day 0 day

Expired account checking Expired Password Checking

Reminding the user to replace the account before it expires Setting the time to remind the user to change the password before it expires, which enhances the system security


Click OK to complete the settings.

3.4 Viewing an Operation Tree

3.4.1 Purpose
Viewing an operation tree is to get know the operation authority of the current login user and the description of each operation.

3.4.2 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Select Tools > View Operation Tree to pop up the View Operation Tree window, as shown in Fig 3.4 -13.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 3.4-13 Viewing Operation Tree


Expand an operation node in the Operation Tree column. The detailed information about this operation is displayed on the right Operation Description column. Example: Click the Global node, the corresponding operation information is displayed in the right column, as shown in Fig 3.4 -14.

Fig 3.4-14 Viewing an Operation Tree 27

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Click Close to complete the viewing operation.

3.5 Customizing a Security Event Rule

3.5.1 Purpose
Customizing a security event rule is to set the conditions of recording the security event log thus to help the system administrator get to know the usage condition of the user accounts and manage the user accounts effectively.

3.5.2 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Select Tools > Customizing Security Event Rule. Result: The Customize Security Event Rule dialog box pops up, as shown in Fig 3.5 -15. For parameter descriptions, refer to Table 3.5 -18.

Fig 3.5-15 Customizing a Security Event Rule

Table 3.5-18 Parameter Descriptions for the Security Event Rule Item Record on security log when user is locked/unlocked Record on security log when user is disabled/enabled Record on security log when authentication fails Descriptions Recording this event on the security event log when locking or unlocking a user Recording this event on the security event log when disabling or enabling a user Recording this event on the security event log when the subscriber access does not pass the authentication


Chapter 4 Resource Management

3. 4.

Select the check box followed by each rule of security events as required. Click OK to complete the settings, or click Cancel to cancel the operation.

3.6 Creating a Role

3.6.1 Purpose
To create a new role and to assign a certain operation and resource authority so as to define the authority of a user

3.6.2 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Right-click Role Management in the Security Tree in the Security Management window, and select Create Role, as shown in Fig 3.6 -16.

Fig 3.6-16 Selecting Create Role


The Create Role dialog box pops up. On the Basic Information page, enter Role Name and Role Description, as shown in Fig 3.6 -17.


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Fig 3.6-17 Entering Basic Information of a Role

Table 3.6-19 Description of Basic Information Tab Parameter Role name Role description Lock the role Notes The name of a role You must input a unique name The description information about a role Optional Setting whether to lock this role Optional, a user assigned with this role will not own the corresponding permissions of this role after this role is locked. None Null Default Null


Select the Access Rights tab. Set the operation authority of this role on the Operation Tree, and the resource authority on the Resource Tree, as shown in Fig 3.6 -18. Or, select the pre-defined scheme of the authority assignment from the drop-down list of the Operations Assignment. Table 3.6 -20 introduces each assignment scheme.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 3.6-18 Setting Access Rights about a Role

Table 3.6-20 Scheme Description of Predefined Authority Assignment Name Power user Descriptions Implementing all the functions of log management, security management, fault management, system management, MML terminal, daily maintenance, professional maintenance, performance management, bill security management, device maintenance, and resource management Implementing partial functions of security management Implement all the functions of log management, fault management, and system management Implementing partial functions of security management, and system management, Implement all the functions of log management, and fault management Supervisor Implement partial functions of security management, fault management, and system management Implementing all the functions of log management

Maintenance person Operator


Select the Login Address tab to set the IP address range of the OMM client that this role can use. Click Add to pop up the Set IP Range dialog box, as shown in Fig 3.6 -19. Set the start address and the end address. If it is not set, there is no address limitation for the user belonging to this role.


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Fig 3.6-19 Setting IP Range


Click the User tab to assign this role to existing users, or to no one (the role without being assigned is useless temporarily), as shown in Fig 3.6 -20.

Fig 3.6-20 Assigning a Role to Users

Note: The new role cannot be assigned to cguser and cgadmin, the default users of the system, for modifying the authority of default user is not allowed. 7. Click OK to complete the creation of a role.

3.6.3 Result
The new role is displayed in the role list, as shown in Fig 3.6 -21.

Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 3.6-21 Showing New Role

3.7 Modifying a Role

3.7.1 Purpose
To modify attributes of a created role. All attributes of a role can be modified except the role name.

3.7.2 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Click the Role Management in the Security Tree. From the right role list, rightclick the role to be modified, and select Modify from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.7 -22.


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Fig 3.7-22 Modifying a Role


The Modify Role dialog box pops up, as shown in Fig 3.7 -23. Modify Role Description on the Basic Information page.

Fig 3.7-23 Modifying Basic Information about a Role


Select the Access Rights tab to modify the scheme of the Operations Assignment, or to select the required operations on the Operation Tree directly, as shown in Fig 3.7 -24.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 3.7-24 Modifying Access Rights about a Role


Select the Login Address tab to add, modify, and delete the range of the IP address for login, as shown in Fig 3.7 -25.

Fig 3.7-25 Modifying the Range of IP Address


Select the User tab to modify the user belonging to this role, as shown in Fig 3.7 -26.


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Fig 3.7-26 Modifying User Information


Click OK to complete the modification.

3.8 Viewing a Role

3.8.1 Purpose
To view the properties of a created role

3.8.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the role to be viewed has been created. For operation method, refer to Creating a Role.

3.8.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Click the Role Management in the Security Tree. From the right role list, rightclick the role to be viewed, and select View from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.8 -27.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 3.8-27 Viewing a Role

Result: The View Role dialog box pops up, as shown in Fig 3.8 -28. For the description of each page, refer to Table 3.8 -21.

Fig 3.8-28 Viewing Properties of a Role

Table 3.8-21 Page Descriptions of the View Role

Page Name Basic Information Access Rights

Parameter Role Name, Role Description Predefined operation assignment, Operation Tree, Resource Tree 37

Description The name and description of a role Operation authority of a role

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Page Name Login Address

Parameter Login Address

Description The range of the IP address for the user of this role to log in the OMM client The user belonging to this role




Click OK to complete the viewing operation.

3.9 Deleting a Role

3.9.1 Purpose
To delete an existing role that is not used any more. The role that has been assigned to users cannot be deleted.

3.9.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the role to be deleted exists, and is not used any more. Confirm there is no user belonging to this role.

3.9.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management.

Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Click the Role Management in the Security Tree. From the right role list, rightclick the role to be deleted, and select Delete from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.9 -29.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 3.9-29 Deleting a Role


The Delete Role dialog box pops up. Click Yes to complete deleting this role.

3.10 Duplicating a Role

3.10.1 Purpose
To create a role having the same attributes of the role to be duplicated, except the role name

3.10.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the role to be duplicated exists.

3.10.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Click Role Management in the Security Tree. From the right role list, right-click the role to be duplicated, and select Duplicate from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.10 -30.

Fig 3.10-30 Duplicating a Role


The Create Role dialog box pops up. The attributes of the role is as same as that of the duplicated role, except Role Name. Modify the role attributes on each

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page according to actual requirements. For the description of each page, refer to Table 3.10 -22.
Table 3.10-22 Description of Role Duplication Page Name Basic Information Access Rights Parameter Role Description Predefined operation assignment, Operation Tree, Resource Tree Login Address Description Role description Operation authority of a role

Login Address

The range of the IP address used by the user of this role to log in the OMM client The user belonging to this role




After the setting is completed, click OK.

3.11 Finding a Role

3.11.1 Purpose
To implement a fuzzy search to the role according to the role name A fuzzy search is to find a role according to partial continuous or all characters contained in its name.

3.11.2 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. 3. In the Role Management interface, click on the toolbar.

The Find dialog box pops up. Input the role name or any continuous characters contained by the role name, as shown in Fig 3.11 -31.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 3.11-31 Entering Role Name to be Found


Click Find to start searching. If there is a matched role, this role is highlighted in the role list. Click Find to search the next matched role. If there is no matched role, the Message dialog box pops up, as shown in Fig 3.11 -32.

Fig 3.11-32 Prompting no Matched Role

3.12 Viewing Role Assignment Information

3.12.1 Purpose
To view the assignment and usage condition of a role among the users and role sets.

3.12.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the role to be viewed exists.

3.12.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Click the Role Management in the Security Tree. From the right role list, rightclick the role whose assignment condition is to be viewed, and select

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Assignment from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.12 -33.

Fig 3.12-33 Selecting Assignment


The Role Assignment dialog box pops up. View the users belonging to this role on the Assigned User page, and the role set of this role on the Assigned Role Set page, as shown in Fig 3.12 -34.

Fig 3.12-34 Viewing Assignment Condition of a Role

3.13 Creating a Role Set

3.13.1 Purpose
To create a new role set and to assign one or more roles to this role set

Chapter 4 Resource Management

3.13.2 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Right-click Role Set Management in the Security Tree in the Security Management window, and select Create Role Set, as shown in Fig 3.13 -35.

Fig 3.13-35 Selecting Create Role Set


The Create Role Set dialog box pops up. On the Basic Information page, enter Role Set Name and Role Set Description, and set whether to lock this role set, as shown in Fig 3.13 -36.

Fig 3.13-36 Entering Basic Information about a Role Set 43

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Table 3.13-23 Description of Basic Information Tab Parameter Role set name Role set description Lock the role set Notes The name of a role set You must input a unique name The description information about a role set Optional Setting whether to lock this role set Optional None Null Default Null


Select the Assign Roles tab, and assign the role set to roles, as shown in Fig 3.13 -37.

Fig 3.13-37 Assigning a Role to Role Set


Click OK to complete the creation of a role set. The new role set is displayed in the role set list.

3.14 Modifying a Role Set

3.14.1 Purpose
To modify attribute parameters of an existing role set

Chapter 4 Resource Management

3.14.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the role set to be modified exists.

3.14.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Click the Role Set Management in the Security Tree. From the right role set list, right-click the role set to be modified, and select Modify from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.14 -38.

Fig 3.14-38 Selecting Modify from Short-cut Menu


The Modify Role Set dialog box pops up. Change its description and select whether to lock it on the Basic Information page. Assign a role to it on the Assign Roles page.


Click OK to complete the modification.

3.15 Viewing a Role Set

3.15.1 Purpose
To view attributes of a created role set


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3.15.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the role set to be viewed exists.

3.15.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Click the Role Set Management in the Security Tree. From the right role set list, right-click the role set to be viewed, and select View from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.15 -39.

Fig 3.15-39 Selecting View from Short-cut Menu


The View Role Set dialog box pops up. View the Role Set Name, Role Set Description, and its lock status on the Basic Information page. View available roles and assigned roles on the Assign Roles page.


Click OK to complete viewing.

3.16 Deleting a Role Set

3.16.1 Purpose
To delete an existing role set that is not used any more. The role set that has been assigned to users cannot be deleted, but the role set that has been assigned to roles can be deleted.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

3.16.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the role set to be deleted exists, and is not used any more.

3.16.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Click the Role Set Management in the Security Tree. From the right role set list, right-click the role set to be deleted, and select Delete from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.16 -40.

Fig 3.16-40 Selecting Delete from Short-cut Menu


The confirmation dialog box pops up. Click Yes to delete the role set.

3.17 Duplicating a Role Set

3.17.1 Purpose
To create a role set with the same attributes of the role set to be duplicated, except the name of the role set

3.17.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the role set to be duplicated exists.


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3.17.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Click the Role Set Management in the Security Tree. From the right role list, right-click the role set to be duplicated, and select Duplicate from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.17 -41.

Fig 3.17-41 Selecting Duplicate from the Short-cut Menu


The Create Role Set dialog box pops up. The attributes of the role set is as same as that of the duplicated role set, except the Role Set Name. Modify the role set attributes on each page as required.


After the setting is completed, click OK.

3.18 Finding a Role Set

3.18.1 Purpose
To implement a fuzzy search on the role set according to its name. A fuzzy search is to find an existing role set according to partial continuous or all characters contained in its name.

3.18.2 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management.

Result: The Security Management window appears.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

2. 3.

In the Role Set Management interface, click

on the toolbar.

The Find dialog box pops up. Input the role set name, or any continuous characters contained by the role name, as shown in Fig 3.18 -42.

Fig 3.18-42 Finding A Role Set


Click Find to start searching. If there is a matched role set, this role set is highlighted in the role set list. Click Find to search the next matched role set. If there is no matched role set, the Message dialog box pops up.

3.19 Viewing Role Set Assignment

3.19.1 Purpose
To view the assignment and usage condition of a role set among the users. The role set is the set of a group of roles. A defined role set can be assigned to the users with corresponding permissions.

3.19.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the role set to be viewed exists.

3.19.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Click the Role Set Management in the Security Tree. From the right role set list, right-click the role set whose assignment condition is to be viewed, and select Assignment from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.19 -43.


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Fig 3.19-43 Selecting Assignment from the Short-cut Menu


The Role Set Assignment dialog box pops up. The Assigned User page displays users belonging to this role set, as shown in Fig 3.19 -44.

Fig 3.19-44 Viewing Assignment Condition of a Role Set


Click Close to complete the operation.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

3.20 Creating a User

3.20.1 Purpose
To create a new user with a certain operation authority assigned through a role or role set

3.20.2 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Right-click User Management in the Security Tree on the Security Management window, and select Create User, as shown in Fig 3.20 -45.

Fig 3.20-45 Selecting Create User from Short-cut Menu


The Create User dialog box pops up. Set the basic information about this user, as shown in Fig 3.20 -46. For parameter description, refer to Table 3.20 -24.


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Fig 3.20-46 Entering Basic Information about a User

Table 3.20-24 Description of Parameters on Basic Information Page Parameter User name Full name User Password Verify Password User Description Phone Number Email User Status Descriptions The name of a user The full name of a user Setting the user password according to the user account rule customized in the Security Policy Management Entering the password the same as that entered in the User Password edit box Providing proper description about the user for better understanding Setting users phone number to send the short message to notify this user when an alarm is forwarded Setting users Email address to send the Email to notify this user when an alarm is forwarded Showing the creator, creation time, and password activation time of this user


Click the Advanced Information tab, as shown in Fig 3.20 -47. For parameter description, refer to Table 3.20 -25.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 3.20-47 Entering Advanced Information about a User

Table 3.20-25 Description of Parameters on Advanced Information Page Parameter User Valid Day(s) Password Control Descriptions Setting valid days of an account, ranging from 1 to 500; Setting or viewing working time of the user Setting valid days of a password, ranging from 1 to 500; Setting that user must modify the password before next login or cannot change the password Disable and Logout The system will automatically disable this user when he/she does not log in the system in specified days. The system automatically logs out when it is inactive in specified minutes. Number of Logins Setting the maximum number of users concurrently online, including NDF, GUI, TELNET, and WEB, ranging from 0 to 99, with default value as 10


Click the Role tab to assign a role or role set to the user, as shown in Fig 3.20 -48.

Note: A junction node stands for a role set, while a node stands for a role. When a user is assigned with roles or role sets, he/she is authorized with operating permissions of the specified role or role set.


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If a user is not assigned with a role or role set, he/she is not allowed to log in the system.

Fig 3.20-48 Assigning Role/Role Set to a User

6. 7.

Click the User Department tab to assign a department to the user. Click OK to complete the creation of a user. The new user is displayed in the user list.

3.21 Modifying a User

3.21.1 Purpose
To modify the attributes of an existing user, except the user name

3.21.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally.. Confirm that the user to be modified exists.

3.21.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears.

Chapter 4 Resource Management


Click the User Management in the Security Tree to show the user list. Rightclick the user to be modified from the right user list, and select Modify from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.21 -49.

Fig 3.21-49 Selecting Modify from short-cut menu


The Modify User dialog box pops up, as shown in Fig 3.21 -50. Modify the attributes as required. For parameter descriptions, see Table 3.21 -26.

Fig 3.21-50 Modifying a User

Table 3.21-26 Parameters Available for Modification 55

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Tab Basic Information Advanced Information Role User Department

Contents Available for Modification Modify parameters such as full name, user password, user description, phone number, Email Modifying parameters, such as user valid day(s), password control, disable and logout, and number of logins Modifying the role or role set belonged to the user Modifying the department belonged to the user


Click OK to complete the modification.

3.22 Viewing a User

3.22.1 Purpose
To view the attributes of an existing user

3.22.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the user to be viewed exists.

3.22.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Click the User Management in the Security Tree. From the right user list, rightclick the user to be viewed, and select View from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.22 -51.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 3.22-51 Selecting View


In the popup View User dialog box, view the attributes of this user by selecting each tab. NOTE: The User Status area on the Basic Information page shows some information of this user, such as creator, creation time, and password activation time.


Click OK to complete viewing.

3.23 Deleting a User

3.23.1 Purpose
To delete an existing user that is not used any more

3.23.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the user to be deleted exists, and is not used any more.

3.23.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Click User Management in the Security Tree to show the user list. From the right user list, right-click the user to be deleted, and select Delete from the short57

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cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.23 -52.

Fig 3.23-52 Selecting Delete


The Confirm dialog box pops up. Click Yes to delete this user.

3.24 Duplicating a User

3.24.1 Purpose
To duplicate an existing user to remain all the attributes of this user, except the user name. Create a user by duplicating an existing one, thus to save the workload of creating a new user directly.

3.24.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the user to be duplicated exists.

3.24.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. Click User Management in the Security Tree to show the user list. From the right user list, right-click the user to be duplicated, and select Duplicate from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.24 -53.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 3.24-53 Selecting Duplicate


The Create User dialog box pops up. All the parameters are set as same as those of the user to be duplicated, except the parameters on the Basic Information page. Modify attributes of the user as required.


After the setting is completed, click OK.

3.25 Finding a User

3.25.1 Purpose
The system provides the function of implementing fuzzy query to the user according to the user name. A fuzzy search is to find an existing user according to partial continuous or all characters contained in his/her name.

3.25.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. For detailed procedure, refer to.

3.25.3 Steps
1. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Result: The Security Management window appears. 2. 3. In the User Management interface, click on the toolbar.

The Find dialog box pops up. Input the user name or any continuous characters

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contained by this name. 4. Click Find to start searching. If there is a matched user, this user is highlighted in the user list. Click Find to search the next matched user. If there is no matched user, the Message dialog box pops up.

3.26 Viewing Access Rights of a User

3.26.1 Purpose
To view operation and resource authorities of a user. The operation authority refers to what kinds of operation that this user can implement. The resource authority refers to the objects that this user can manipulate.

3.26.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the user whose access rights are to be viewed exists.

3.26.3 Steps
1. 2. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Click the User Management in the Security Tree. From the right user list, rightclick the user whose access authority is to be viewed, and select Access Right from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.26 -54.

Fig 3.26-54 Selecting Access Right


Chapter 4 Resource Management


The Access Right dialog box pops up, as shown in Fig 3.26 -55. The left column shows the operation authority of this user, while the right column shows the resource authority of this user. When a check box in the Operation Tree or the Resource Tree is checked, the user has this authority. NOTE: The resource tree shows the NE that can be managed by the user, while the operation tree shows the operations that can be performed on the NE managed by the user. When different operations are selected in the operation tree, different resources will be selected in the resource tree.

Fig 3.26-55 Viewing Access Rights of a User


Click Close to complete the operation.

3.27 Managing Login Users

3.27.1 Purpose
To view the list of current login users. The administrator can forcefully disconnect other users from the OMM server through this function.


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3.27.2 Steps
1. 2. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. On the Security Management window, select Tools > Login User Management. The Login User dialog box pops up, displaying the list of login users, as shown in Fig 3.27 -56.

Fig 3.27-56 Login User

3. 4.

To disconnect a user, select the user, and click the Kick Out button. The Confirm dialog box pops up. Click OK to break off the connection.

Fig 3.27-57 Confirming Disconnecting a User


Chapter 4 Resource Management

3.28 Releasing Locked Users

3.28.1 Purpose
The condition of an account being locked is set in the user account rule, that is, the error times of entering the password. When a user enters a wrong password for the specified times, this account is locked. Administrator can view and unlock the lock status of users.

3.28.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally.. Confirm that this user exists and has been locked.

3.28.3 Steps
1. 2. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. On the Security Management window, select Tools > View User Lockup Records. The View User Lockup Records dialog box pops up, displaying the list of locked users, as shown in Fig 3.28 -58.

Fig 3.28-58 Viewing Lockup Status of Users


Right-click the user to be unlocked, select Unlock from the short-cut menu to pop up the confirmation dialog box, as shown in Fig 3.28 -59.


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Fig 3.28-59 Confirming Unlocking A User


Click Yes to unlock this user. After being unlocked, this user can log in again from the original OMM client.

3.29 Setting the Login IP Range of Administrator

3.29.1 Purpose
Because the administrator has the highest operation authority, the administrator login can be restricted by setting the login IP range. The administrator can only log in the system within the specified IP range. Beyond this specified range, the administrator cannot log in the system, even if both username and password are correct.

3.29.2 Steps
1. 2. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Click the User Management in the Security Tree. Right-click admin from the right user list, and select Modify from the short-cut menu. 3. Click the Login tab, as shown in Fig 3.29 -60.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 3.29-60 Selecting Login Tab


Click Add to pop up the Set IP Range dialog box. Enter Start Address and End Address to set the login IP range for administrator to log in, as shown in Fig 3.29 -61.

Fig 3.29-61 Setting the IP Range


Click OK to complete the settings.


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3.30 Modifying All Users' Passwords

3.30.1 Purpose
To change the password of all the users except administrator to the same one

3.30.2 Steps
1. 2. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. On the Security Management window, select Tools > Modify All Users Password. Result: The Modify All Users Password dialog box pops up, as shown in Fig 3.30 -62.

Fig 3.30-62 Modifying All Users' Passwords

3. 4.

Enter the new password twice, and click OK to pop up the Message dialog box. Click OK to complete the modification.

3.31 Setting Administrator Password Protection

3.31.1 Purpose
To set the protection question for the administrator password so that the administrator can get it again in the case of forgetting or losing the password

3.31.2 Steps
1. 2. 3. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Click the User Management in the Security Tree. Right-click admin from the right user list, and select Modify from the short-cut

Chapter 4 Resource Management

menu. 4. Click the Advanced Information tab, as shown in Fig 3.31 -63.

Fig 3.31-63 Setting Password Protection Question

5. 6.

Click the Enable Password Protection check box. Select the required question from the drop-down list of Question. Enter the answer to this selected question. NOTE: The answer to the password protection question must be at least four characters, and cannot be all the digits or spaces.


Click OK to complete setting a question to protect the administrators password.

3.32 Creating a Department

3.32.1 Purpose
To create a sub-department under the root department or an existing department A department is used to perform the administrative management to the users. Generated by the system, the root department is the top department, and other departments are all the sub-departments of it. The root department cannot be deleted.

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3.32.2 Steps
1. 2. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. In the Security Tree, right-click Department Management, and select Create Sub-department from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.32 -64.

Fig 3.32-64 Selecting Create Sub-department


The Create Department dialog box pops up. Set the Department Name and Department Description on the Basic Information page, as shown in Fig 3.32 -65.

Fig 3.32-65 Entering Basic Information about a Department 68

Chapter 4 Resource Management


Select the Superior Department tab to select a superior department for it, as shown in Fig 3.32 -66.

Fig 3.32-66 Selecting a Superior Department


Click OK to complete the creation of a department, which is displayed in the department list.

3.33 Modifying a Department

3.33.1 Purpose
To modify the attributes of a created department except the department name

3.33.2 Steps
1. 2. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Click the Department Management in the Security Tree. From the right department list, right-click the department to be modified, and select Modify from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.33 -67.


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Fig 3.33-67 Modifying a Department


The Modify Department dialog box pops up, as shown in Fig 3.33 -68. Modify the department as required. Table 3.33 -27 shows the contents available for modification.

Fig 3.33-68 Modifying a Department

Table 3.33-27 Contents Available for Modification Tab Basic Information Superior Department Contents Available for Modification The description of the department Its parent department


Chapter 4 Resource Management


Click OK to complete the modification.

3.34 Viewing a Department

3.34.1 Purpose
To view the attributes of a created department

3.34.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the department to be viewed exists.

3.34.3 Steps
1. 2. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Click the Department Management in the Security Tree. From the right department list, right-click the department to be viewed, and select View from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.34 -69.

Fig 3.34-69 Viewing a Department


The View Department dialog box pops up. Select the Basic Information tab to view Department Name and Department Description.

4. 5.

Select the Superior Department tab to view its superior department. Click OK to complete the viewing operation.


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3.35 Deleting a Department

3.35.1 Purpose
To delete an existing department that is not used any more The department having users or sub-departments cannot be deleted.

3.35.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. Confirm that the department to be deleted exists.

3.35.3 Steps
1. 2. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. Click the Department Management in the Security Tree. Right-click the department to be deleted from the right department list, and select Delete from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 3.34 -69.

Fig 3.35-70 Deleting a Department


The confirmation dialog box pops up. Click Yes to delete this department.

3.36 Finding a Department

3.36.1 Purpose
The system provides the function of implementing fuzzy query to the department according to its name.

Chapter 4 Resource Management

A fuzzy search is to find an existing department according to partial continuous or all characters contained in its name.

3.36.2 Prerequisite
The user has logged in the OMM server normally. The user has logged in the OMM server normally.

3.36.3 Steps
1. 2. 3. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > Security Management. In the Department Management interface, click on the toolbar.

The Find dialog box pops up. Input the department name or any continuous characters contained by its name.


Click Find to start searching. If there is a matched department, this department is highlighted in the department list. Click Find to search the next matched. If there is no matched department, the Message dialog box pops up.


4 Resource Management
4.1 Resource Management Introduction
4.1.1 Description
The resource management is responsible for managing areas and various resources, and adding different resources for the different areas.

4.1.2 Concepts Involved

Area: When the large area networking is adopted, the area is that managed by the MSCS when it serves as virtual MSC. The area includes common area and other areas. Resource: A set of various available resources. For specific resource types, see the related description in Adding Resources.

4.2 Resource Management Interface

4.2.1 Interface
Select Views > Resource Management to pop up the Resource Management window, as shown in Fig 4.2 -71.

Fig 4.2-71 Resource Management Interface

Table 4.2-28 Labels in Resource Management Interface Label 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 Description Menu bar Toolbar Area tree and resource tree Status bar Toolbar in operation window Operation window Message area

4.2.2 Menu Bar

The menu bar in the Resource Management window consists of six menus, including System, Views, Operation, Favorite, Windows, and Help. Table 4.2 -29 shows the functions of each menu.
Table 4.2-29 Functions Provided by Menu Bar of Resource Management Menu Item System Views Main Functions Lock Screen, Current User Info, Print Setup, Query System Time, System Setting, Logout, and Exit Daily maintenance, signaling trace, fail observer, performance management, MML terminal, log management, professional maintenance, security management, system management, and resource management Refresh resource data Fault Management, Log Management, and System Management Show/hide toolbar, status bar, and message area, close current view or all views Help (showing online help), and About (showing software version and technical support information)

Operation Favorite Windows Help

4.2.3 Toolbar
Table 4.2 -30 shows the icons in the toolbar.

Chapter 4 Resource Management

Table 4.2-30 Icons in Toolbar Icon Description Home page Back Forward Query System Time System Setting Lock Screen Current User Info Print Setup Icon Description Daily Maintenance Signaling Trace Fail Observer Fault Management Performance Management MML Terminal Help

4.2.4 Message Area

The Message Area window consists of two sub-windows, Hint Message and Error Message, which display operation results. Table 4.2 -31 shows its main functions.
Table 4.2-31 Functions of Sub-windows Sub-window Hint Message Error Message Main Functions Showing messages for successful operation, including name and time Prompting messages for unsuccessful operation, including its name, time, and probable failure cause

4.2.5 Status Bar

The status bar shows the connection status of current client

4.2.6 Toolbar in Operation Window

Table 4.2 -32 shows the icons shown in toolbar in the operation window.
Table 4.2-32 Icons in Toolbar Icon Description Modify resource Full screen Icon Description Delete resource Exit full screen


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4.3 Implementing Area Operation

4.3.1 Purpose
To add, modify, query, and delete an area node corresponding to virtual MSCS index, thus to implement the divisional management on resource devices

4.3.2 Steps
1. 2. On the main window of the OMM client, select Views > MML Management. Implement various operations on the area node through commands.

4.4 Adding a Resource

4.4.1 Purpose
To add resources required by subscribers for different areas

4.4.2 Steps
1. In the main interface of the OMM client, select Views > Resource Management. Result: The Resource Management window appears. 2. In the Area Tree, under the MSCS office, right-click the area whose resources are to be added, and select Add Resource from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 4.4 -72.


Chapter 4 Resource Management

Fig 4.4-72 Adding Resources


The Add Resource dialog box pops up, as shown in Fig 4.4 -73. Table 4.4 -33 shows parameters in the dialog box.

Fig 4.4-73 Add Resource Dialog Box


TN_SM009_E1_0 ZXWN CS Daily Operation

Table 4.4-33 Descriptions of Parameters in Resource Management Interface Resource Type ASP AS M3UA static route MSISDN Zone ID SIP called number analysis selector SCTP Location area Signaling linkset Signaling route Trunk group Outgoing route Outgoing route set Outgoing route chain Number pre analysis selector Number transfer data Number analysis selector Number analysis entrance Templet of number analysis selector Node topology config CAMEL access subscription information Welcome message Emergency call center index Voice CODEC template Adjacent office Automatic re-routing route set Black white list selector Key Field ASP ID AS ID ID of M3UA static route Analysis Result (MSISDN Zone ID) Analyzer entry SCTP ID Location area ID Signaling link set ID Signaling route number Trunk group number Outgoing route number Route set number Route chain ID Number pre-analysis selector Number transformation ID Number analysis selector Analyzer entry Template of number analysis selector Node number allocated to connected equipment Camel information index number Welcome message code Emergency call center index CODEC template ID Adjacent office ID Re-routing route set number Black and white list selector Value Range 1~1024 1~128 1~128 1~65535 1~1000 1~1024 1~65535 1~1024 1~2000 1~4000 1~20000 1~3000 1~3000 1~1000 1~2048 1~4096 1~1000 1~65535 1~2048 1~255 1~128 1~255 1~255 1~2048 1~1000 1~1000

4. 5.

Click Add to add a resource. Click Confirm to add the resource to the resource list.

Chapter 4 Resource Management

Note: The resource identifying ranges of different areas cannot overlap.

4.5 Deleting a Resource

4.5.1 Purpose
To delete unnecessary resource

4.5.2 Steps
1. In the main interface of the OMM client, select Views > Resource Management. 2. In the Area Tree, right-click the area whose resources are to be deleted, and select Delete Resource from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 4.5 -74.

Fig 4.5-74 Deleting a Resource


The Confirm dialog box pops up, as shown in Fig 4.5 -75. Click Yes to delete the resource.


TN_SM009_E1_0 ZXWN CS Daily Operation

Fig 4.5-75 Confirming Deletion

4.6 Modify a Resource

4.6.1 Purpose
To modify the value of key field of a resource

4.6.2 Steps
1. In the main interface of the OMM client, select Views > Resource Management. 2. In the Area Tree, right-click the area whose resources are to be modified, and select Modify Resource from the short-cut menu, as shown in Fig 4.6 -76.

Fig 4.6-76 Modifying a Resource


Chapter 4 Resource Management


The Modify Resource dialog box pops up, as shown in Fig 4.6 -77. Modify the value of the key field.

Fig 4.6-77 Modify Resource Dialog Box


Click Confirm to complete modification.

4.7 Viewing Resource Tree

4.7.1 Purpose
To view the assignment of resources in the area

4.7.2 Steps
1. In the main interface of the OMM client, select Views > Resource Management. 2. Click Resource Tree to pop up the Resource Tree interface, as shown in Fig 4.7 -78. The resource tree on the left displays all the resource types, while the operation window on the right displays the assignment of various resources in the area.


TN_SM009_E1_0 ZXWN CS Daily Operation

Fig 4.7-78 Resource Assignment


Delete or modify the resources displayed in the operation window as required


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